Disagreement: Let's enjoy it.....


New Member
Supporting Member
May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Oceanside, CA. USA
From time to time every family (this one included) has disagreements. They are as common as dirt... Unfortunately, some members are highly averse to any kind of argument, reacting with some trepidation at any inkling of an online pissing match... They suggest that the VTCOA is no place for this kind of activity and to "take it outside" (PM)....

Of course, 90% of the room would love to follow the show into the parking lot to ogle, invite the masses in for popcorn and place the odd side bet on the outcome. (remember John Wayne in "The Quiet Man"...?)

The principals have the satisfaction (of) taking their best shots and making a good fight for the fans.... Some even PM the mods for help because their getting their asses kicked in ...;) :p Most of us love this shit, but some cry "foul", loudly protesting that they didn't join this forum for this. Hell, some even threaten to leave the VTCOA over such incidents.

Do you think this forum dedicated (solely) to the discussion of mods, hot rodding and our addiction to the Ram SRT-10......? Or should there be a time for our discussion (or even an occasional) throw-down over stuff like religion politics, racism, sexism or any aspect of the human experience.....?

OK, fine.... if you have a strictly personal problem with someone, take it to PM and "have it out" there. The forum doesn't need to indulge every pissie little squabble over issues of personality..... Even though some of those can be equally as entertaining....;)

I would hope that this forum is capable of open discussion on topics that pertain to all aspects of the human experience without having to labor under the constraints of political correctness or sensitivity training..... all out in the open where those who have the gut for it can enjoy the fracus... And anyone who doesn't can just stay the hell out.

IMO We are (again, hopefully) sufficient to openly participate in discussions of a controversial nature that are both thought provoking and insightful........ maybe even enlightening and fun... Hell, if The Professor and Django can have a respectful disagreement over politics and the state of the Union...... anything's possible...

What do you think..............?


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Obviously this forum is about more than our trucks, although they are what brought us here in the first place. Were this forum strictly about our trucks, there wouldn't be an area designated as "Off Topic" in the first place.

We've had a few issues that have been hot potatos. Much too hot for some thin-skinned folks to be handling in a manner becoming adults, to the point that the expression of views contrary to their own are perceived to be a personal attack. Unfortunately these same people cannot help but post something of an abrasive and/or abusive response, which in turn results in the closure or deletion of the entire thread. Perhaps through the use of judicial moderating, whereby the posts of this nature are deleted, could a thread containing a controversial subject be kept to a more academic level.

Perhaps there ought to be fair warning given that discussions of this nature will be held to standards by which it remains a discussion, and that posts which clearly do not contribute to the discussion (e.g. name calling, personal attacks, or other flagrant abuses) will be summarily deleted.

If you object to the topic, please contribute something other than hate for the sake of your objection. Tell us why you object, or better still, substantiate why it is that you disagree or object. If such a person is incapable of this kind of discourse, then they might as well not post to the thread in the first place.

Discussions such as these don't have to be avoided. Allow those with a modicum of tact to participate, and keep the thread alive.
personally, there is a pm on here. use it. leave the public out of arguments
I think if it restricted to truck and technical information only - and since there are only a very limited handful of members who even qualify for any technical input in the first place -with no room for "family" member differences, opinions, disagreements or fun for that matter it be the exact same thing that we old timers all had over at efools place.

The reason for the creation of the VTCOA, I believe, was so we could agree to disagree, have differences of opinion without fear of every post being censored or deleted, as well as a little fun, humor, etc.

For all the think skinned individuals who don't want that freedom, the NFFF is still there as far as I know :p

In my opinion, I think we need to have the right to state our opinions, it is a free country you know........................:star: :star: :star:

THANK YOU DJANGO FOR BRING THIS UP ..................... :rock: :rock: :rock:
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Django said:
From time to time every family (this one included) has disagreements. They are as common as dirt... Unfortunately, some members are highly averse to any kind of argument, reacting with some trepidation at any inkling of an online pissing match... They suggest that the VTCOA is no place for this kind of activity and to "take it outside" (PM)....

Of course, 90% of the room would love to follow the show into the parking lot to ogle, invite the masses in for popcorn and place the odd side bet on the outcome. (remember John Wayne in "The Quiet Man"...?)

The principals have the satisfaction (of) taking their best shots and making a good fight for the fans.... Some even PM the mods for help because their getting their asses kicked in ...;) :p Most of us love this shit, but some cry "foul", loudly protesting that they didn't join this forum for this. Hell, some even threaten to leave the VTCOA over such incidents.

Do you think this forum dedicated (solely) to the discussion of mods, hot rodding and our addiction to the Ram SRT-10......? Or should there be a time for our discussion (or even an occasional) throw-down over stuff like religion politics, racism, sexism or any aspect of the human experience.....?

OK, fine.... if you have a strictly personal problem with someone, take it to PM and "have it out" there. The forum doesn't need to indulge every pissie little squablle over issues of personality..... Even though some of those can be equally as entertaining....;)

I would hope that this forum is capable of open discussion on topics that pertain to all aspects of the human experience without having to labor under the constraints of political correctness or sensitivity training..... all out in the open where those who have the gut for it can enjoy the fracus... And anyone who doesn't can just stay the hell out.

IMO We are (again, hopefully) sufficient to openly participate in discussions of a controversial nature that are both thought provoking and insightful........ maybe even enlightening and fun... Hell, if The Professor and Django can have a respectful disagreement over politics and the state of the Union...... anything's possible...

What do you think..............?



I'm with Stupid ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:party: :dito: :dito: :dito: :withstupid: :withstupid: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :bandit:
Stanimal said:
personally, there is a pm on here. use it. leave the public out of arguments

That's a fairly blanket mandate..... Would you be more specific......?

if theres a problem with say 2 members on the forum, dont start an argument by posting a rude or attacking post toward the other member. pm him/her and resolve it like adults and do not drag other members in and make them choose sides. if its a argument about a truck related issue, go ahead and argue solid points. theres no need for bs name calling, or getting personal. this isnt high school.
Black1 said:
I'm gone for a day and miss shit again!?!!?! :mad: :( :dontknow:

What the hell is going on? :confused:

Nothing. It just seemed like a poignant topic.......

Not to worry........:eek:

If you want to be on a forum where there is nothing but technical data exchanged, most of us have already been there and didn't like it. It gets about 3 posts per day and it's boring at best.

I see nothing wrong with this forum just the way it is. IF anyone disagrees with me they can screw off. :thefinger: :thefinger: :thefinger:

Oh, btw...j/k :rofl: :rofl:
Stanimal said:
if theres a problem with say 2 members on the forum, dont start an argument by posting a rude or attacking post toward the other member. pm him/her and resolve it like adults and do not drag other members in and make them choose sides. if its a argument about a truck related issue, go ahead and argue solid points. theres no need for bs name calling, or getting personal. this isnt high school.

Not everyone on this forum has transcended high school..........

So, you can't simply divert your attention and let it be.....?

It seems to me that opinions are given out pretty freely here. Maybe a lot gets deleted that we never see but in the know members and moderators know about it??? Disagreements and opinions don't seem to be repressed around here to me but what do I know.
Django said:
The forum doesn't need to indulge every pissie little squablle over issues of personality...

What do you think..............?

I think you misspelled Squabble. :D

Actually, I agree with you....

ntw0rk said:
I think you misspelled Squabble. :D

Actually, I agree with you....



(shit....I hate typos...thanks):mad: ;)


There's just alot to be gained, both emotionally and intellectually from resolving conflicts and disagreements.

The idea that they are to be hidden in a corner or avoided because of our fragile sensitivities is IMO struthious....(cowardly)

The resolution of conflict and the solving of problems is being shunned by politically correct boneheads who prefer to (both) euphemize these great challenges under the table and to weaken out moral fibre in the process.....

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I don't know WTF happened.... But, I get the idea (it's been discussed before). So, here we go.... (I really need to copy and paste this to a word document, so I can just paste-and-post next time this comes up :rolleyes: )

Jack or Patrick can correct me if I'm wrong.... But, this site was created so that original members from another site could still have a place to go, without censorship, and talk to each-other. There were 100 (or so) of us that left a previous Viper Truck forum, because the owners of that forum had become stuffy and uptight (for lack of better words, because this thread is currently in "Non-Offensive")..... It's that simple. Just a few folks that wanted to stay in touch.... Thankfully, I think, many others have joined our (mostly) happy home since it's inception. I like to think it's because we have the largest group of knowledgeable people on this vehicle, and the best atmosphere. :)

Now.... having said that.... Here's my point.

There is a place on here called "Offensive"... It is for member's only (a guest cannot see this part of the forum). Right next to "Offensive", it says "NWS not work safe OPEN WITH CAUTION".... Now, to me that means just what it says. If you don't like what is being said in the Offensive Section, don't go there. There are Offensive Sections in most forums, and they are mostly the same. One example is Viper Alley... If you make a post on their Offensive Section, be prepared for SWIFT and brutal "brow-beating", especially if you're new. I like to think that we are not like that here, but sometimes we are (if you do a good job at rubbing someone the wrong way). That is it's nature.

Now, I don't know if this whole thing started in Offensive or not. If it didn't, then shame on whoever started it. If someone took the opportunity to bash someone on a Tech or Truck thread, then they should be reprimanded IMO. EXCEPTION: VENDOR SECTION - If someone has a gripe about a vendor, it should be just as accepted in that vendor's section.... just as much as a "praise"... That is what that section is for, FEEDBACK, good and bad.

That's all I have to say for now.... More in a minute. :D
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