Blue Fever pics

Looks sharp, nice custom touches and originality. Any plans in the future to drop it? Thanks for the Saturday morning eye candy. :)
Carlwalski said:
Looks sharp, nice custom touches and originality. Any plans in the future to drop it? Thanks for the Saturday morning eye candy. :)

I am not sure about the drop. I am going to take a breather and enjoy it for a bit before I start on anything else.

Thanks to everyone for the kind comments. I know it is mine and I should, but I really love the way it looks! The blue really added a little excitement to the silver.
Yellow venom said:
Looks great! Nice work,That intake must feel left out?

Oh no, it got some love too....the intake was "cleared" so as to keep the silver aluminum look going.
Very Nice ------ Like they said Blue and Silver kinda goes together.