90-120, 90% throttle 1995 Dodge Ram stroked and supercharged

Hey Randall488,
I spoke to Marty Fletcher and he said
Paxton had a kit for a while, and I built a custom bracket and cog for a Vortech V-10 years ago. The tuning on the paxton kit ran the paxtamap. Which is all a 95 can really handle in the pcm. If he does a standalone, then there will be no limits or quirks. A single rear mount turbo from Performance Injection Equipment would work great with a simple fmu and deliver full torque from a much lower rpm than a supercharger.
That link has a lot of information in it.
It's an external direct mount in some cases, or indirect mount for the universal one. It's controlled by line pressure and electronics, engaging or disengaging the gears in the gear vendor unit. .If you have the unit set to on it will engaged automatically above 45mph and disengage below 45mph. In normal driving that's ok but If you are racing you can use the engagement switch to toggle it on or off to either grab let's say 2nd gear, or second over. Not gonna lie it's not cheap, but it's more bullet proof than your tranny. To me reasons to do it would be racing, towing, running less rpm. If you are doing it to save gas mileage you would never make up the difference in cost of the unit, but then again we do like to use that as an excuse to get it right?
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