Daughter killed by father for not wearing Muslims garb

KRAZYSRT10 said:
Intelligence. What is the the true definition of this word. It seems that it is always changing to meet a specific goal of whomever is using it....

I refuse to believe that as a whole, Muslims are terrorists. However, I have to agree with Bob on the simple fact that more Muslims are not speaking up against those that have radical if not fanatical views.:(

I have seen alot around this world....unfortunately, I wish it were not the way it is. We can pretend to have intelligent conversations about what we think the nation of Islam is thinking, but this is not possible. Because they are one of the few religions that have been persecuted alot longer than the Christians.......

However, in todays day and age, with all of this "Political Correctness" washing ashore....it seems that people are forgetting this one common goal. To perpetuate freedom!

Was Afghanistan free before we washed ashore? I bet not! Was Iraq free when we stormed it a second time? I know for a fact not! And what has gone down since those opening salvo's may not be the right decisions, however, hindsight is always 20/20!

Dont let this all rest on the President's shoulders...because there a lot of people with their hands in the cookie jar....including Democrats, Independants, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, Men, Women, Americans, Europeans, Russians, Brits, Israelies, Iranians and the list goes on.....

We are all responsible for the current outcome of what has happened recently...and BTW, this shit was going down 10-20-50-and 80 years ago! The only difference is the Internet is easily accessible...therefore everybody with a biased point of view can bias everybody else.

To sum up my point....Dont believe the Press.....Especially if you already dont believe the Politicians.:)

Who is this guy???:dontknow:^^^^^:dontknow:

I must have been really drunk last nite to post on this thread!:eek::p:p:p:p:elefant:
More like that and we will have to change your name.

Very pithy!

Really out of character for you...much more like a flight engineer...go Kris, GO!
I've pretty much stayed out'a here....But, I will say this....:

Not all killing is murder........ It is sometimes prudent...even neccesary and proper....

But, when your God commands that you to kill those who reject your beliefs .....It's time to find a better God...

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Django said:
But, when your God commands that you to kill those who reject your beliefs .....It's time to find a better God...



But semantics, syntax and context are very important and need to be considered.

Just one of many interpretations of the often mis-quoted phrase:


The last line of the article is testimony...
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i try to keep things a little more simple.religion or not any father that would kill his child is a piece of shit in my book.and the people that stand by are no better, regardless of what they believe. or who they believe in.
Really, really hard to argue with that postion Eddie...:rock: :rock: :rock:
Prof said:
David, your posts say so much more about you than you realize...

I wish you and yours joy and peace in this holiday season.

Have a great Christmas!


P.S. I have never claimed to not be a "pompous ass".

Roy I have thought about this all day. I feel as if I owe you an apology for saying you act like a pompous ass. For that I apologize, however for the other comments about terrorists being muslims I do NOT apologize. Jesus Christ said "You are either for me or against me" and the muslim religion is against christianity so therefore I do not agree and never will agree with their beliefs. However living in the South all of my life I am very tolerant of beliefs other than mine, but with my "limited education",as you imply,it may not come across that way through the typed word. I hope you and your family have a great CHRISTmas and remember the reason we celebrate CHRISTmas.
mopower1958 said:
Roy I have thought about this all day. I feel as if I owe you an apology for saying you act like a pompous ass. For that I apologize, however for the other comments about terrorists being muslims I do NOT apologize.
Nice, that is being a class act in my book.
mopower1958 said:
Roy I have thought about this all day. I feel as if I owe you an apology for saying you act like a pompous ass. For that I apologize,.......

:congrats: :congrats: :congrats:
mopower1958 said:
Roy I have thought about this all day. I feel as if I owe you an apology for saying you act like a pompous ass. For that I apologize, however for the other comments about terrorists being muslims I do NOT apologize. Jesus Christ said "You are either for me or against me" and the muslim religion is against christianity so therefore I do not agree and never will agree with their beliefs. However living in the South all of my life I am very tolerant of beliefs other than mine, but with my "limited education",as you imply,it may not come across that way through the typed word. I hope you and your family have a great CHRISTmas and remember the reason we celebrate CHRISTmas.

The repartee on the subject is interesting..... very interesting to me.

On one hand we have a discussion of zealots (Islam) whose radicals believe in the process of convert or die, On the other hand we have fundamentalist Christians who believe that one must either convert or suffer everlasting torment in hell...... This confluence of contradiction is that both sides claim to be representing the incontravertable "Word of God"......

Both seem kinda unfair and unGodly to me.....

This is why I have abandoned religion. It threatens rather than welcomes. It assigns a penalty for non-membership.

I follow one commandment and one only...... To love selflessly.....

After this, there is no need for discussion, religious affiliation or commandment.

Yes, I do consider my self a Christian because I follow the example of Jesus.... Not neccesarily the words in a Bible which claim "every jot and tittle" to be God's immutable spoken word.... Much of the Bible's contents have arrived intact. But not all of it...... Maybe even not alot of it..... Same with the Koran, the Gita etc etc.....

I seek at all times to immerse myself in the torturous thing we call life in order to rid myself of everything that is a deterrent to the knowledge of God and His Divine nature..... His Love.....

That's my religion ...the religion of no religion at all.... You are all welcome..... There's no penalty for failing to join...

David, you own me no apology. I am a pompous ass, and you are totally justified in having your own beliefs. It is never my intention to change someone's mind...only to present my opinions for consideration. We are adults in this family, we will have huge differences of opinion it is only natural.

We are so blessed to be able to have these discussions...many do not have the freedom to do so. Your opinions are widely held...your voice is speaking for lots of people...while we disagree, it is the exchange of ideas that is valuable for all.

Your consideration is greatly appreciated...do not ever let Roy ruin your day!
Great posts mopower1958, prof, and D.

We all have very different views on this subject and the fact that we can talk about it openly and honestly is a great thing. Who would have thought a SRT-10 would bring so many different views to this and lots of other subjects together:rock:

Speak your mind, that is all anyone would want. I might not agree with some people but hearing what they think allows me to learn what other informed minds are thinking. Open dialog is what makes this country the best place to live in:)

No view should ever be drown out by the majority. Believe what you believe and be proud of that.

One note, Prof is not a pompous ass. He is just an ass some times:D

"Truth has advocates who seek understanding. Corrupt ideas have miserable little fanatics who attempt to enforrce their beliefs through intimidation and brutality....through faith. Savage force is faith's obidient servant. Violence in an appocolyptic scale can only be born of faith because reason, by its very nature, disarms senseless cruelty. Only faith seeks to justify it."
I would also like to point out justice is not the exercise of hatred, it's the celebration of civilization............
And the State of New Jersey has just moved civilized man a step forward...

Now that should get us going again!
Sorry I killed this thread Roy.....i am sure it's because I actually articulated a complete paragraph on a intellectual level and confused the hell outta people :D or just maybe some people read that and it made them finally think outside the box a little ;) :D
Threads come and go...wondering why no one has picked up the "Death Sentence" issue and opined....:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

Seems to me all of those that object to abortion should also support New Jersey in its move to abolish capital punishment...but no one has chimed in...
Prof said:
Threads come and go...wondering why no one has picked up the "Death Sentence" issue and opined....:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

Seems to me all of those that object to abortion should also support New Jersey in its move to abolish capital punishment...but no one has chimed in...
Forgive me Bro....I have been involved with my Mgmt training over the past week...Nothing but classes and and me teaching a few as well. I have had no time to keep up on current events...Send me a link as to what that is about and I would gladly comment :D

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