Another Casualty

bigike said:
Your a Mud logger right?

Theres got to be some work for you out there. They haven't quit drilling everywhere............yet

Good luck buddy

I was a mud Engineer for Sprit, and they recenty got bought out by NOV. They are now called NOV Fluid Services. You are right about drilling still going on. It is pretty hard to get a job when all the company's have all-stars working for them. One of my former bosses put in a good word for me at Baroid/Halliburton. He used to be one of there big shots in the Denver office before he jumped ship.

When NOV took over at the begining of May the company was already a million dollars in the hole and forcasting 3 million for the year. 5 people got laid off including me this last time. These guys did not have a rig to watch. The guys working live close to the rigs. The beancounters did not want to spend the extra money on travel expenses. NOV almost had a job for me too. They put a bid in on a job only 1 hour away and lost by 3% to Halliburton. They proably cut them a better deal on the mud and will make it up on cement jobs. If NOV got that account I would have been set. The whole field would have been mine.

The Denver office fought really hard to keep us. NOV headquarters didn't see it that way. Now they are gonna be in a bind when they do get some more accounts. Right now they have no extra guys for new accounts. Right now I am towards the top of the list for getting rehired if they don't make any more layoffs.

On the brighter side. I still have some savings left. Hopefully the oilfield will pickup before I run out of savings. While sitting at the house I ended up getting a part-time job that pays minimum wage. Before that job I had no idea what minimum wage was:eek: This new job is kinda depressing, but I am thankfull I am making some money for now. My current income in 2 weeks I got in one day with my old job:eek:

My main goal right now is to be able to keep a roof over my head for my family. The truck is just too big of a monthly expense for me. It has to go.
Damn bro , sorry about the job,

but I must commend you on not sitting around,,but instead getting a job , even if it is at minimum wage:rock: :rock: :rock:

Your priorities are def in order bud, family first:rock: :rock:

With your good morals, I dont think you will be down long, I would bet you allready have worn out the phone looking for more work:rock: :rock: :rock:

Take care of family bud, another truck can be had any day:)
wyoramsrt-10 said:
I was a mud Engineer for Sprit, and they recenty got bought out by NOV. They are now called NOV Fluid Services. You are right about drilling still going on. It is pretty hard to get a job when all the company's have all-stars working for them. One of my former bosses put in a good word for me at Baroid/Halliburton. He used to be one of there big shots in the Denver office before he jumped ship.

When NOV took over at the begining of May the company was already a million dollars in the hole and forcasting 3 million for the year. 5 people got laid off including me this last time. These guys did not have a rig to watch. The guys working live close to the rigs. The beancounters did not want to spend the extra money on travel expenses. NOV almost had a job for me too. They put a bid in on a job only 1 hour away and lost by 3% to Halliburton. They proably cut them a better deal on the mud and will make it up on cement jobs. If NOV got that account I would have been set. The whole field would have been mine.

The Denver office fought really hard to keep us. NOV headquarters didn't see it that way. Now they are gonna be in a bind when they do get some more accounts. Right now they have no extra guys for new accounts. Right now I am towards the top of the list for getting rehired if they don't make any more layoffs.

On the brighter side. I still have some savings left. Hopefully the oilfield will pickup before I run out of savings. While sitting at the house I ended up getting a part-time job that pays minimum wage. Before that job I had no idea what minimum wage was:eek: This new job is kinda depressing, but I am thankfull I am making some money for now. My current income in 2 weeks I got in one day with my old job:eek:

My main goal right now is to be able to keep a roof over my head for my family. The truck is just too big of a monthly expense for me. It has to go.
NOV is changin alot around here to after there acquisition of grant prideco ie. reed hycalog which is who i am currently commisioned for they are integrating there downhol dept with our bits so they might just let all the independent agents go:mad: which would be me:( :(
Stinker said:
Damn bro , sorry about the job,

but I must commend you on not sitting around,,but instead getting a job , even if it is at minimum wage:rock: :rock: :rock:

Your priorities are def in order bud, family first:rock: :rock:

With your good morals, I dont think you will be down long, I would bet you allready have worn out the phone looking for more work:rock: :rock: :rock:

Take care of family bud, another truck can be had any day:)
shut your ass no one assed you anything;)
Sorry to hear of the's rough out there that's for sure...Hate it when ya got to loose the much work into them...:(
Hang in will bounce back....hopefully sooner than later.
damn man i really feel your pain.... i'm in the same boat was drilling for patterson and got laid off end of march..... i'm drawing unemployment.... just to be able to pay the bills...if you think your going to end up having to draw for it let me know PM me and let me know... i'll help ya out on it a little...... i wish i could get a job to pay the bills i've turned in over 60+ apps at jobs around here an nobody is hiring
wyoramsrt-10 said:
I was a mud Engineer for Sprit, and they recenty got bought out by NOV. They are now called NOV Fluid Services. You are right about drilling still going on. It is pretty hard to get a job when all the company's have all-stars working for them. One of my former bosses put in a good word for me at Baroid/Halliburton. He used to be one of there big shots in the Denver office before he jumped ship.

When NOV took over at the begining of May the company was already a million dollars in the hole and forcasting 3 million for the year. 5 people got laid off including me this last time. These guys did not have a rig to watch. The guys working live close to the rigs. The beancounters did not want to spend the extra money on travel expenses. NOV almost had a job for me too. They put a bid in on a job only 1 hour away and lost by 3% to Halliburton. They proably cut them a better deal on the mud and will make it up on cement jobs. If NOV got that account I would have been set. The whole field would have been mine.

The Denver office fought really hard to keep us. NOV headquarters didn't see it that way. Now they are gonna be in a bind when they do get some more accounts. Right now they have no extra guys for new accounts. Right now I am towards the top of the list for getting rehired if they don't make any more layoffs.

On the brighter side. I still have some savings left. Hopefully the oilfield will pickup before I run out of savings. While sitting at the house I ended up getting a part-time job that pays minimum wage. Before that job I had no idea what minimum wage was:eek: This new job is kinda depressing, but I am thankfull I am making some money for now. My current income in 2 weeks I got in one day with my old job:eek:

My main goal right now is to be able to keep a roof over my head for my family. The truck is just too big of a monthly expense for me. It has to go.

Chuck I just want you to know that even if you can't drink an entire bottle of syrup in a single gulp that... YOU ARE ALL THAT IS MAN!

No pissing a moaning no I can't find a job. You don't like it but you accept it, get a minimum wage job and keep looking!

Hell of a Hand HOSS! Good luck! Haly-B don't pay real well do they?

Nov is like a company buying machine.... I wonder when the fed will step in?????
Tooloe said:
damn man i really feel your pain.... i'm in the same boat was drilling for patterson and got laid off end of march..... i'm drawing unemployment.... just to be able to pay the bills...if you think your going to end up having to draw for it let me know PM me and let me know... i'll help ya out on it a little...... i wish i could get a job to pay the bills i've turned in over 60+ apps at jobs around here an nobody is hiring

I think we are on a hiring freeze but, would you like the name of my recruiter?
bigike said:
Chuck I just want you to know that even if you can't drink an entire bottle of syrup in a single gulp that... YOU ARE ALL THAT IS MAN!

No pissing a moaning no I can't find a job. You don't like it but you accept it, get a minimum wage job and keep looking!

Hell of a Hand HOSS! Good luck! Haly-B don't pay real well do they?

Nov is like a company buying machine.... I wonder when the fed will step in?????

Very true, :congrats: :congrats: to you for maning up and doing what you have to. Hope this soon turns around for you before you do actualy have to sell the truck!!!
damn. If I had read this thread prior to posting on your DR thread, I would have bought them from you just to help you out, if I need them or not. Hope things get better for ya soon.