Ban Who?

Yea ok sure you did

Please show my how I used the word in correctly. Here is my original statement for reference:

I clicked on a thread this morning where a supporting vendor was requesting the banning of a forum member. I tried to reply but "don't have access". This kinda makes me feel there is nepotism going on behind the scenes and that I wasn't supposed to see that thread. Is that the case?
I only have one question ,is DOWURKSON and Mopar or No Car ,the same person :dontknow:
Please show my how I used the word in correctly. Here is my original statement for reference:
Nepotism is favoritism granted in politics or business to relatives regardless of merit. The term originated with the assignment of nephews to cardinal positions by Catholic popes and bishops. Nepotism is found in the fields of politics, entertainment, business and religion.

Unless Scott, J, Andy, and anyone else involved were related then this use of the word is incorrect.:dontknow:
Nepotism is favoritism granted in politics or business to relatives regardless of merit. The term originated with the assignment of nephews to cardinal positions by Catholic popes and bishops. Nepotism is found in the fields of politics, entertainment, business and religion.

Unless Scott, J, Andy, and anyone else involved were related then this use of the word is incorrect.:dontknow:

I understand now why you think I may have used the word "nepotism" incorrectly. I used the more common definition for nepotism (shown below), which is commonly used in most English classes, and in most modern literature. By this definition, my original statement makes perfect sense. If you would like, we can have an independent 3rd party diagram my original sentences too? Who knows, it might be fun.

nepotism |ˈnepəˌtizəm|
the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends
Here is the Webster version
Main Entry: nep·o·tism
Pronunciation: \ˈne-pə-ˌti-zəm\
Function: noun
Etymology: French népotisme, from Italian nepotismo, from nepote nephew, from Latin nepot-, nepos grandson, nephew — more at nephew
Date: 1670
: favoritism (as in appointment to a job) based on kinship

Also I have only heard nepotism referred to as kinship, especially in the professional world.
I understand now why you think I may have used the word "nepotism" incorrectly. I used the more common definition for nepotism (shown below), which is commonly used in most English classes, and in most modern literature. By this definition, my original statement makes perfect sense. If you would like, we can have an independent 3rd party diagram my original sentences too? Who knows, it might be fun.

nepotism |ˈnepəˌtizəm|
the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends

hey hey cut Dococksoon a brake he has not had his c o c k today so hes a lil foggy when it comes to modern English..
hey hey cut Dococksoon a brake he has not had his c o c k today so hes a lil foggy when it comes to modern English..

Really Ken doll that's all you can come UP with. Your just gonna repeat that over and over? You remind me of that kid that no one liked and would interject themselves into conversations with a bunch of dumbass comments that he thought made him look cool, but just really looked like a complete douche.

Ken i really wish your mother would have used a coat hanger instead of having you
Here is the Webster version
Main Entry: nep·o·tism
Pronunciation: \ˈne-pə-ˌti-zəm\
Function: noun
Etymology: French népotisme, from Italian nepotismo, from nepote nephew, from Latin nepot-, nepos grandson, nephew — more at nephew
Date: 1670
: favoritism (as in appointment to a job) based on kinship

Also I have only heard nepotism referred to as kinship, especially in the professional world.
Sounds like we must have traveled in different circles. I first heard Steven Covey use the word in 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, when I was just out of high school in about 2001. He used it specifically to address a business situation. I've researched the word "nepotism" a little more since you brought it up and your definition is more correct than mine. It appears, like most words, it's usage has "devolved" and is now commonly used like I used it.

How's the shoulder?
No biggie i have just only known this word one way had to give you a hard time

Its hurting, i had surgery last year same time and the previous doctor seems to have removed all my cartilage. My new surgeon said out of the 10k ortho surgeries he had performed he had never seen anything like this. They actually had to fracture my shoulder to separate it because it had been bone on bone for a long time. They then but screws into it. Im just ready to not be in pain, i have been dealing with this since last year and had a horrible doctor who butchered my shoulder
No biggie i have just only known this word one way had to give you a hard time

Its hurting, i had surgery last year same time and the previous doctor seems to have removed all my cartilage. My new surgeon said out of the 10k ortho surgeries he had performed he had never seen anything like this. They actually had to fracture my shoulder to separate it because it had been bone on bone for a long time. They then but screws into it. Im just ready to not be in pain, i have been dealing with this since last year and had a horrible doctor who butchered my shoulder
Pisses me off every time I hear a story like this. I don't know what kind of business you are in, buy in my business, we are 100% accountable for our work/product. The medical field is the only industry where you don't have to provide a price for services rendered until you are ready to invoice the client/customer, nor can you be held liable for work you performed. And they wonder why health care is "broken"!?
Pisses me off every time I hear a story like this. I don't know what kind of business you are in, buy in my business, we are 100% accountable for our work/product. The medical field is the only industry where you don't have to provide a price for services rendered until you are ready to invoice the client/customer, nor can you be held liable for work you performed. And they wonder why health care is "broken"!?

Absolutely agree you should hear the horror story my wife just dealt with, we are lucky she isn't paralyzed. Fractured her back went to urgent care staying she couldn't feel her legs and was crying in pain. They sent her out with pain pills that's it no mri no xray same thing at emergency room next day, back doctor wouldn't see her for another week, got ahold of the spine institute here and they were amazing, saw her, mri and surgery all immediate. In fact she was barely finished with the mri and they were prepping for surgery. She still doesn't have feeling in her left leg and right foot. Spine surgeon said she didn't have too much longer before she shoulder not have been able to walk. Crazy thing is the malpractice laws in Louisiana have been adjusted to help the doctors and practices, its nuts.
Absolutely agree you should hear the horror story my wife just dealt with, we are lucky she isn't paralyzed. Fractured her back went to urgent care staying she couldn't feel her legs and was crying in pain. They sent her out with pain pills that's it no mri no xray same thing at emergency room next day, back doctor wouldn't see her for another week, got ahold of the spine institute here and they were amazing, saw her, mri and surgery all immediate. In fact she was barely finished with the mri and they were prepping for surgery. She still doesn't have feeling in her left leg and right foot. Spine surgeon said she didn't have too much longer before she shoulder not have been able to walk. Crazy thing is the malpractice laws in Louisiana have been adjusted to help the doctors and practices, its nuts.
Totally outrageous! I have stories too, but it takes too much negative energy to write them, and honestly, they aren't as bad as what your wife has been through. How is she doing now?
She had surgery five weeks ago she still didn't have feeling in her left leg or her right foot she is feeling better appreciate you asking