Daughter killed by father for not wearing Muslims garb


1800HP Club. And climbing
Supporting Member
May 18, 2006
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Vancover BC Canada
Anyone see this? in Toronto .. this 16 year old girl takes off her " religious" clothing at school and wears normal clothes.. her dad finds out and kills her for not wearing her face cover and gown... now thats a fuked up religion.. and now the surrounding Muslims are all calling him a hero for doing the right thing... .. WOW how can u even begin to have that thought pattern .. and to think a whole nation thinks like this

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Was there not a girl who got stoned to death for the same thing, needless to say thats just a f'up religion
I bet he thinks about killing all the strippers that he
watch's every night too!
they have got to be the pervert's men i've ever seen,
when u walk into a store these days its like u walked into
a porno shop, but they would kill or stone there daughters & wifes!!
wait a tick, sometimes i want to stone my wife and daughter to death
Am I as crazy as they are?
That shit may be legal or allowed back in their homeland.... some POS country they left..........but now they live in the civilized world!!!!! Strap that bastard up by his nuts and pump em full of lead..................your dead now dude!!!!! Ok, so we are civilized......gas his murderous ass!!

Anyone see this? in Toronto .. this 16 year old girl takes off her " religious" clothing at school and wears normal clothes.. her dad finds out and kills her for not wearing her face cover and gown... now thats a fuked up religion.. and now the surrounding Muslims are all calling him a hero for doing the right thing... .. WOW how can u even begin to have that thought pattern .. and to think a whole nation thinks like this


All extreme religious views are effed up. This father should be held up to the law of the county he committed this act under, and chose to have his family live under. If he was in Iran then he would get off, but in Canada he should be put in jail for life. He moved his family there and should pay for what he did under their laws.

I don't condone this hideous act under any circumstance, it's a shame that any state would view this as legal, but some do. They are backward and need to be enlightened, but they are out there.

I don't adhere to any organized religion and grieve for this poor girl that she was born into the situation she was.

One thing to try an keep in mind is not to hate, let's try to understand, as hard it is is, and try to change things through open dialog. Of course these extreme people are almost impossible to change but shouldn't we try to enlighten them?

mauiSRT/10 said:
Jeff, I think the poor daughter was enlightened..............Dad was obviously stuck in the old school.

Now their entire family is f#cked!!! What a waste.


nicely put maui....there is opnly one solution to their problem (extremism).. and its an ugly one...and the sad thing is that us and our kids are going to be in for an ugle debakul in the not too distant future...
mauiSRT/10 said:
Jeff, I think the poor daughter was enlightened..............Dad was obviously stuck in the old school.

Now their entire family is f#cked!!! What a waste.


The daughter was obviously enlightened. Too bad her father was not. We can't do anything for older generations, they are too set in their teachings. The only thing we can hope to do is enlighten the males of this religious following. They seem to be the ones that believe they can do anything they want.

One thing to think about, while it is not a religious example, after many many years did we not change the chinese a little to view things a little our way? Of course they might have taken our views a little too simple, but they have changed their market views, and thrown away the base communist views they taught under the past. Of course this is a simple view, religious views are much harder to overcome, but we should try something. Killing them all is a hard thing.

jelms said:
The daughter was obviously enlightened. Too bad her father was not. We can't do anything for older generations, they are too set in their teachings. The only thing we can hope to do is enlighten the males of this religious following. They seem to be the ones that believe they can do anything they want.

One thing to think about, while it is not a religious example, after many many years did we not change the chinese a little to view things a little our way? Of course they might have taken our views a little too simple, but they have changed their market views, and thrown away the base communist views they taught under the past. Of course this is a simple view, religious views are much harder to overcome, but we should try something. Killing them all is a hard thing.


Very good point. The Chinese do love their money dont they!!!!! LOL

I believe their youth yearn for a more American type country as do many third world like nations.........but the old farts are stuck in their ways.

Killing them all is not an option for sure............but if the bastards move out and into our more civilized world.........time to get real and wake up........its 2007!!

mauiSRT/10 said:
Very good point. The Chinese do love their money dont they!!!!! LOL

I believe their youth yearn for a more American type country as do many third world like nations.........but the old farts are stuck in their ways.

Killing them all is not an option for sure............but if the bastards move out and into our more civilized world.........time to get real and wake up........its 2007!!


Yes they do, while they send us lead based toys:(

I would completely agree with you, if they move here they have to deal with our laws, and there consequences.

What I honestly believe is that we need to try and change their views, this will take a lot of time. Most extreme muslim groups view us as the great satan.... How do we change this??? Killing them all is not going to change that view, it will just reinforce it.

TheSickness said:
Absolute faith breeds fanaticism.....Fanaticism breeds hate :(

So true Mickey.

When I think about all that is going on I reflect on the books I have read over the years. Might be a stretch but for those that have read the Dune series I would wonder what their view on religious fanaticism is and how it applies to the events these days?

jelms said:
Most extreme muslim groups view us as the great satan.... How do we change this??? Killing them all is not going to change that view, it will just reinforce it.


Hard to say. How do we win in Iraq? Can we win in Iraq? There is 2000 years of fighting in that country.............can we actually change something? Hard to say.

If change is gonna take place its gonna have to start with the children like the poor girl that died......she was the future but she died.

Mikey has point...........extreme religion is scary. There are no easy answers to any of these questions. One thing we can do is not be haters ourselves.........that is something we do have control of.

mauiSRT/10 said:
Hard to say. How do we win in Iraq? Can we win in Iraq? There is 2000 years of fighting in that country.............can we actually change something? Hard to say.

If change is gonna take place its gonna have to start with the children like the poor girl that died......she was the future but she died.

Mikey has point...........extreme religion is scary. There are no easy answers to any of these questions. One thing we can do is not be haters ourselves.........that is something we do have control of.


Change is only going to take place with a change in views and this can only be done if we can compete against what is taught against us. We are not a nation of haters or people that are greedy for resources.

We have to take our national intellect and try to come up with an idea to change the dependence on oil. if we can do that we don't need those people and can turn our backs on them.

Right now we need them. If we were able to turn our backs on OPEC we would hold all the cards.

Django said:
"The letter of the law (religion) kills, But the Spirit brings Life"

I agree with that Timmy. A question for both Tim and Jelms.....Have either of you ever read any books by Terry Goodkind :D I find him utterly fascinating.
Kevan said:
They need to introduce the girl's father to OUR "lead-based toys".

No Kevan,

He needs to be introduced to your eclectic toys that fry his backward brain.

Unfortunately he lives in Canada that does not fry people, as far as I know.

We can't change the father on this one, but can we change his sons?? What the father did is awful, what can we do to change his sons view of what he did? I really don't know if he had any sons, but what can we do to change that generation to know this is appalling despite what there religious leaders might say.


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