Possible lemon? Need advice

Not to be a turd, but in the time I've been around and some of the questions that people email me.... I've seen and heard about every one of those issues, and from what I've discussed with folks, those seem to be pretty common.

Also, a 250 point inspection doesn't equal a 250 point repair (was told to me by a good friend who is a Service Manager). He said most of those points that are inspected will never get a repair unless the buyer says something. So things like fluid leaks are never bad unless the buyer really complains up front. The brakes are passable unless the buyer complains up front, things like rubber boots, never replaced unless discussed and agreed to before the purchase. He said very little money will be put into a used vehicle, that is why there is the "AS IS" and "NO WARRANTY" stickers. he said they would probably recharge the A/C for free and put a new cap on it, but the rest of the stuff, no way, would eat up any profit margin.

Just trying to be nice and so was he


I appreciate the perspective. The problem is that none of these problems were mentioned by the dealer, so how could I mention or say anything if I didn't know and the vehicle was presented to me as not having those problems? At time of purchase the vehicle was said to have been inspected and none of the problems I listed in the original post were presented to me by the dealer, but I think what most everyone on here is agreeing is that many, if not all, of the issues would have been found on an inspection by the service department and apparently were not. A simple $80 diagnostic this morning at Dodge revealed all of the listed problems. So if in an hour Dodge found all of these things, why didn't the other dealership? That's what is at the heart of my problem and I'm calling out the dealership as having performed, or possibly not performed, a less than standard inspection and had they performed a correct inspection said problems would likely have been found and repairs negotiated (assuming they would have even put it on the lot in that condition to begin with).

One reason the dodge place found the issues is that they are hoping your going to have them do the work, so the more they find the better for them.
I appreciate the perspective. The problem is that none of these problems were mentioned by the dealer, so how could I mention or say anything if I didn't know and the vehicle was presented to me as not having those problems? At time of purchase the vehicle was said to have been inspected and none of the problems I listed in the original post were presented to me by the dealer, but I think what most everyone on here is agreeing is that many, if not all, of the issues would have been found on an inspection by the service department and apparently were not. A simple $80 diagnostic this morning at Dodge revealed all of the listed problems. So if in an hour Dodge found all of these things, why didn't the other dealership? That's what is at the heart of my problem and I'm calling out the dealership as having performed, or possibly not performed, a less than standard inspection and had they performed a correct inspection said problems would likely have been found and repairs negotiated (assuming they would have even put it on the lot in that condition to begin with).



The seller won't bring it up because they want to sell it and the guy doing the maintenance will find everything because they also want your money.

I hear you and I agree with you.

This might be something for everyone to consider, have the dealership produce the checklist before you sign. I think you were just blind sided by a dealership and they represented their inspection as something it was not. Look at the things you can, maybe have someone you know or maybe another dealership be willing to give it a once over. In this market, no one is spending money to fix things. The guy I talk to says they will note every little thing, knowing that an owner may not do all of the suggested repairs at once, but will in time, use them to fix them all. He said the other reason is that if they don't let the customer know everything they see, they face the other complaint of "Why didn't you say something the first time"

So the motives are different and thats why you see a huge difference in what people are willing to pass on

Again, not trying to make this worse, just a perspective:eek:

They also found the issue because my power steering pump was clearly having issues. I know what it sounds like when a PS pump is on its last leg. Do they want me to do the work there and spend the money? Yes, of course. But for the same reason Dodge wants my money is likely the same reason "no issues" were found by the other dealership because they didn't want to spend their money, which brings it back to square one and I believe Nissan either chose to ignore the problems or chose to perform a hasty inspection and missed the problems.
Oh, and for what it's worth, I don't think you got a lemon, just a truck that needed some repairs that the previous owner had no intent on fixing while he had it. The kind of owner that puts gas in it, lets jiffy-lube change the oil and washes it once in awhile

The seller won't bring it up because they want to sell it and the guy doing the maintenance will find everything because they also want your money.

I hear you and I agree with you.

This might be something for everyone to consider, have the dealership produce the checklist before you sign. I think you were just blind sided by a dealership and they represented their inspection as something it was not. Look at the things you can, maybe have someone you know or maybe another dealership be willing to give it a once over. In this market, no one is spending money to fix things. The guy I talk to says they will note every little thing, knowing that an owner may not do all of the suggested repairs at once, but will in time, use them to fix them all. He said the other reason is that if they don't let the customer know everything they see, they face the other complaint of "Why didn't you say something the first time"

So the motives are different and thats why you see a huge difference in what people are willing to pass on

Again, not trying to make this worse, just a perspective:eek:


It's definitely a learning lesson, that's for sure. This is the 6th used vehicle I've owned and I've never had this many issues, nor had this many all come at once, including my last vehicle which was also a Dodge Ram. I'll do what I can with the dealership and hope for the best. I appreciate everyone's perspectives and opinions.

Oh, and for what it's worth, I don't think you got a lemon, just a truck that needed some repairs that the previous owner had no intent on fixing while he had it. The kind of owner that puts gas in it, lets jiffy-lube change the oil and washes it once in awhile

I threw lemon in the title of the thread because I knew it would generate interest and get responses lol. I just wanted to get as many opinions as possible before I went down to the dealership and made a complete ass of myself
They also found the issue because my power steering pump was clearly having issues. I know what it sounds like when a PS pump is on its last leg. Do they want me to do the work there and spend the money? Yes, of course. But for the same reason Dodge wants my money is likely the same reason "no issues" were found by the other dealership because they didn't want to spend their money, which brings it back to square one and I believe Nissan either chose to ignore the problems or chose to perform a hasty inspection and missed the problems.

Your going to find this funny...

My powersteering pump went a few days after I got it back from the shop for some minor front end repairs. Pulled into a parking lot, and had no issues what so ever. Got in to leave and I thought I was driving an 18 wheeler. Even the dealership was surprised it failed.

Note: during the minor repairs, the entire steering system, including linkage was replaced.... everything but the pump. Some might remember my minor repairs. So that part failing out of the blue, I've seen it alot on here and other sites

I threw lemon in the title of the thread because I knew it would generate interest and get responses lol. I just wanted to get as many opinions as possible before I went down to the dealership and made a complete ass of myself

An Ass you won't be...... and thats for certain!!!

Your doing what any person would do that has spent more than a cup of coffee for
Yeah if the dodge dealership will back you up, you should by all means have not a single issue with having this fixed.
Also contact your local state police barracks, they are the ones in charge of inspection stickers here in MD and they can pull a inspectors lic.

long story short Me and my girl went to a dodge dealership to look at a G35, LOL the hood would not even open ????

so I asked the salesman how did you inspect this car ??? he said I would just walk away from the car and leave. I said nope, I'm calling the maryland state police about this before you shaft someone who does not know any better. Well first I tried to get 10K off the price :)
Also contact your local state police barracks, they are the ones in charge of inspection stickers here in MD and they can pull a inspectors lic.

long story short Me and my girl went to a dodge dealership to look at a G35, LOL the hood would not even open ????

so I asked the salesman how did you inspect this car ??? he said I would just walk away from the car and leave. I said nope, I'm calling the maryland state police about this before you shaft someone who does not know any better. Well first I tried to get 10K off the price :)

lol thanks for the info. I'll see what the dealership has to say first once they pull the inspection info as that will determine the next step.

lol thanks for the info. I'll see what the dealership has to say first once they pull the inspection info as that will determine the next step.


Which Nissan dealership in Tampa is it?
You bought a used car, plain and simple.

The inspection means nothing and of course they are not going to discuss the issues found with you. If they do then you are just going to expect them all to be repaired for nothing.

We have people who expect the same b.s. here with our used equipment we sell. Just because it is being sold at a dealer doesnt mean that it is going to be gone through with a fine tooth comb and every little thing repaired.

People expect top dollar for trades, then we have to turn around and sell this shit for a profit, every penny spent means our end price goes up. If prices are too high people bitch or dont buy.

Sorry for the rant, had some asshole come in and waste my time buying a 1970 New Holland P.O.S. manure spreader for $1750 and it was like he expected a brand new machine. We sell new ones for over 100K, so you can imagine how excited we are when dealing with this kinda stuff.

Good luck, I hope they help you out but I doubt it.
I wasn't aware they could legally just withhold information about the vehicle and just pick and choose what they want to advertise or tell the consumer about. Perhaps I don't know my rights as a buyer as well as I should?