just found 93 oct. gas for 1.02 per gal.

To those who'd keep the money:

I'm sure you'd feel differently if you owned the gas station......

There's no "wiggle room" when it comes to ethics. Apply the "would you like it to be done to you...?" question and you'll have an answer every time.

There is a good and evil.... There is a right and wrong.....

"The unjust man uses guile and treachery to justify his foul deeds while the honest man sleeps peacefully in his bed." -Django

Michael from the U.K. said:
Are bigger genitals worth having:dontknow: Give me a BIG gallon any day.LMFAO

Well,....at my age you have a great point. I yield to your wisdom.

Now will you guys reoccupy the colonies so our dollar will be equal to your pound, please.
I'd like to come over for a couple of weeks nex year does that count? The dollar/sterling rate is just right for me as it is.What shall i purchase next ,i know how much is Texas?
Michael from the U.K. said:
I'd like to come over for a couple of weeks nex year does that count? The dollar/sterling rate is just right for me as it is.What shall i purchase next ,i know how much is Texas?

Roy is speaking for himself while Patrick Henry turns over in his grave...............

Besides, the Chinese already beat you to it.............

Michael from the U.K. said:
Hey D ,are you a shamen or what???????:elefant:

It's "shaman" and please define your question more specifically.....:dontknow:

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Not sure how true it is, but I once heard that the gas station itself is only making pennies per gallon. One driveoff can take days to recover from depending on how busy the station is. The Quick Marts type station make their money from the people who walk in and buy drinks and snacks etc.
Silverback said:
Yesterday at the cafeteria the registers were not working correctly and the people had to figure out the change manually. The machine did not tell them to give back $3.55 for a $1.45 sale if you gave them a $5.00 bill.

Well the gal in my line could not do it. The guy in front of me gave her a $20.00 bill for a $7.10 lunch. He got $19.90 in change, and just walked off. She screwed up mine also, so I counted it back to her and gave the excess back. Well the guy that took the $19.90 in change was at the condiment station when I walked up and I told him that he should give it back. He didn't know why he should and planned on keeping it. I then reminded him that once a year we are all required to sign an Ethics Agreement, and that what he was doing was not ethical. Still didn't care.

Just goes to prove what I have said since we started having to sign this Ethics Agreement. Signing a piece of paper does not make you ethical. That is up to the person and what kind of person they really are.

Silverback Just out of my wild imagination if you found 3000 dollars in somebodies wallet would you return it???
There is only one answer Annu...if it were $3, $3000, or $300,000.

You are honest or you are not. There is no gray area. Even if your family is starving, even if you are about to go to debtors jail...there is only one path.
Annu Kumar said:
Silverback Just out of my wild imagination if you found 3000 dollars in somebodies wallet would you return it???

As for me, I wouldn't know the wallet contained $3000. The only info I'd be looking for is the drivers license so I knew where to return it.
Bump post #41................

Annu, if you lost your wallet with $3000 in it, would you want someone to return it or keep it....?

Annu Kumar said:
Silverback Just out of my wild imagination if you found 3000 dollars in somebodies wallet would you return it???
Oh I definitly would. You know I get more satisfaction from the look on someones face when you return something like that.
Django said:
Bump post #41................

Annu, if you lost your wallet with $3000 in it, would you want someone to return it or keep it....?


Ethics Brother:rock:
BigRed460 said:
Thats fine but I am not going to feel any regret about LEGALY getting 60$ off a tank of gas, if I know there making billions. (Yes, I know the parent companys don't directly own each gas station.) I am a capitalist, I would capitalize on someone selling there product for 30% of their compertors, every time...

Look, I realize that the likelihood of me changing your mind in this forum is practically zilch but I'm compelled to make one more comment.

The only way you could be "LEGALLY getting $60 off a tank of gas" (I corrected the spelling and put the dollar sign where it belongs at no extra charge) is if that was the price that was posted. I'll bet the farm that the correct price was readily visible. Under you definition of legal, if the locks on my truck malfunctioned you would have every right to help yourself to whatever was inside. The stereo, CDs, money, fuzzy dice, gauges, my X-Metal shifter, etc., all would be your for the taking.

Also, you are misusing "capitalist" and "capitalize." They have different meanings in the example you quote.

An economic system based on a free market, open competition, profit motive and private ownership of the means of production. Capitalism encourages private investment and business, compared to a government-controlled economy. Investors in these private companies (i.e. shareholders) also own the firms and are known as capitalists.

To turn something to one's advantage; benefit: capitalize on an opponent's error.

What others do, whether just or unjust, whether they have deep pockets or not, is never an excuse for our actions. How we react in a given situation is a direct measure of our character. Like I said before, integrity is priceless. I'm very pleased to know that there are so many "rich" people here that are worthy of our trust and confidence.
Annu Kumar said:
Silverback Just out of my wild imagination if you found 3000 dollars in somebodies wallet would you return it???

In a god damn heartbeat, regardless of what the amount was.
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A woman came by my stereo shop that did not speak very much English.....we tinted her windows and she overpaid by $20.00 dollars.

I called and spoke with her son and he said his mom asked that I split the "tip" with my window tinter. I had no idea it was intentional until I made that phone call that day. She just didn't know how to tell me thanks for handling her so professionally.......even though we had some trouble communicating the end result was very gratifying.:cool:
slow91 said:
A woman came by my stereo shop that did not speak very much English.....we tinted her windows and she overpaid by $20.00 dollars.

I called and spoke with her son and he said his mom asked that I split the "tip" with my window tinter. I had no idea it was intentional until I made that phone call that day. She just didn't know how to tell me thanks for handling her so professionally.......even though we had some trouble communicating the end result was very gratifying.:cool:

:congrats: :congrats: :rock: :rock:

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