Disagreement: Let's enjoy it.....

Prof said:
Sorry...been watching hot iron, and Stinker go off in wild demonstrations of chaos...

1. Halitosis is always better than no breath at all!

2. I also had an encounter with a blackboard and a directive to diagram a sentence (in French) in an honors class in college...that was the end of my honors status, my French experience, and the start of my journey toward success in the business world...D I think we are going to have to arrange that shared beer sooner rather than later.


First, Roy..... Is that you in the Nats piks... Dark hair, Asian, glasses.....?

And yes, even though alcohol gives me a fkn migraine, I'd tip a beer with you any time...day or night..... I just have to bring a needle full of sumatriptan to the bar.:rock:

I know (that) politically we appear to be on opposite sides of the aisle on some issues. But I'm keenly aware that we want pretty much the same things... Frankly, I've had my eyes open in an effort to understand you better. I'm happy to have shared your insights and look forward to meeting (together) in person.....

No horseshit.

Riff62 said:
Ok..Whatever the reason for Mikey not being on the forum, I hope IF there is an issue, he gets it resolved, and IF he is taking a break, he enjoys his time away..I do know, sort of, what is going on, and wont comment..
Mikey, come back soon..we miss you brother...

I think anyone with an e-mail address a telephone or the ability to PM knows wtf sup...:eek: :p ;)

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That good looking, guy with a touch of gray at the temples...kind of intellectual and sophisticated...slightly exotic, and old as shit? Yup that's Roy!

I will make the trip so we can meet, and tip coffee if that suits you better. And you are right, we want exactly the same things...we just differ on technique...
Prof said:
I think abortion should be safe, legal, and very rare.

You really are in the mood for it aren't ya.........?

I have only just gotten up.......

Give me some time for a bite a cuppla cups of coffee and I'll get back to this.....

Yer a real trouble maker, me darlin'......;)

Good morning to you all............:eek:

Prof said:
I think abortion should be safe, legal, and very rare.

You really are in the mood for it aren't ya.........?

I have only just gotten up.......

Give me some time for a bite, a cuppla cups of coffee and I'll be back to this.....

Yer a real trouble maker, me darlin'......;)

Good morning to you all............:eek:

Prof said:
I think abortion should be safe, legal, and very rare.

The salient component is "very rare".........Millions upon millions of abortions are performed each year...... I wouldn't call that "rare".

I don't want women doing "clotheshanger jobs"...... And I agree that there are times when it's neccesary to abort when a pregnant woman's life is in danger. These issues aren't even worth contesting. They're just common sense.

What IS troubling to me is that there are people who now avail themselves of the unabashed convenience of terminating a human life for the sake of their sexual independence.

I think that's just wrong.........

I think the real problem is the rights of the Parents. By that I mean Both Parents should be activley ,and, totally invoved in the decision to abort.

Just because the Woman wants to abort does not give her the right to eliminate somesones unborn child just because she is an acting incubater.(spelling)

There should be a Law requiring Notification to the biological Father. After all if the child is born he will be stuck with child support mostlikely. Lots of men are currently denied any say so at all and that is just wrong considering many Want thier child , only to find out after the fact the unborn child was Aborted !!!!

Men need rights also, and it is about time they recieve thier say in this matter........................Lots of single Dads out there, soooooooo where are the Mens support Groups???

PS, It is about time the NOW Gang should get thier wings clipped!! When was the last time you saw a Mens Help Program???
All I see is Womans Help Offices set up in Puplic Courthouses with our tax dollars. When will Men get the same benifits????
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includemeout said:
I think the real problem is the rights of the Parents. By that I mean Both Parents schould be activley ,and, totally invoved in the decision to abort.

Just because the Woman wants to abort does not give her the right to eliminate somesones unborn child just because she is an acting incubater.

There should be a Law requiring Notification to the biological Father, after all if the child is born he will be stuck with child support mostlikely. Lots of men are currently denied any say so at all and that is just wrong considering many Want thier child , only to find out after the fact the unborn child was Aborted

Men need rights also, and it is about time they recieve thier say in this matter........................Lots of single Dads out there, soooooooo where are the Mens support Groups???


In direct response to your specific issue: The abortion issue on the left is being driven by women and a "woman's right to choose". It is a female dominated issue.....As such, they consider it a cornerstone of women's liberation....

I doubt very seriously that any woman will ever accept that (example) some cretinous POS rapes her and she then must obtain his "permission" to abort..... ? Ain't gonna happen'.....

Django said:

In direct response to your specific issue: The abortion issue on the left is being driven by women and a "woman's right to choose". It is a female dominated issue.....As such, they consider it a cornerstone of women's liberation....

I doubt very seriously that any woman will ever accept that (example) some cretinous POS rapes her and she then must obtain his "permission" to abort..... ? Ain't gonna happen'.....


Tim, Not refering to Raped/ Medical necesities, just all the Females that think they Own the life they carry.

On the other hand........What choice, it takes Two, and I believe both parties involved should have equall Rights in the final decision before another Murder is commited....................
Ok, that didn't get much disagreement...how about...

We stop spending 70% of our health care dollars in the last 30 days of a person's life?

Let old farts like me go, not try to do every heroic thing possible to gain a few more days of life...

I bet that one falls flat too...just can't get a good fight going these days.
Prof said:
Ok, that didn't get much disagreement...how about...

We stop spending 70% of our health care dollars in the last 30 days of a person's life?

Let old farts like me go, not try to do every heroic thing possible to gain a few more days of life...

I bet that one falls flat too...just can't get a good fight going these days.

How about if we just off you now and save all the expense?:confused: :dontknow: ;) :D
includemeout said:
Tim, Not refering to Raped/ Medical necesities, just all the Females that think they Own the life they carry.

On the other hand........What choice, it takes Two, and I believe both parties involved should have equall Rights in the final decision before another Murder is commited....................

If given to my own "knee jerk" response, I'd probably just agree and be done with it.

But, I find myself increasingly inclined to (at least) attempt to see both sides of a very complicated issue.

Yes, in a committed relationship or an actual marriage... that mutual commitment or partnership does exist to a greater degree.... But, the issue (again) of "a woman's right to choose" is so ingrained into present day norms of acceptance that I doubt that even the staunchest and most powerful lobbyist could survive the stoning (that would surely result) from it's mention.

I can't believe that I'm defending the opposing side of the argument....

Roy, yer a very bad boy...........:p ;) :eek:

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Prof said:
Ok, that didn't get much disagreement...how about...

We stop spending 70% of our health care dollars in the last 30 days of a person's life?

Let old farts like me go, not try to do every heroic thing possible to gain a few more days of life...

I bet that one falls flat too...just can't get a good fight going these days.


Do you support or disagree with the above premise...?

I'm not sanguine about arguing both sides of the debate this time....

I'll be back on after dinner......

I only wish that I could partake in the Solient Green scenario:D (so then you can eat me:p ;) )

Feed the starving after watching a fantastic movie............Priceless:)

A worthwhile contribution IMHO, besides Who wants to be so old they are a burden on everyone. Just let us older folks go and save all the expense:rock:

Personally I am going for the oldest man on earth to make a dive to 500+ feet, if I make it I will go for 1000+ feet, it will make it all worthwhile on my last day:D :D :D :D
I don't think Roy ever had a desire to debate either of the points he raised.

At least that's the impression I'm getting.....

Hello...... Earth to Roy.......?

Just seems that a thinking and truly caring society would invest in the quality of life not just the length...it just is logical to put the money into youth to improve their quality and quantity of life, rather than into old farts.

Truly 70% of Medicare is expended during the final months of life...this is wrong minded...
Tim,.......................BwaHAHAHA.............................it is only processed Protein :D :D

Calling Roy.............Calling for Roy;) ;) ;)