Billet Aluminum VTCoA Plate

Billet Aluminum Plaque 55.00 ea anywhere in the world


Ready to order... Please Verify this is what you want
1. srt10viper "2005 Black Beauty 505 HP" x1
2. srt10viper "2005 Black Venom 505 HP" x1
3. Kuan505 "Built to Last" x1
4. ViperJeff " "Loosey" x1
5. NVR2OLD "#1793 RAM SRT-10" x1
6. chaynick "2004 SRT-10 #505" x2
7. Garebone "#12190 Garebone" x1
8. Yellow Venom "Yellow Venom #366" x1
9. Yellow Venom "Built for Joe Preston" x1
10. Jeffboyette "Nightrunner 258/400" x1
11. oldcolt "oldcolt" x1
12. oldcolt "Dean-o" x 1

Need details
NettlesD **engraving to be determined** (1 for sure but might order 2)
Brat **engraving to be determined** x1
SammyStar **engraving to be determined** x1
arnie 82 **engraving to be determined** x1 (maybe 2
Billet Aluminum Plaque 55.00 ea anywhere in the world


Ready to order... Please Verify this is what you want
1. srt10viper "2005 Black Beauty 505 HP" x1
2. srt10viper "2005 Black Venom 505 HP" x1
3. Kuan505 "Built to Last" x1
4. ViperJeff " "Loosey" x1
5. NVR2OLD "#1793 RAM SRT-10" x1
6. chaynick "2004 SRT-10 #505" x2
7. Garebone "#12190 Garebone" x1
8. Yellow Venom "Yellow Venom #366" x1
9. Yellow Venom "Built for Joe Preston" x1
10. Jeffboyette "Nightrunner 258/400" x1
11. oldcolt "oldcolt" x1
12. oldcolt PAID "Dean-o" x 2
13. NettlesD "NettlesD" x1
14. SammyStar PAID "determined" x1 (Thanks Sammy)
15. Brat "#215 Brat" x1
16. Venom286 PAID "Venom286" x1

Need details

arnie 82 **engraving to be determined** x1 (maybe 2
Last edited:
Purchase link goes up tonight
Thanks Guys, I will update the list tonight
till the 20th or sooner. Once eveyone on the list above has paid, I'll just send it in. or I will just send in who has paid up through the 20th whichever occurs first. My window on this one is short with the CNC Guys
Billet Aluminum Plaque 55.00 ea anywhere in the world


Ready to order... Please Verify this is what you want
1. SammyStar PAID "determined" x1 (Thanks Sammy)
2. oldcolt PAID "Dean-o" x 1
3. oldcolt PAID "oldcolt" x1
4. Venom286 PAID "Venom286" x1

srt10viper "2005 Black Beauty 505 HP" x1
srt10viper "2005 Black Venom 505 HP" x1
Kuan505 "Built to Last" x1
ViperJeff " "Loosey" x1
NVR2OLD "#1793 RAM SRT-10" x1
chaynick "2004 SRT-10 #505" x2
Garebone "#12190 Garebone" x1
Yellow Venom "Yellow Venom #366" x1
Yellow Venom "Built for Joe Preston" x1
Jeffboyette "Nightrunner 258/400" x1
NettlesD "NettlesD" x1
Brat "#215 Brat" x1
arnie 82 **engraving to be determined** x1 (maybe 2)
Ready to order... Please Verify this is what you want
1. SammyStar PAID "determined" x1 (Thanks Sammy)
2. oldcolt PAID "Dean-o" x 1 correct
3. oldcolt PAID "oldcolt" x1 correct
4. Venom286 PAID "Venom286" x1
Jeff, emailed you about a schedule on the plaques so I can make sure I know when I'll need to do the final finish on them.
Thank You Sir
Closes on 05/20/2012

This will be the only offering, this item will be discontinued
I'll get Tanya to send you payment this week. I'm good on mine.

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