Asking for prayers for our Grandson


Full Access Member
May 20, 2006
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Our two year old grandson,Devin, was diagnosed with a leaking heart valve when he was born. They check him every six months for swelling of the heart due to the extra stress associated with the leak. Yesterday they told us that within the next six months he will have to have open heart surgery. They will have to fly him to Pennsylvania to do the surgery.The most favorable option is to install an artificial valve. Even with this method there is only a 50 percent survival rating and he will have to have it replaced again in 5 to 7 years due to the natural growth of the heart. Please pray for Devin and our family and that God will lead the surgeons hands and his will be done. Thank you all.
mopower1958 said:
Our two year old grandson,Devin, was diagnosed with a leaking heart valve when he was born. They check him every six months for swelling of the heart due to the extra stress associated with the leak. Yesterday they told us that within the next six months he will have to have open heart surgery. They will have to fly him to Pennsylvania to do the surgery.The most favorable option is to install an artificial valve. Even with this method there is only a 50 percent survival rating and he will have to have it replaced again in 5 to 7 years due to the natural growth of the heart. Please pray for Devin and our family and that God will lead the surgeons hands and his will be done. Thank you all.

......your faith and those around you will see you through this. God Bless and stay strong for the little guy.
Definitely praying for a good outcome!

Stay strong Devin!

God Bless...
I'm so sorry to hear that David. Nothing is worse than the young and innocent suffering. We will keep him in our thoughts here, best of luck to young Devin, and to your entire family.
Thinking about you guys Devin, God Bless the little guy our prayers are with him and the family.
Prayers sent, If he's having the procedure done at Childrens hospital in pittsburgh there is no better place for him, god bless.
Devin, you, and your family are on the prayer list-there can never be enough prayers said for someone. I have heard also that he will be going to a top-notch facility for pediatric hearts.
Last Wednesday, Jan 7 on Good Morning America, the Doctor Tim, on there did a special new breakthrough being done at Columbia Medical in New York where they actually replace heartvalves like an angioplasy, it is really cool and non as invasive as going in the old fashion way, not sure if your grandson would be a candidate or not, but sometimes information is critical....go to abcnews website, and under search look for heart valve....good luck...
I am sorry to hear about the news. Keep us updated. I hate hearing any bad news but it really hits home when a child is involved
God bless Devin, you and your family! Have faith in the Medical world we have available to us. It is second to none.

We will be praying

Marc T
Of all of the people here you are one of the most trusting of God, and accepting of His decisions. Your grandson will constantly be in my prayers...please keep us posted David.
