Daughter killed by father for not wearing Muslims garb

jelms said:
No Kevan,

He needs to be introduced to your eclectic toys that fry his backward brain.

Unfortunately he lives in Canada that does not fry people, as far as I know.

We can't change the father on this one, but can we change his sons?? What the father did is awful, what can we do to change his sons view of what he did? I really don't know if he had any sons, but what can we do to change that generation to know this is appalling despite what there religious leaders might say.

His son was charged with Obstruction of Justice....in a murder investigation.
Not so smart.
Kevan said:
His son was charged with Obstruction of Justice....in a murder investigation.
Not so smart.

Well the son should be charged too then. It is unfortunate this he was poisoned too.

The reason the girl that was stoned to death was because she dated a boy that was not of the same sect of the muslum religion as her family. She shamed the family.

What a screwed up faith.
I agree with Jelms on this.

These examples that make the news are the extremes. Not everyone of that religion would take things that far, obvioulsy! I agree that he should be punished under the laws of the country that he chose to live. If the worst he can get in Canada is life in prison, then so be it! But, I think that saying that all muslims should die because of the ones that you see on TV, is a horrible knee-jerk reaction to the disgust that you feel for this one hideous act!

Christians aren't the most civilized people on the planet either you know. We have had our bouts with killing people for what they believe, or what they have done. (Remember the witch hunts?) But these were extreme cases, certainly not every christian would go around killing people for simple acts of indiscretion, there wouldn't be many of us left if they did!

One thing that I believe is that we must show that we are better than them. This means that we continue to do things the way that the law and our bibles tell us too. That does not mean that they can't be punished, it just means that it needs to be done the right way.
What can you say, Islam is the religion of peace isn't it?

Cut his head off, f*ck him in the throat and tape it for his male children to watch over and over (if he's got any).
Not directed at anyone specifically:

But the Bible repeatedly refers to "baptism by fire". So if some crazy burns his child to death trying to baptize, that means that Christianity is sick? Well, maybe in some people's mind...but that is obviously the mind not the brain creating the thought.

Get real people...it is people that construe meaning...it is radicalism that ruins religion.
I am truly at a loss for words. These people claim to love God yet they have absolutely NO respect for human life... The life that they believe He has placed inside of us all. Some folks would suppose that we have to be open-minded about it. But that's extremely hard to. I mean, yeah in the good book Abraham was about to slay his son to sacrifice him due to God’s voice from a burning bush commanding him to carry out the act until he was abruptly halted (clearly a test of faith). He ended up slaying a ram (no pun intended) to offer as a sacrifice instead (we all know the story). Perhaps this guy heard a voice from the abandoned head wrap . But sadly he didn’t wake up and smell the hummus in time; thereby taking his test of faith too far.

As a father I would try to find another way to reasonably punish my daughter (if what she has done even requires a punishment). Today is very different than biblical times. That guy needs to be hung up by the short hairs and pummeled to death.
Prof said:
Not directed at anyone specifically:

But the Bible repeatedly refers to "baptism by fire". So if some crazy burns his child to death trying to baptize, that means that Christianity is sick? Well, maybe in some people's mind...but that is obviously the mind not the brain creating the thought.

Get real people...it is people that construe meaning...it is radicalism that ruins religion.
Here's the thing though Prof, this guy is probably a hero at his mosque and at mosques around the world. For them to accept this behavior and to even encourage it makes them all guilty. Where the hell are the Islamic leaders speaking out about these atrocities? Oh yeah, that's right, they're busy trying to convince teenagers to strap bombs around their waists.
Only the radicals Bob.

There are millions that disavow those activities. I have many students that are ashamed of the actions of the radicals. We hear all of the extreme cases and believe them to be the rule. I do not believe that is the case.

How do you think the Muslim world viewed the activities of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka? I bet the media in the mid-east is still running photos of the protests at the funerals of our soldiers...they should also not consider the Westboro extremists typical of us.
This is absolutely true Prof. They could very well view us all as being advocates of Christian radical extremists like Timothy McVeigh, David Koresh or all of those fine, upstanding Vidor, Tx residents.:dontknow:
It is the wacky people of the world that screw it up for the rest of us...tolerance and rejection of radicalism (of any kind) has to win in the end.

I think that radicalism starts with...a supercharger or turbo plus NOS...
Wll Prof, whenever those pukes from Westoboro showed up so did real Americans to shout them them down and to keep them seperated from the families. When these guys show up to shout death to America there aren't just a couple of them, (with adversaries there no less), there are entire towns. It's been a while since a Christian (and I'm not Christian BTW), has blown up himself and a bunch of innocent folks. That wacko abortion bomber was the last I knew of, and our government hunted him down, they didn't support him.

Believe what you want, but these guys are heroes to Muslims, and that's the gist of the problem.
I say,
Kill all the bad ones and let Allah sort em out!!!
When you read and hear all the media about this absurd way of thinking,you can't help but wish them(bad apples) to go the way of the dinosaur...
I wonder if the Middle Eastern governments actually think we believe they really don’t condone these atrocious acts just because they publicly condemn them. That’s just words in the wind if you ask me. I think those governments truly do want to see Islamic faith as the reighning world faith. I don’t recall seeing true action from them against terrorists like the American government did about the abortion bomber. And we as a nation we do NOT advocate those Westboro nuts either. Meanwhile, radicals in that war ridden part of the world view us as the infidels because of the American government support in Israel.

Typical radical beliefs and teachings:

“Our so called leaders allowed invasion from the west; destroyed our cultures, our economies, and our honor. Just as they waste to our country, we shall lay waste to theirs.”

How in the hell could we lay waste to an area drenched in blood from fighting for millennia? Why are we to be blamed for their strapping bombs to themselves and wasting countless innocent people all in the name of God? And not just killing those who they consider infidels but people indigenous to that region AND religion. Not even their daughters are safe from their destructive views.
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1qksrt said:
I say,
Kill all the bad ones and let Allah sort em out!!!
When you read and hear all the media about this absurd way of thinking,you can't help but wish them(bad apples) to go the way of the dinosaur...

"Your logic is exactly what the Father of the slain girl was thinking." was initial reaction to your post because there is no attribution for the comment.

Maybe I am mis-reading your post...but if you believe the initial phrase...I stand by my comment.

If you are writing a parody of the mind set of the Father, then you and I agree...and Kevan, Kevin and Keven would say that you should have used quotation marks around the phrase...or parenthetically referenced the initial statement after the word "absurd"...

Isn't communication difficult, while we are using the same language?! But the jousting is really fun. Imagine the mis-communication that takes place between languages...
Prof said:
"Your logic is exactly what the Father of the slain girl was thinking." was initial reaction to your post because there is no attribution for the comment.

Maybe I am mis-reading your post...but if you believe the initial phrase...I stand by my comment.

If you are writing a parody of the mind set of the Father, then you and I agree...and Kevan, Kevin and Keven would say that you should have used quotation marks around the phrase...or parenthetically referenced the initial statement after the word "absurd"...

Isn't communication difficult, while we are using the same language?! But the jousting is really fun. Imagine the mis-communication that takes place between languages...

You are right again Prof.
When writing comments,One should pay close attention to punctuation and spelling.I am by no means an english scholar,and sometimes I refrain from posting because I,m not sure how to correctly express myself.
Other times,I say "what the hell" and post anyway.
On the subject of taking an innocent life,I believe the father would of done justice to his religion(and daughter) if he better explained to his daughter the reason of the covering of her face!!The bottom line is that I believe the father should be punished to fullest extent of the law.Reguardless of his beliefs!!

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