My truck got SHOT!!!!!!!!

Smoke I don't know what to say....Damn that just sucks...why do people think like this.....(shooting at someone)

Even here in Tulsa we have areas you don't go at night...:(:(

Makes me want to move to the of luck my friend.

Holy Shiite,

Like so many have said before, Smoke....... I'm very glad it wasn't you who was shot...... Metal can be fixed, but human lives are lost forever......

I thank God yer OK....

Glad your OK smoke!! That kind of shit is scary!!

Actually, if you remember the general location you outa do a little fly over in your bird one night, turn on the big old spot light and throw out some leaflets that say, next time you shoot my vehicle all hell is gonna rain on ya!!!!:D :p
TheSickness said:
I missed......:rolleyes: :eek: ........:p
I want to laugh, but I need to know if its Ok first :dontknow: :D

Glad to hear you're still with us Smoke, its hard to prepare or even imagine it could happen. The only thing you can do is keep on truckin with your spirits high. I hope your truck repairs are not excessive.
Smoke sorry man...I'm glad you're okay... but now on a joking matter maybe they were trying assasinate the silver truck.
i think I'd leave that bullit wound on there as symbol of how your truck saved your life :)
Sorry to hear about your truck but I am glad to hear it was your truck and not you. There are some sick people in this world that never think that this could happen to their own family.
Sorry to hear about your truck. I am also glad that you are okay. Where were you at when this happend? That way if any of us are over that way we can avoid that area.
Marc T said:
Actually, if you remember the general location you outa do a little fly over in your bird one night, turn on the big old spot light and throw out some leaflets that say, next time you shoot my vehicle all hell is gonna rain on ya!!!!:D :p

Now thats a good one Marc!

Sorry to hear about this ....dam thats just fricken scary.

I guess the dont call that area the "redneck riveria" for nothing!! LOL

AWD has a good point too. Truck did save your life!

Hey Smoke,
Next time the coppers pull you over for speeding, tell them to go suck a fat one because of situations like this.. Carry along a pic of the door with the bullet hole and a copy of the police report and you will probably get off.
FlyingLow said:
So I'm driving out to the beach last night to meet up with some friends just minding my own business. No cars in sight and the cruise control set 5 over the limit. All of a sudden I hear a loud impact on the right side. I'm like WTF was that :dontknow: . I look at my windshield for cracks but don't see any. I figured some how I just got hit by a rock or something. I continue on with my drive (about 30 mins) wife calls me and I end up forgetting about it. Well I go to leave the beach around 2am (I was not drinking and driving btw). And notice the impact on my Right front door. I have the cops come out today and take a look. Their guess is possible 22. This really, and I mean really pisses me off. I just had the whole truck painted from the keying earlier this year. This just adds to all the other BS I'm going through right now. I swear when you get down life just keeps kicking you sometimes.


Welcome to the Sunshine State! :star: :rofl:

Honestly, I am glad your Ok. Could have beed lots worse....

I am glad to hear the family was not in the truck at the time.
italian1nj said:
I am glad you are okay, that is the shit's. Wouldn't you just once like to catch the bastards:mad: :mad:

Wish I could have caught them running across the road thinking I couldn't reach them in time.

H-D said:
I am also glad that you are okay. Where were you at when this happend? That way if any of us are over that way we can avoid that area.

This was down in Milton Florida.

You guys have a lot of good ideas. Luckily the family wasn't with me. Normally I have 2 car seats in the back. People just don't think about that shit.

Guess you got your welcome to Florida package I sent :D

Seriously, glad you are ok and the family wasnt in the truck.