Hillary's Health Care Proposal


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May 19, 2006
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Wadsworth, IL
If you hate Hillary Clinton you will probably disagree with this post, but her health care proposal as it is being characterized this morning is a wonderful approach.

I am a retired health care executive. I was an executive with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida; a Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Planning with a large tertiary care medical center; CEO of the Visiting Nurse Association of North Florida: Executive Director of a non-profit, Speech and Hearing Center...and recently a consultant in a for profit start-up of a free standing (non-hospital affiliated) Emergency Health Care facility.

I know health care inside and out...and for years have been a sought after speaker for the American Hospital Association, and other health care related groups, as a health care futurist.

Clinton's approach to resolving the decrepit health care system we currently have is on target.

1. From a delivery stand point, it solves the "upside down" problems by emphasizing preventative care rather than restorative.

2. It demands that all participate which resolves the uncovered issue that 'afflicts' 47 million Americans.

3. It resolves the payer issues by assuring that adverse selection is no longer an issue.

Clinton's approach is much the same that 6 states are now considering, is being tested in Conn., has been proposed by Republican Governors in California and Michigan...

Read her proposal with an open mind...I think you will agree that it is a wonderful step in the right direction that does not add governmental administrative levels. It does add expense but health care expenses are climbing at unprecedented levels without any increase in overall quality of care or equal access. The long term view is a reduction of expense, added quality of care and with equal access.

Jump all over me if you will...but remember, you are in my ball park!
Not great, just very knowledgeable...and usually right!
Prof said:
Not great, just very knowledgeable...and usually right!
if i can score her retirement plan i'd be set. she's still a waste of breath imo, i dont see her getting anything done.
Yea, sounds like the Prof has a love of socialism....just think about what the government has done ( or tried to) how about the most recent, has anyone been recently exposed to trying to get or renew their passports ?? The government is not LEAN and MEAN, rather they just add people and keep going to the well to dip more money, look at the POST OFFICE, what a monopoly YET they can take money from stamps and buy commercials to get the public to send packages especially around Christmas, therefore trying to take business away from private sectors that do a better and cheaper job !! How about FEMA, the government has become TOO political, and because of a person's skin color OR the pendulim swinging to the right, the government LETS GO with $2000 credit cards for New Orleans people to use at strip clubs in Texas....they are still trying to find the billions of dollars that the Mayor of New Orleans has not been a very good steward of...SHOULD we talk about Social Security now !!??....the government is too large and the health care system will just have the government build HUGE medical buildings adding thousands of employees then they are all guaranteed a job for life each making over $65000 per year with FULL benefits !! The health care should stay in the public sector....Hillary just wants the people to succumb to the Democrats that want the POWER ONLY !!! Go ahead give this power to Hillary, and you will see how poorly a system will become, I am tired of the "talking points" even the prof has bought into the "MOveON.org" and their money barrel to get the "47 million without health care" I would bet IF you really did your homework, even the ones WITHOUT health care DO get taken care of when they arrive at hospitals or doctors !! There is NO other country that you still get medical care and have very little money !!! How about the prof's comments about how "Billary" is going to pay for this boon-doggle...take from the rich and give to the poor, will Prof gladly give up HIS money for this or does he believe the Democrat way and FEELS better when they think they are taking from OTHERS to pay for their programs !!, how about if she took any vehicle over $15000 would every one give up their trucks ?? This is a very poor situation BUT a lot of people have become use to "cradle to the grave" and what they want from the government. Check economics 101, the government is not effective in growth, the private sector comes up with the best and cheapest methods owing to competition...my $.02 Billary will put this country on their knees !!!
I do not trust a thing that Lady says. What about her failed 90's health care proposal. The smaller the government the better. She should keep her grubby little hands off my money.
Pastohio said:
Yea, sounds like the Prof has a love of socialism....the private sector comes up with the best and cheapest methods owing to competition...my $.02 Billary will put this country on their knees !!!

chase said:
I do not trust a thing that Lady says. What about her failed 90's health care proposal. The smaller the government the better. She should keep her grubby little hands off my money.

Typical, uninformed reactions without reading, researching or considering the possibility that the "other side" may have an idea worth considering.

Clinton's proposal is a private sector approach...not a government program. Read people, before engaging your keyboard...these are the kind of reactionary responses without any knowledge of the subject that are at the crux of the problem. There are huge problems with the proposal, none of which have been addressed by the responders above...Eddie may have the most cogent comment about her not being able to get it done.
What I think doesn't seem to matter anyway, anyhow, for anything.

The Govt has taken Social security payments from me for 44 years (528 months) (552 months before I "retire" on Social Security) and in 2 years I will get 981.0 per month in return. Gee I am just thrilled how that program was managed.


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Actually the Prof makes a good point on this one. Also being in the Health Care industry since 94, I get to see how folks fall through the cracks.

I am not talking about illegals here so don't go there.

I really don't know if Hillary Health 2.0 is the right answer, but it might be going in the right direction. I would be happy with the plan if there was a seperation between those than can afford health care and those that work for an employer that has no health care benefit. But with a choice I suppose. One can choose an existing BCBS, Humana, IHC plan...etc or choose to have Hillary 2.0. They would need to pay towards that plan like anyone else pays towards their own plan.

I did not really get into depth about how those that are unemployed or on how those on walfare would pay for there plans. I just don't have a good answer and neither does Hillary

The last thing I want to see is those that are working two jobs and busting their buts to make ends meet, loose income to pay for the healthcare of someone who sits home on their ass and collects walfare.

Now being in Public health. I can see many ways in which public health can help. This does not mean Viagra and breast modifications. But grants need to be made to public health for it to work. One sick child that has forged Imms card in school can affect alot of people.

Just a thought.

Roy, I would like to discuss this some more and get your views. Not on whether or not to vote for Hillary. But the concept of improved healthcare for all

I say again...read folks, this is a private sector proposal...not a government program...please, as I say to my students just read with an open mind, then make your decisions...

But the social security program is really a mess...but I have seen no effort to address that issue...I guess we are just going to leave that to my grandchildren to solve...or do without.
Prof said:
Typical, uninformed reactions without reading, researching or considering the possibility that the "other side" may have an idea worth considering.

Katie just leave the door open' those wolves really don't want to eat us like they did the tasty folks down the road, they have changed. They arn't huffin and puffin like they used too. They told us so.

It's all good now.
Jeff, I bet that you and I will agree on some basic issues (and I hope others will too):

1. We need to focus health care dollars on the front end (preventative care, and healthy life styles). This will assure a better quality of life for a longer period of time. Currently the funding is mostly invested at the end of life in heroic efforts to forestall what we all know will be the eventual outcome.

2. In order for sick people to get care that is financially covered, by insurance companies, or the government, healthy people need to be contributing to the reservoir of financial assets.

3. Health care is a right not a privilege.

4. Improved quality of care is always the goal, and the finest quality of care should be available regardless of the individuals ability to pay.

5. Individuals need to be held accountable for actions that adversely impact the delivery and cost of care to others.

More later...have to get my Mother-in-law fed...
Prof said:
I say again...read folks, this is a private sector proposal...not a government program...please, as I say to my students just read with an open mind, then make your decisions...

But the social security program is really a mess...but I have seen no effort to address that issue...I guess we are just going to leave that to my grandchildren to solve...or do without.
thats why i teach my children to work and support themselves. my oldest son graduates this year. he's leaning towards staying at home and getting his basics out of the way while working then going off to college. either way he will be working regardless. i havent read a whole lot about this health care, i dont see government being able get anything to work with any success.
Prof said:
Jeff, I bet that you and I will agree on some basic issues (and I hope others will too):

1. We need to focus health care dollars on the front end (preventative care, and healthy life styles). This will assure a better quality of life for a longer period of time. Currently the funding is mostly invested at the end of life in heroic efforts to forestall what we all know will be the eventual outcome.

2. In order for sick people to get care that is financially covered, by insurance companies, or the government, healthy people need to be contributing to the reservoir of financial assets.

3. Health care is a right not a privilege.

4. Improved quality of care is always the goal, and the finest quality of care should be available regardless of the individuals ability to pay.

5. Individuals need to be held accountable for actions that adversely impact the delivery and cost of care to others.

More later...have to get my Mother-in-law fed...

I will respond latter too, during lunch. Doing that work thing :(

But this is a good subject for me. I at least see the results of no or limited healthcare and the affects and cost associated with it. My guess is the vast majority of the folks here are financially stable and have no perception of the other side of the coin.

I think they fail to realize that everytime an institution needs to write off a charge, it affects them too. It's more complicated than that as you know. But I trying to keep it simple (from my point of view)

But the social security program is really a mess...but I have seen no effort to address that issue...[/QUOTE]

I recall President Bush tried to address that issue many times.
I pay 734.00 per month for Blue Shield for just myself (with a very high deductable that nothing seems to apply too). The rest of the family costs 554.00 per month. = $1288.00 per month = 14840.00 per year.

I would love to see a health care system that would not cost more that whan I drive...................

Why is it that Ins companys are allowed to have a slush fund that is called a reserve fund, that is not taxed, or in most ways acounted for........?
I pay 734.00 per month for Blue Shield for just myself (with a very high deductable that nothing seems to apply too). The rest of the family costs 554.00 per month. = $1288.00 per month = 14840.00 per year.

I would love to see a health care system that would not cost more than what I drive...................

Why is it that Ins companys are allowed to have a slush fund that is called a reserve fund, that is not taxed, or in most ways acounted for........?
thats close to what i pay for my family policy with our group policy and we have close to 150 employees. everytime bcbs walks in the door the rates go up.
What I think doesn't seem to matter anyway, anyhow, for anything.

The Govt has taken Social security payments from me for 44 years (528 months) (552 months before I "retire" on Social Security) and in 2 years I will get 981.0 per month in return. Gee I am just thrilled how that program was managed.

At least you will get something from it.....me, I will be lucky to see 69 cents.

Jump all over me if you will...but remember, you are in my ball park!
Ohhhhhh, you touched my tra la la
As someone who recently lost health insurance, I am interested in any proposals that will help. I'm not worried about myself, but what happens if my kids get sick? Anyone that thinks that everyone in this country has access to adequate health care is misguided at best.

And anyone that thinks that it is only the democrats that like big government is also misguided. How many new cabinet level positions were created under Bush? How many new government jobs were created under Bush? They are all the same.
We in NY are buried under our health care costs. The fraud perpetrated on the system has been estimated in the billions.

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