Call of Duty: MW2

alright...listen up homies....just got PS3 & CODMW2...first video game i bought and console in my entire life (except original nintendo).

my campaign says 50% that because its only on recruit, do i have to move thru higher levels (expert) to open it up, did i miss stuff???
i cant believe how sick this game is but i can barely figure it out. i have never played video games before really
also how long do these wireless controller batteries last???
BurntRubber said:
alright...listen up homies....just got PS3 & CODMW2...first video game i bought and console in my entire life (except original nintendo).

my campaign says 50% that because its only on recruit, do i have to move thru higher levels (expert) to open it up, did i miss stuff???
i cant believe how sick this game is but i can barely figure it out. i have never played video games before really

bump it up to hardend it says 50% becasue your on the pussy level lol:D

you'll get the hang of it... and the batterys will last a good wihle
the other 50% of the game is finding the enemy intel

and there are no batteries in ps3 controllers...
Silverbullet08 said:
the other 50% of the game is finding the enemy intel

and there are no batteries in ps3 controllers...

Yep! The intel is spread out over all of the campaign maps. Some of it is really hard to find. Google it, and there are videos to show you where to look though....

And the batteries in the controllers are rechargeable. They last a pretty long time! probably 5+ hours of continuous use. If you turn off the vibration feature, even longer.

Have you set up online yet!?!? Gotta get in there and mix it up!!!
ntw0rk said:
Just finished Assassin's Creed 2.... Wow!!!


I found Assassin's Creed 1 for $20. Will start there and get Assassin's Creed 2 afterwards. Well... That's if Santa thinks I am a good boy and get a PS3 for Christmas... :argh:
man i cant make it thru the favela on the 2nd hardest level...shit flying all over the place i dont even know who i am
Yea fevela is pretty hard.... The hardest one for me so far. I just ran like a mad man shooting anything in sight. I also found an auto shotgun which helps.

I bought rechargable batteries and they last a good while.
I was on last night when I saw Crazy US Marine and eddie also on multiplayer. None of them hollah'd but that's okay.. I was too busy taking out tango... IF ANY OF YOU SEE MoeJoeJOJO ONLINE USING X360 GIVE ME A SHOUT CUZ THAT BE ME!!!

Here's a good question. What is/are your favorite online multiplayer map(s) on MW2? Mine are Terminal, Favela and definately that one in the salt mines (I can't remember the name now).. I log most kills on those maps. I absolutely HATE Rundown and Underpass. Once I remember some more map names I'll post up more likes and dislikes..

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Silverbullet08 said:
terminal, afghan, and skidrow are my favs

i hate estate, wasteland and underpass

:eek:YES YES.... Wasteland blows as does Estate. Too many campers in Estate. Skidrow is badass.. I log plenty kill in there too...
love the submarine base on domination, got the m240 last night and its like cutting down trees
eddie102870 said:
love the submarine base on domination, got the m240 last night and its like cutting down trees

Submarine level.. yes... yes... That's another good one. Plenty places to rack up points there..
Venom Power said:
:eek:YES YES.... Wasteland blows as does Estate. Too many campers in Estate. Skidrow is badass.. I log plenty kill in there too...
I hate that rooftop level...too many campers there!