Big Ben Accident

1) Harley's are beautiful and are what a bike is all about

2) A crotch rocket with a bad rider can smoke a Harley eveytime.....period

3) Everyone should own one of each.

4) My KTM will destroy either in a canyon

5) Stop being a tough guy and wear a f'n what you're single and want to bounce your head off the pavement that is your choice....but..the second you have kids....not a free choice for you anymore....

6) In '92 I went through the windshield of a car that lost controll on a hill and hit me almost head on....I will wear a helmet thank you.....:D ...BTW that accident paid off my credit card bills....and student loans....:D
Bone said:
That's "you're" or "you are" an Idiot...:)
You are a ASSHOLE !!!! Is that better ? :confused: If I want your opinion on anything, I will give it to you Numb Nuts.. I write the way I write...The point always gets across....But thanks for the advice Dick breath ;)
FerrariTruck said:
I prolly agree with some guys that ridin wit out a helmet does feel better, as does f$%kin wit out a condom. But you never know what the rest of the world might throw at you. That is why I always wear my seat belt, strap on a condom, and wear a helmet.

Thats a great one Ferrari!!!!

To each his own though.

I really cant believe these pro ball players getting paid crazy azz money dont have riders in their contract saying no dangerous activity.... ie skydiving, moto w/out helmut, Thailand trips w/out jimmycaps !!! LOL:lollypop: :sheep: :help:

Sometimes you live, sometimes you die... with or without a helmet. My brother in law ate it in 1981 on his Harley with no helmet, spent a year in a wheel chair and all, but he got lucky. His head was harder than pavement.
I don't ride a bike, but when I used to ride with Jerry I didn't wear a helmet. If I rode again I would. But, they are not cool. :D
All I can say is Arai Corsair! I WON'T ride with anything less. Just my opinion. I went to another state to visit a friend, they did not have a helmit law, he said try it, I did. I went about 100 yards, turned around can back, and said I will never do that again. However I think it should be a riders choice, NOT a law.

Usually pro sports players have to sign contracts agrreeing to forgo certain behaviors like riding motorcycles, skiing, etc. This is why.
Nowwhat said:
2) A crotch rocket with a bad rider can smoke a Harley eveytime.....period

Not true, smoked a GSXR 600 last week in a straight line and in the twisties on my V-Rod (and yes, everyone will debate if it is a Harley at all). The person riding it was a bad rider, but my V-Rod is a low 11 second machine with various scrape marks on both sides from aggressive cornering.

I agree about a helmet if you have kids, however I am single with no kids.

To each his own, I respect everyones decision to do whatever makes them happy-
Nowwhat said:
1) Harley's are beautiful and are what a bike is all about

2) A crotch rocket with a bad rider can smoke a Harley eveytime.....period

3) Everyone should own one of each.

4) My KTM will destroy either in a canyon

5) Stop being a tough guy and wear a f'n what you're single and want to bounce your head off the pavement that is your choice....but..the second you have kids....not a free choice for you anymore....

6) In '92 I went through the windshield of a car that lost controll on a hill and hit me almost head on....I will wear a helmet thank you.....:D ...BTW that accident paid off my credit card bills....and student loans....:D
Sorry Mike, but #2 is just flat out wrong. A rider on a bike makes a lot more difference than a driver in a cage, and everyone here knows that can make the difference in a race. Like I said, I can ride the shit out of a bike but I know some that can ride circles around me. And I do ride the shit out of my bikes, one of my choppers is now on the 4th outer primary for the belt drive, the other 3 have been worn down to nothing from dragging it on the road.

I imagine the KTM will blow it away, but then again so will my YZ426 LOL.

It's not about being a tough guy, not at all. It's about a feeling that I just can't put into words. I have worn helmets on occasion in states that I don't have to. Somedays it's just a voice in the back of your head telling you to wear one. Besides, I'm worth a HELL of a lot more dead than alive hehehe. What I really mean by that statement is that I have taken precautions to make sure that my death would not leave them without financial support. But your logic is flawed in my opinion. Does this also mean that I shouldn't skydive now that I have kids? Maybe I shouldn't ride a bike at all, certainly not my dirt bike I guess. I don't think having kids is an issue. What if your parents rely on you for financial or moral support? Somebody out there is counting on each and every one of us.

The key to the whole thing is not a helmet law, it is training. For both motorcycle riders and cage drivers. No one should be allowed to get a motorcyle license in any state without going through at least a basic safety course. It is way too easy to get a motorcycle license in this country. Hell, that's why we have the helmet law in the first place. Kids were buying crotch rockets and dropping like flies on Ortega. Parents then put the pressure on the state to pass the law. And yes, I said training for cage drivers. Let's look at the accident that started this whole debate. A woman turned left in front of Ben, giving him no chance to avoid the accident. She wasn't even charged! This happens all the time. I say if you pull out in front of a bike you lose your license, period! Everyone's excuse is always that they didn't see the bike. What the hell is that??? If you can't see a motorcycle, you shouldn't be behind the wheel of a car. People just aren't aware of motorcycles, and the age of the cell phone sure as hell hasn't helped. There is another law that would help a lot, no cell phones in cars without hands free setups. Even that isn't perfect though, there are truly a lot of people out there that simply cannot handle doing both things at once.

And check out these statistics:
In the year after a new law permitted Pennsylvania motorcyclists to ride helmetless, the number of deaths has decreased enough to maybe let some Big Ben critics breathe a sigh of relief.
The number of motorcyclists killed on Pennsylvania highways dropped to 157 last year from 171 in 2003, the state Department of Transportation announced Tuesday.

I can guarantee that the number of registered bikes increased that year, as it has every year in every state in recent history. Now, I'm not trying to say that riding without a helmet is safer. I won't insult anyone's intelligence by suggesting that. But I will say that it sure as hell isn't as dangerous as it can be made out to be, mostly by people that don't even ride.
OCBob said:
Sorry Mike, but #2 is just flat out wrong. A rider on a bike makes a lot more difference than a driver in a cage, and everyone here knows that can make the difference in a race. Like I said, I can ride the shit out of a bike but I know some that can ride circles around me. And I do ride the shit out of my bikes, one of my choppers is now on the 4th outer primary for the belt drive, the other 3 have been worn down to nothing from dragging it on the road.

I imagine the KTM will blow it away, but then again so will my YZ426 LOL.

It's not about being a tough guy, not at all. It's about a feeling that I just can't put into words. I have worn helmets on occasion in states that I don't have to. Somedays it's just a voice in the back of your head telling you to wear one. Besides, I'm worth a HELL of a lot more dead than alive hehehe. What I really mean by that statement is that I have taken precautions to make sure that my death would not leave them without financial support. But your logic is flawed in my opinion. Does this also mean that I shouldn't skydive now that I have kids? Maybe I shouldn't ride a bike at all, certainly not my dirt bike I guess. I don't think having kids is an issue. What if your parents rely on you for financial or moral support? Somebody out there is counting on each and every one of us.

The key to the whole thing is not a helmet law, it is training. For both motorcycle riders and cage drivers. No one should be allowed to get a motorcyle license in any state without going through at least a basic safety course. It is way too easy to get a motorcycle license in this country. Hell, that's why we have the helmet law in the first place. Kids were buying crotch rockets and dropping like flies on Ortega. Parents then put the pressure on the state to pass the law. And yes, I said training for cage drivers. Let's look at the accident that started this whole debate. A woman turned left in front of Ben, giving him no chance to avoid the accident. She wasn't even charged! This happens all the time. I say if you pull out in front of a bike you lose your license, period! Everyone's excuse is always that they didn't see the bike. What the hell is that??? If you can't see a motorcycle, you shouldn't be behind the wheel of a car. People just aren't aware of motorcycles, and the age of the cell phone sure as hell hasn't helped. There is another law that would help a lot, no cell phones in cars without hands free setups. Even that isn't perfect though, there are truly a lot of people out there that simply cannot handle doing both things at once.

And check out these statistics:
In the year after a new law permitted Pennsylvania motorcyclists to ride helmetless, the number of deaths has decreased enough to maybe let some Big Ben critics breathe a sigh of relief.
The number of motorcyclists killed on Pennsylvania highways dropped to 157 last year from 171 in 2003, the state Department of Transportation announced Tuesday.

I can guarantee that the number of registered bikes increased that year, as it has every year in every state in recent history. Now, I'm not trying to say that riding without a helmet is safer. I won't insult anyone's intelligence by suggesting that. But I will say that it sure as hell isn't as dangerous as it can be made out to be, mostly by people that don't even ride.


I am NOT a fan of the helmet law....sorry if I gave that impression...I can't stand the constant errosion of our rights to chose....I would prefer that a novice rider who buys a 160hp bike and does not wear a helmet die before he breeds more stupid people....:D

And as far as your life insurance can't replace you as a can replace you as a husband though so be careful......:D
Agree with Bob, everyone in the media and even here are debating helmet laws when the real travesty is the driver that cut him off wont get more than a slap on the wrist.

Its total bullshit that if while driving my SUV down the freeway I run another car off the road, and they crash, I will more than likely lose my license. If I cut in front of a motorcycle, and I almost kill them, will get off scott free. Either with out much of a ticket or in court because a motorcylce was involved.

Helmet laws are also bullshit. Raising the driving age of both automobiles and motorcycles to 18 as well as a mandatory motorcycle safety course should mandatory.
TheSickness said:
You are a ASSHOLE !!!! Is that better ? :confused: If I want your opinion on anything, I will give it to you Numb Nuts.. I write the way I write...The point always gets across....But thanks for the advice Dick breath ;)

No, not better:

It is "you are an AS$HOLE !!!!"
The latest update on Ben is that he may be out of the hospital by Friday and that he has 2 broken teeth, a few chipped teeth and a mild concussion. His jaw is broken and also his nose. He has a bunch of scrapes and cuts on his head, but no brain damage. His knees are OK and he should be ready to practice in time to play in the first game. The bad news is that they are reporting that he had no permit or license to drive the bike. In PA, you have to have your license for 2 years before you can go without a helmet.
I have personally flipped a bike @ 70 mph with a helmet & no gear and literally walked away (obviously all roadrashed & adrenalined up). I've seen many accidents and always promote at least a leather jacket, gloves, & helmet... with I had a leather jacket when I went down :(

As far as the helmet law.. Like anything else- Money talks and bullshit walks! I'm sure the politions are tied in with the insurance companies on that whole subject. Think about this.. If your involved in a moto accident with your helmet on, the more chances your survival and longer hospital bills. I think they prefer you dead to save $$$. I'm hoping everyone out there loves themselves also so please wear your helmet!

Good luck with everything Ben! :(

BTW- the pic of me w/o the helmet was taken 1 yr before I went down |O| Learned my lesson!!!


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Lightning Duster said:
The latest update on Ben is that he may be out of the hospital by Friday and that he has 2 broken teeth, a few chipped teeth and a mild concussion. His jaw is broken and also his nose. He has a bunch of scrapes and cuts on his head, but no brain damage. His knees are OK and he should be ready to practice in time to play in the first game. The bad news is that they are reporting that he had no permit or license to drive the bike. In PA, you have to have your license for 2 years before you can go without a helmet.

Good prognosis for Ben... I'm glad that he's gonna be OK. He would've walked away with virtually NO injuries if he'd been wearing a helmut.

Point made.

The Penn state helmut law is the most incredible thing in your post. How any group of legislators can craft this piece of legislation is beyond the pale. It's the stoopidest, most arbitrarily created legal turd I've seen in a very long while. It is obviously designed to please everyone.

After the two year learning period, any blind-assed, shit-for-brains can run you down in his POS Veg-o-matic and put you in a coma for life. But you passed the two year waiting period?????? WTF is That all about.

Point made again.....

I've been around motorcycles all my life. I've had SEVERAL friends die because they weren't wearing a helmut. That's in the desert, on street and everywhere in between.

The fact is that if you do not wear a brain bucket while riding on a motorcycle you run a vastly greater risk of catastophic injury to your head and all the parts contained therein.

Anyone who would dispute that fact is being intellectually dishonest.

This is an issue of precious freedom versus safety.....


I'm just saying it's less safe...that's all.....

vipersrt10 said:
I'm sure the politions are tied in with the insurance companies on that whole subject. Think about this.. If your involved in a moto accident with your helmet on, the more chances your survival and longer hospital bills. I think they prefer you dead to save $$$. QUOTE]
That is where you are wrong, it is the insurance companies and the politicians in their pockets that are pushing for helmet laws. Very simply, I think it is my choice. What's next, obesity laws? Why not, obesity is much more dangerous than riding a bike. My view on the whole thing is that it is not the governments job to protect me from myself, end of story.
I totally agree with the governments trying to protect me from myself. I personally don't wear my helmet and tie it to the bike if I'm strolling down the beach on stop & go traffic. However, I wear it as soon as we hit the streets. I also believe in the freedom of deciding when your live is at risk. But here is the problem.. Dealerships are selling these crotchrockets to kids who put it on credit card & NO insurance! No experience, no insurance, & growing ego.. bad mix. Just my .02c
Silent D said:
Good prognosis for Ben... I'm glad that he's gonna be OK. He would've walked away with virtually NO injuries if he'd been wearing a helmut.

Point made.

The Penn state helmut law is the most incredible thing in your post. How any group of legislators can craft this piece of legislation is beyond the pale. It's the stoopidest, most arbitrarily created legal turd I've seen in a very long while. It is obviously designed to please everyone.

After the two year learning period, any blind-assed, shit-for-brains can run you down in his POS Veg-o-matic and put you in a coma for life. But you passed the two year waiting period?????? WTF is That all about.

Point made again.....

I've been around motorcycles all my life. I've had SEVERAL friends die because they weren't wearing a helmut. That's in the desert, on street and everywhere in between.

The fact is that if you do not wear a brain bucket while riding on a motorcycle you run a vastly greater risk of catastophic injury to your head and all the parts contained therein.

Anyone who would dispute that fact is being intellectually dishonest.

This is an issue of precious freedom versus safety.....


I'm just saying it's less safe...that's all.....

Who's to say what injuries he would have if he had on a helmet. He had facial injuries, so only a full face helmet would have protected that. So are regular 1/2 and 3/4 helmets a waste of time to wear then? There is also the chance of severe neck and spinal cord injuries from the weight of the helmet. Does it happen often? No. But that doesn't mean it wouldn't have happened here. There is no way to guess what his injuries would have been.

I also have lost many, many friends and Brothers in bike wrecks. Some were wearing helmets, some were not. A helmet is no guarantee.

As far as the 2 year waiting period, it makes perfect sense. The more experienced you are the less likely you are to have an accident. There is no arguing that fact. Just ask an insurance agent, thats why they have tiered rates.

Yes, I stand a greater chance of a head injury without one. But, by that logic if I never get off the couch I probably will never get hurt. People are injured and killed in all kinds of recreational activities. I wear a helmet when I skydive, I also wear one when I ride in the dirt. I am capable of determining risk and taking the appropriate precautions.

I would never dream to tell someone they couldn't wear a helmet, by the same token I would never dream of telling someone they had to. It is not my place to do so, nor is it for the government.
vipersrt10 said:
I totally agree with the governments trying to protect me from myself. I personally don't wear my helmet and tie it to the bike if I'm strolling down the beach on stop & go traffic. However, I wear it as soon as we hit the streets. I also believe in the freedom of deciding when your live is at risk. But here is the problem.. Dealerships are selling these crotchrockets to kids who put it on credit card & NO insurance! No experience, no insurance, & growing ego.. bad mix. Just my .02c
That is where it becomes a very slippery slope. If helmets on crotchrockets are safer, it is even safer yet if there are no crotchrockets. Hell, the speed limit is 65 mph in most places (and in fact the feds would still love to see 55 everywhere), so why don't we only manufacture vehicles that are not capable of exceeding that? I probably shouldn't eat bacon every day (mmmmm bacon) so maybe that should be a law as well. The bottom line is that with freedom comes risk. I for one am all for that trade off.

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