Court hearing for Spousal Support

Hang in there Annu ....................
If you're gonna get hitched do it in TX.. I never heard of spousal support there... That wouldn't make me want to get married anyway.

I often wonder :dontknow: what makes a guy want to tie the knot. YOU guys, and my hat is off, have done something I'm too :afraid:afraid of. Perhaps the right one :dancing:will come around and change my mind someday.
If you have no equity and no cash in anything then there is nothing to split. Make sure you have big loans on your vehicles or transfer the titles to somebody else and clean out the bank accounts. If you claimed income on your 2007 income taxes you might be screwed no matter how bleak things are this year. The judge will likely go by your most recent tax filings. If your income is truly non-existent and you do what I have suggested with any equity and cash, then you have nothing to worry about.
The most important piece of advice; Be extremely polite to the judge and stick only to the facts. Do not explain personal feelings, do not tell stories about how she did you wrong, do not stray from the facts at all. Show proof she took the $10,000 or don't even bother bringing it up. In court you need to be 100% composed and professional. Don't say anything stupid. In fact, the less you say except to answer questions the judge asks the better. If you aren't stating facts keep your mouth shut. Seriously Annu, you have said a lot of dumb things on this forum. I am guessing that is what will get you screwed in court the quickest. Keep your mouth shut dude. And last, make damn sure you have an attorney. DO NOT GO TO COURT WITHOUT A LAWYER!!!!!!!!!!!! You will be sure to get screwed that way. You will be in way over your head. Let your attorney do the talking unless the judge specifically asks you a question.
Seriously Annu, you have got to watch what you say man. Good luck brother.
ChrisAZ said:
If you have no equity and no cash in anything then there is nothing to split. Make sure you have big loans on your vehicles or transfer the titles to somebody else and clean out the bank accounts. If you claimed income on your 2007 income taxes you might be screwed no matter how bleak things are this year. The judge will likely go by your most recent tax filings. If your income is truly non-existent and you do what I have suggested with any equity and cash, then you have nothing to worry about.
The most important piece of advice; Be extremely polite to the judge and stick only to the facts. Do not explain personal feelings, do not tell stories about how she did you wrong, do not stray from the facts at all. Show proof she took the $10,000 or don't even bother bringing it up. In court you need to be 100% composed and professional. Don't say anything stupid. In fact, the less you say except to answer questions the judge asks the better. If you aren't stating facts keep your mouth shut. Seriously Annu, you have said a lot of dumb things on this forum. I am guessing that is what will get you screwed in court the quickest. Keep your mouth shut dude. And last, make damn sure you have an attorney. DO NOT GO TO COURT WITHOUT A LAWYER!!!!!!!!!!!! You will be sure to get screwed that way. You will be in way over your head. Let your attorney do the talking unless the judge specifically asks you a question.
Seriously Annu, you have got to watch what you say man. Good luck brother.

Chris I did talk to a Attorney and he said that the Judge looks for Current Income. 2007 was 8 months ago. Since I am self employed that might be an issue but i already explained my current situation and filed it with the court. and the fact that she is filing for support 10 months later after we seperated will be good for me. She had the option to ask for spousal support in the restraining order 10 months ago but she didn't ask. also I filed for an annulment (which means no Marriage) My annulmnet trail is in october. She is also eduacted and trained and has a License in her field of Job. And makes more than enough to support her self. Dont you guys think the judge will be looking at all these factors???
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The judge will look at all of the facts and only the facts. Everything will be taken into consideration. I hope there is not a good reason that she got the restraining order. That could hurt you.
ChrisAZ said:
The judge will look at all of the facts and only the facts. Everything will be taken into consideration. I hope there is not a good reason that she got the restraining order. That could hurt you.

The restraining order was DENIED:) :)
Annu Kumar said:
The restraining order was DENIED:) :)

Nice! From all you have said, it sounds like you will come out really good. Just don't say anything you shouldn't. I don't think you need to worry.
ChrisAZ said:
Nice! From all you have said, it sounds like you will come out really good. Just don't say anything you shouldn't. I don't think you need to worry.

ok i will let you guys know the outcome:) Oh I owe about 23k on my truck And it is worth about 25 k. i should be ok there
I wish I could help Annu, but I do believe you got a lot of great advice. Just stay calm and collected.

Take care,


btw, you still owe me a call. After everything settles a bit please call me.
Venom Power said:
If you're gonna get hitched do it in TX.. I never heard of spousal support there... That wouldn't make me want to get married anyway.

I often wonder :dontknow: what makes a guy want to tie the knot. YOU guys, and my hat is off, have done something I'm too :afraid:afraid of. Perhaps the right one :dancing:will come around and change my mind someday.

not all true there bud ,,if you get divorced in texas and she has no job or skills and has to stay at home and care for kids ,she will get up to 1 year of alimony,but thats the max they can get here ,,but she can take half of every thing else ,,,have a bud going through it now ,,,he has way over 100,000 grand in the 401 k here at work and he has to give her half ,but they had no kids ,,she waited till he was at work and took ALL the house furnishings,,left the guy a loaf of bread and a pack of sandwich meat ,,1 fork 1 spoon and i glass and 1 plate lol,,,but now he is glad she is gone ,,she was a mean one ,,use to beat his ass lol he would comin to work with a black eye scratches all over his face ,,one time he fell asleep all drunk and she took some NAIR hair remover and smeared it all over his face ,,he woke up the next day with out a hair on his mug ,,,no eyebrows beard and stash was gone ,,it was funny as hell ,,well not to him at least
If she already took cleaned out your saving, and the court denied the restraining order, she is already looking like the bad guy.

Hang in there. Were all pulling for you.
Guess what?? Her Attorney and her Cancelled the Hearing for spousal support!!!:rock: Since I filed for annulment they cannot demand spousal support until they contest the annulment. Annulment meaning there was never a valid marriage so how can she collect spousal support. BUT if i lose the annulment than maybe
Hope it all work out in the end man--we're rooting for ya :rock: :rock: :rock: