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  1. S


    Why isn't everyone posting up there timeslips? I look at some peoples signatures and see good times. Why are'nt these times posted up.
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    North Georgia GTG

    So guys, I just got back from a 5 week business trip. Been a while since I've been around here and wanted to see if there was any interest for a Georgia get together.:rock: Would be nice to get 5-10 people and just go cruise around. Anyone up for it?
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    Do we got any folks here from the Georgia area... more so from north of Atlanta. I'm from Commerce, about 5 miles away from the track.
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    Fastest Truck

    Who has the fastest SRT-10 for a regular cab and a quad cab... and thats at the quarter mile
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    BOOMER Shifter

    Just recently got my truck and am looking for some mods. Whats all the talk about BOOMER's shifter. Whats so good about it? How much better is it than the stocker? and wats the price? Thanks guys John
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    Mopar Performance Computer

    How much hp/tq does this give compared to the other ones... i also hear the mopar chip does not void the warranty, and that is wat im looking for:rock: thanks John