Daughter killed by father for not wearing Muslims garb

Well we all are Bob...I speak with the those that hate what the extremists are doing to the image of their religion...where were were our fore fathers when we were slaughtering the Native Americans, where were the right minded Christians during the crusades...where are the right minded when religious leaders here say that "Katrina" was punishment for our evil ways?

Go to the Mosque...you will be amazed...

I still have not been challenged by any one here that was willing to watch the CBS special that aired this morning...
I was nursing a hangover this morning, but if it is on again, I would certainly watch it. I love to learn, and believe it or not, I am open to new ideas.

And yes, "we" have done some truly evil things in the past. But I do believe that we have evolved somewhat. It seems as if they haven't. I really don't believe that we would have people dancing in the streets had we killed thousands of innocent civilians on purpose. I don't believe that we would make those that committed the act heroes.

Maybe you do speak to those Muslims that disagree with these atrocities. But you had to search them out. Why aren't they standing on every corner screaming at the top of their lungs denouncing those responsible?
For the same reasons that I don't stand on street corners screaming at the top of my lungs denouncing our President...I disagree with his tactics as much as I as I disagree with the tactics of the terrorists. But I do not scream on street corners...but I do respond here, and other places...but few hear me...and fewer really listen.

One person was recently really upset by my avatar...that is exactly the reason that we don't scream on street corners...many have no stomach no dissenting opinions and more are openly threatening to those who look, act or think differently. While we support the concept of the first amendment, many don't understand why it is so important. Nearly all of the Muslims I speak with say that they pray for peace multiple times a day...which is probably something that few of other faiths can claim. Muslims think that is the best and most appropriate approach. I submit that there are more here that pray for the death of a perceived enemy rather than praying for peace. Think about it.
Well Roy, when I said screaming on street corners I was not being literal. They are not speaking out. Praying for peace ain't gonna get it done. You know that and I know that. They need to take action. It is their responsibility. If they sit by and let it happen they are guilty. That's the honest truth.

Entire towns take part in stonings and anti-American demonstrations. It's not just a few.

And I don't hate Muslims, but I have no sympathy for them either. Not until they really try to do something about those that kill in their names.

And you mentioned that someone was recently upset by your avatar. And you know that how? Because someone spoke up, that's how. These folks aren't speaking up and denouncing the violence committed in the name of their religion, how sad.
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I am sure that there are Muslims that are asking the same about us not revolting against our President...there is no difference...while most realize the treachery that has been committed, most stand-by silently.

"We" are always the problem...but I do agree with you that only "We" referring to the Muslims against terrorism, can be the solution. There is no way that the "kill them all and let God sort out the bad ones"...can work. There is no way that we can beat the terrorists into submission. Counter-insurgency requires the winning of hearts and minds...I thought we learned in Viet Nam that burning down huts and carpet bombing did not work...I guess I was in error because we have not learned.

Iran is a perfect example. While I have no desire to trust that country...they do have a right to have energy as they have been claiming. Until last week our Executive Branch has been claiming that it was a weapons program...now they say that it has not been for more than four years...why are we not in the streets screaming about the lies that were told to us?

For seven years we have not participated in the Kyoto Protocol, because the executive branch was against it. Only yesterday did our administration admit that we needed to get involved in fighting carbon based contamination...we have continued to destroy our environment because of a wrong position by our executive branch...why are we not in the streets (figuratively speaking) screaming about the damage that has been done to our environment because the administration was wrong?

We are so wrong in so many ways, most of which adversely impacts others on this planet, and so arrogant about it...I love this country, but I show my love by challenging it to be better and better. I hope that in the future we will be the benevolent leader of the world not an arrogant dictator that only carries a big stick.
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Sorry Prof, but I can't agree that the stances our government takes are anything on par with the shit these bastards pull. Not even close.

And as far as Iran goes, I don't think they have any right at all to have any kind of nuclear program. Anyone that believes that they don't want a bomb is blind. We cannot afford to let them have nuclear capabilities of any sort.

And like it or not, the world responds to force and nothing else. It's human nature.
mopower1958 said:
If you will remember this is the same religion that flew plains into the World Trade Center and killed thousands of innocent people, and the same religion that thinks sex with goats is ok.

I'm starting to get a little uncomfortable with the view that all muslims are killers. They aren't. It would be nice if the moderates, which are the huge majority, spoke out more strongly.

I'll just end with one statement, flame me all you want. What religion were the OK City bombers?? Radical muslims are better organized, but there are other radicals too that want to kill people.

People that think they can further their cause by killing innocent people are the problem.

Prof said:
Iran is a perfect example. While I have no desire to trust that country...they do have a right to have energy as they have been claiming. Until last week our Executive Branch has been claiming that it was a weapons program...now they say that it has not been for more than four years...why are we not in the streets screaming about the lies that were told to us?

I am only going to comment on this small section of Prof's post. I honestly believe that the leadership in Iran is nuts, but I think our leaders are more nuts and misguided.

The fact that they were trying to sell us all on the fact that Iran was actively trying to get a bomb, and now they are trying to say to the contrary is a huge joke. This administration thinks we are stupid and will eat anything they feed us like my cute puppy. I've had it with GW. What was he trying to accomplish with Iran has a bomb? Trying to stretch our boys more thin?

I'm a true independent and think for myself. If there is one person that can stand this administration trying to manipulate us and lie to us I would love to hear them defend this one.

This makes me nuts.

Intelligence. What is the the true definition of this word. It seems that it is always changing to meet a specific goal of whomever is using it....

I refuse to believe that as a whole, Muslims are terrorists. However, I have to agree with Bob on the simple fact that more Muslims are not speaking up against those that have radical if not fanatical views.:(

I have seen alot around this world....unfortunately, I wish it were not the way it is. We can pretend to have intelligent conversations about what we think the nation of Islam is thinking, but this is not possible. Because they are one of the few religions that have been persecuted alot longer than the Christians.......

However, in todays day and age, with all of this "Political Correctness" washing ashore....it seems that people are forgetting this one common goal. To perpetuate freedom!

Was Afghanistan free before we washed ashore? I bet not! Was Iraq free when we stormed it a second time? I know for a fact not! And what has gone down since those opening salvo's may not be the right decisions, however, hindsight is always 20/20!

Dont let this all rest on the President's shoulders...because there a lot of people with their hands in the cookie jar....including Democrats, Independants, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, Men, Women, Americans, Europeans, Russians, Brits, Israelies, Iranians and the list goes on.....

We are all responsible for the current outcome of what has happened recently...and BTW, this shit was going down 10-20-50-and 80 years ago! The only difference is the Internet is easily accessible...therefore everybody with a biased point of view can bias everybody else.

To sum up my point....Dont believe the Press.....Especially if you already dont believe the Politicians.:)
And to get back on point...if he is from another country and he did what he did.....I agree he broke the law but I understand his point of view.

If he grew up his whole life in Canada and tried to use religion as an excuse for what he did....Fry that muthafucker!
KRAZYSRT10 said:
And to get back on point...if he is from another country and he did what he did.....I agree he broke the law but I understand his point of view.

If he grew up his whole life in Canada and tried to use religion as an excuse for what he did....Fry that muthafucker!

Just thinking that when Kris gets his brain working it works pretty well. Now that was an irresponsible statement...

I would like to add...that press exposure, personal testimony, and all other forms of information is always slanted (I don't like that word), because we want the most exciting stuff...don't set them aside, but be responsible consumers of information...when you see footage of people celebrating the death of Americans, when you see Baptists screaming obscenities at funerals of our soldiers, or if someone tells you that Muslims (as a group) engage in goat sex, be responsible in how you view what you view and how absorb what you hear.
KRAZYSRT10 said:
Intelligence. What is the the true definition of this word. It seems that it is always changing to meet a specific goal of whomever is using it....

I refuse to believe that as a whole, Muslims are terrorists. However, I have to agree with Bob on the simple fact that more Muslims are not speaking up against those that have radical if not fanatical views.:(

I have seen alot around this world....unfortunately, I wish it were not the way it is. We can pretend to have intelligent conversations about what we think the nation of Islam is thinking, but this is not possible. Because they are one of the few religions that have been persecuted alot longer than the Christians.......

However, in todays day and age, with all of this "Political Correctness" washing ashore....it seems that people are forgetting this one common goal. To perpetuate freedom!

Was Afghanistan free before we washed ashore? I bet not! Was Iraq free when we stormed it a second time? I know for a fact not! And what has gone down since those opening salvo's may not be the right decisions, however, hindsight is always 20/20!

Dont let this all rest on the President's shoulders...because there a lot of people with their hands in the cookie jar....including Democrats, Independants, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, Men, Women, Americans, Europeans, Russians, Brits, Israelies, Iranians and the list goes on.....

We are all responsible for the current outcome of what has happened recently...and BTW, this shit was going down 10-20-50-and 80 years ago! The only difference is the Internet is easily accessible...therefore everybody with a biased point of view can bias everybody else.

To sum up my point....Dont believe the Press.....Especially if you already dont believe the Politicians.:)

I agree with Kris's take on this!! Anyone who watches ABC, NBC, CNN is only getting one side of the story on most issues!!
Cable is so helpful...I try to watch BBC news, Mainland China, and the most interesting is:


Spend sometime at the web site above, imagine that you have a sixth grade education and you will get a sample of what many mid-easterners get as their main data source...

You folks who only watch PBS or Fox are in the same boat...just with a different navigator!
Professor you are so open to everyones ideas and so much more educated than anyone else that you come across as a pompous ass. I never said that all Muslims were terrorist nor that they all had sex with goats. I said that ALL the terrorist were muslims and that ALL of the men caught having sex in the desert were muslims. And if you were refering to me as one who was watching the news special in the morning on Saturday you were mistaken once again, I was installing new freeze plugs in my Coronet. I have better things to do than watch a feel good show about how nice muslims are.
Prof said:
Just finished watching CBS Special...Muslims Speak...

Willing to bet that none of those who have posted anti-Muslim comments here watched it.

This may be wild-eyed...but I suggest that everyone look up a Muslim mosque, walk in and ask what they feel about the terrorists. I deal daily with Muslim students that are horrified at the actions of the terrorists. There are 1.3 Billion Muslims in the world...a very small percentage are terrorists...it is not about religion, it is about radical people.

We have had a few Muslims here, but our own radical people here have chased most of them away...if any of you think we can have an honest dialog about Muslims without Muslim participation you are fooling yourself. Stereotyping is wrong, at a minimum we need to refer to terrorists, not Muslim's...the attribution of the terrorist label to all Muslims is unjust and, yes, very narrow minded.

You mean the way you stereotype Christians?
Prof said:
For the same reasons that I don't stand on street corners screaming at the top of my lungs denouncing our President...I disagree with his tactics as much as I as I disagree with the tactics of the terrorists. But I do not scream on street corners...but I do respond here, and other places...but few hear me...and fewer really listen.

One person was recently really upset by my avatar...that is exactly the reason that we don't scream on street corners...many have no stomach no dissenting opinions and more are openly threatening to those who look, act or think differently. While we support the concept of the first amendment, many don't understand why it is so important. Nearly all of the Muslims I speak with say that they pray for peace multiple times a day...which is probably something that few of other faiths can claim. Muslims think that is the best and most appropriate approach. I submit that there are more here that pray for the death of a perceived enemy rather than praying for peace. Think about it.
Who are they praying to that can make a difference? The same guy that will give them seven virgins if they kill innocent people and in the process be killed by blowing themselves to bits?
jelms said:
I'm starting to get a little uncomfortable with the view that all muslims are killers. They aren't. It would be nice if the moderates, which are the huge majority, spoke out more strongly.

I'll just end with one statement, flame me all you want. What religion were the OK City bombers?? Radical muslims are better organized, but there are other radicals too that want to kill people.

People that think they can further their cause by killing innocent people are the problem.

Where in my post does it say that ALL muslims are killers ?
David, your posts say so much more about you than you realize...

I wish you and yours joy and peace in this holiday season.

Have a great Christmas!


P.S. I have never claimed to not be a "pompous ass".
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All in all this has not been to bad. 79 posts and very little name calling on a subject that is bound to cause some very wide opinions.

And calling Roy a "Pompous Ass" is a retorical statement. He's a professor. ;) :D :rock:

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