Audiofiles...A little advice please...

The ES series is Sony's high end stuff. Built with better components then your standard off the shelf electronics store. You should be just fine Roy. You bought a nice piece of equipment.
Well I hope the instructions are clear and easy!

The whole house is wired for sound...but has never been hooked up...I should be able to screw it up very easily.
Prof said:
Well I hope the instructions are clear and easy!

The whole house is wired for sound...but has never been hooked up...I should be able to screw it up very easily.
If you hear music, that's good. Buzzing, crackling, popping.......bad.
What about the huge cracks and pops when you plug things in???
Prof said:
What about the huge cracks and pops when you plug things in???
Turn the power off on the receiver before you plug stuff into it. Your unit should have a fault light on it. If it senses that you have something plugged in wrong it should notify you. It won't tell you what it is, just that there's a problem.
Oh great! More fault codes...I will turn the ignition key off and on three time and get a :thefinger: :thefinger: :thefinger:

Stand by for screams for help next week!
Hi Prof! U will probably find out anyway, but the only problem with a new "command center" is u want to by new toys to command!! New Blu-ray DVD, etc! Sony makes excellent upper-end components that can all be run off a Sony remote. Enjoy, this will keep you out of the garage wishin you could take the 10 out(or not!)
Well Robert...I may have to fly my son in from Denver to get it put together...but there is value in that!

A new hobby for these cold Midwest winters! the Sony is a heavy sucker!

I don't understand much of the jargon and have not yet read the instructions. But everything is hooked up...dvd works, cd player works, receiver (AM FM) works...

But the TV does not come thru the speakers.

A question...

I have Comcast Cable...maybe I should go from the cable box to the amp then to the TV???

Currently I have it where the cable box is hooked directly to the TV and I have a HDMI cable from the TV to the Amp...

I even tried coming from some audio out jacks to audio in jacks on theamp but that doesn't seem to work either/

Any quick suggestions?
Prof said: the Sony is a heavy sucker!

I don't understand much of the jargon and have not yet read the instructions. But everything is hooked up...dvd works, cd player works, receiver (AM FM) works...

But the TV does not come thru the speakers.

A question...

I have Comcast Cable...maybe I should go from the cable box to the amp then to the TV???

Currently I have it where the cable box is hooked directly to the TV and I have a HDMI cable from the TV to the Amp...

I even tried coming from some audio out jacks to audio in jacks on theamp but that doesn't seem to work either/

Any quick suggestions?

Yes, you can run just video to the receiever directly. Then to the tv from the receiever. Unless the run is more than 20 feet, you wont have any issues with signal degradation
OK I will make the change...thanks!

If this works everything will be up and running then I will start to try to learn something about this monster.
Prof said: the Sony is a heavy sucker!

I don't understand much of the jargon and have not yet read the instructions. But everything is hooked up...dvd works, cd player works, receiver (AM FM) works...

But the TV does not come thru the speakers.

A question...

I have Comcast Cable...maybe I should go from the cable box to the amp then to the TV???

Currently I have it where the cable box is hooked directly to the TV and I have a HDMI cable from the TV to the Amp...

I even tried coming from some audio out jacks to audio in jacks on theamp but that doesn't seem to work either/

Any quick suggestions?

Ideally you will connect all sources in your system (audio or video) such that they go directly to the receiver, then out from the receiver the monitoring devices (speakers and television).

The only exception to this is if your receiver does not accommodate HDMI switching. In this case, you would run audio to the receiver and video to the television. Unfortunately, this means switching sources on the receiver as well as the TV when you're changing from one video device to another.

That said, your cable box should connect directly to the stereo receiver.

Hope that helps, Roy.;)
Great assistance...I will give Christine her marching orders tonight, let's see how she does!

What? You didn't think I was going to do this did you? She has the title Chief Technology Officer...I only do heavy lifting...:D
Prof said:
Great assistance...I will give Christine her marching orders tonight, let's see how she does!

What? You didn't think I was going to do this did you? She has the title Chief Technology Officer...I only do heavy lifting...:D

That's funny! My wife is the "Household Manager". She is much better at assembling things than I am. I have no patience for assembly or reading instructions. I read a poll that showed women were much better at this stuff...seriously.
Christine is better at everything. I will not let her drive the truck. She might get it into the 13's on the first try!
Sorry I missed this thread until now.... That receiver is a MONSTER, Roy! :eek: :rock: :congrats:

....... As few as 2-3 years ago, I would have never suggested going with ANYTHING that had the letters S-O-N-Y on it. :eek: They were hugely overpriced, and I've never had good luck with any of it. (This is still the case with car audio, IMO). But, their newer line of Home Theater stuff really rocks. Right up there with some of the really "high end" stuff. :)

I miss our last home that was "wired". It was great for parties and such. If you don't mind me asking.... What kind of speakers are you running with the home theater? :confused: :eek:
I don't really know...Christine bought them a month replace our 40 year old Sansui's...

They say Sony...there are five of them and a big fat woofer for Aero. I have two more Sony's some where else if I can find them so I may add them into the mix...or maybe not...I don't know shit about this stuff...everything beyond 8 track and AM radio is beyond me.
Your str-da4400es comes with a "Digital Cinema Auto Calibration". It is a really nice feature. It is a mic that you place at you listening point and it calibrates all of the speakers for you.

I have the str-da6400es. I really love it. I wish I would have read this thread a week ago. I just sold 4 new ones on ebay for $1589.
If you are looking for a high end bluray player let me know.

Good luck!

Prof said:
I don't really know...Christine bought them a month replace our 40 year old Sansui's...

They say Sony...there are five of them and a big fat woofer for Aero. I have two more Sony's some where else if I can find them so I may add them into the mix...or maybe not...I don't know shit about this stuff...everything beyond 8 track and AM radio is beyond me.
Thanks, I saw that little mic...guess I will try to let it do the work. It plugs right in the front of the amp.

I've just been told we need to wait until after American Idol....what is that?