Disagreement: Let's enjoy it.....

Roy has a valid point IMO.

To me there is nothing worse that watching old folks wither away while Not wanting even to desiring to breath anymore.

Another good point is the ever increasing financial drain on everyone due to the costs of socalled Elderly Care. The cost is mindboggeling and the care is ever decreasing no matter how much money you have.

I would much rather die earlier and leave my hard earned lifes savings to someone that can enjoy it's benifits, Lord knows ya can't do crap ( except in your depends) at an advanced age, particulaly if your heath sucks

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You guys don't believe this shit and you know it....

Yer just trying to get up my pipe..... get bloody real.

Back to the baseball game............

Django said:
You guys don't believe this shit and you know it....

Yer just trying to get up my pipe..... get bloody real.

Back to the baseball game............


I Am As Serious As Death

I truly believe this is the most humane way ......Freedom of choice:rock:

Or, as the old Indian said "It is time to go see the Great Spirit" today is a good day to die...................:)
includemeout said:
I Am As Serious As Death

I truly believe this is the most humane way ......Freedom of choice:rock:

Or, as the old Indian said "It is time to go see the Great Spirit" today is a good day to die...................:)

This analogy is weak as water..... He was relying on Great Spirit to take him home..... We didn't see any braves arriving at his tent flap to euthanize with a Bowie knife....

If you remember the film ("Little Big Man") accurately, he actually said, "Come out and fight...!!! It is a good day to die...." Challenging the Spirit of Death to take him.....

When I'm ready to cash it in, I may need to take myself out of the game... If maybe (I'm) looking down the barrel of a hideously painful demise or some shit.... But that's up to the individual.....

Other than that it is no one else's bloody fkn business to appoint my time of death. Besides, yer just trying to raid my humidor anyway....;)

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If you remember the film ("Little Big Man") accurately, he actually said, "Come out and fight...!!! It is a good day to die...." Challenging the Spirit of Death to take him.....

Ha, glad to see ya read through the lines I was think'in CRS may be involved:p
Actually I like the part when he went to the mountain and did not die ,just got rained on. LOL

Having someone else determan my time of death is acceptable if I am way out of it (already got that covered) :D :D :nurse:

All i'am saying is I would rather say goodbye with a smile while I still can:burnout: Besides old people suck:elefant:
includemeout said:
If you remember the film ("Little Big Man") accurately, he actually said, "Come out and fight...!!! It is a good day to die...." Challenging the Spirit of Death to take him.....

Ha, glad to see ya read through the lines I was think'in CRS may be involved:p
Actually I like the part when he went to the mountain and did not die ,just got rained on. LOL

Having someone else determan my time of death is acceptable if I am way out of it (already got that covered) :D :D :nurse:

All i'am saying is I would rather say goodbye with a smile while I still can:burnout: Besides old people suck:elefant:

I had all that Little Big Man dialogue typed out and I erased it.... Too long and drawn out.

I think old people rule...... Wasting away is what sucks....

Prof said:
Just seems that a thinking and truly caring society would invest in the quality of life not just the length...it just is logical to put the money into youth to improve their quality and quantity of life, rather than into old farts.

Truly 70% of Medicare is expended during the final months of life...this is wrong minded...

Django said:
I had all that Little Big Man dialogue typed out and I erased it.... Too long and drawn out.

I think old people rule...... Wasting away is what sucks....


Sooooooooooooo you agree with Roy then:D

PS, I am gona get that humidor:p ;)
I have the responsibility of caring for my Mother (84) and my Mother-in-law (87). I love them both, and they are both doing very well...but getting them healthy has been a long battle...both have DNR orders...not because they are not worth saving, but because they both believe that without a high quality of life that life would be miserable...and that death is a perfectly acceptable and natural part of our worldly existence, and getting in the way of that may not be in the best interests of society the immediate family or the individual.
Prof said:
I have the responsibility of caring for my Mother (84) and my Mother-in-law (87). I love them both, and they are both doing very well...but getting them healthy has been a long battle...both have DNR orders...not because they are not worth saving, but because they both believe that without a high quality of life that life would be miserable...and that death is a perfectly acceptable and natural part of our worldly existence, and getting in the way of that may not be in the best interests of society the immediate family or the individual.

I disagree with this thread so that I can agree with Roy and his Mothers....I look at it the same way!

Whether I go now, tomorrow or at 90 I think I have lived this life to the fullest. DNR. Cuz I got shit to do!:rock:

BTW....Jesus is the Man. I know alot of ya's been wondering. I just dont do the church thang...This is where we are more or less alike Tim.;)
Prof said:
I have the responsibility of caring for my Mother (84) and my Mother-in-law (87). I love them both, and they are both doing very well...but getting them healthy has been a long battle...both have DNR orders...not because they are not worth saving, but because they both believe that without a high quality of life that life would be miserable...and that death is a perfectly acceptable and natural part of our worldly existence, and getting in the way of that may not be in the best interests of society the immediate family or the individual.

Roy, if your entire point were to be summed up in the above staement, I wholeheartedly agree....

I would not concur that this is a liberal bent, however.....

I don't know anyone who wants to be kept on a machine to maintain a vegetative state.... It is wasteful and also somewhat cruel to all concerned....


KRAZYSRT10 said:
I disagree with this thread so that I can agree with Roy and his Mothers....I look at it the same way!

Whether I go now, tomorrow or at 90 I think I have lived this life to the fullest. DNR. Cuz I got shit to do!:rock:

BTW....Jesus is the Man. I know alot of ya's been wondering. I just dont do the church thang...This is where we are more or less alike Tim.;)

I agree......

I am a Christian....... it's instinctive to me..... I can't help it... Neither will I apologize.

I will apologize for all the selfishness and lack of Christlikeness that my Lord's followers have wrought throughout the ages..... I do apologize for the stupid, whacked out and hypocrisy that's been perpetrated by the church at large.... I do apologize for those who call themselves by His Name and conduct their lives in a manner that is contrary to His Divine Love.....

I am sorry for that.............

I am not sorry that I love Him..... He is my heart and my Life..... I am instinctively compelled to follow Him.

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Django said:
I agree......

I am a Christian....... it's instinctive to me..... I can't help it... Neither will I apologize.

I will apologize for all the selfishness and lack of Christlikeness that my Lord's followers have wrought throughout the ages..... I who apologize for the stupid, whacked out and hypocrisy that's been perpetrated by the church at large.... I do apologize for those who call themselves by His Name and conduct their lives in a manner that is contrary to His Divine Love.....

I am sorry for that.............

I am not sorry that I love Him..... He is my heart and my Life..... I am instinctively compelled to follow Him.

nice Timbo.:)
I was looking for something and found this thread from last year.....

After reading almost the whole thing and found it (to be) purdy fkn entertaining....

Hope you do too..... Anyone for a civil disagreement...?

Django said:
I was looking for something and found this thread from last year.....

After reading almost the whole thing and found it (to be) purdy fkn entertaining....

Hope you do too..... Anyone for a civil disagreement...?


Screw you. ;) :D :rock:
I read the first post and was all rady to answer, not realizing its age until I read post #2.. My post. Then I was like, "WTF?" But some interesting points were re-raised. I think it's a good idea to bring this topic up since we've acquired so many more members since then.

To start my rant, I would like to think this forum is a great place to talk about things not limited to SRT stuff. I really, REALLY enjoy reading the thoughts and opinions of others. It often reminds me that not only my views matter and can, in fact, find worthy opposition. In addition, I have learned alot from my fellow members. There is a rather high intelligence level here that I didn't think existed when I first became member #14 (if you count Roktman).. Sorry I have to be honest about that because first coming here from the NFFF site back in the day, I had low expectations of members here.

I feel we are all capable of discussing anything here. I mean, we're all adults (at least, physically.. HAHA).. But you all are great. This place is great. This is home to me even when I am away. It mantains my sanity when feeling alone in a foreign place. Support opened discussions so long as they are labeled appropriately! Then, if you don't feel like you need to be included in any discussions other than those that are SRT related then, so be it and stay out if you must. But you'd be surprised what you can learn from the intelligence displayed here each day. :top:Thanks VTCoA! Just my $0.02..
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Venom Power said:
There is a rather high intelligence level here that I didn't think existed when I first became member #14 (if you count Roktman).. Sorry I have to be honest about that because first coming here from the NFFF site back in the day, I had low expectations of members here.

So you are saying that those of us with low member numbers, or some of the first members are of low intelligence?:dontknow: :eek: ;) :D

I will have you know that I resemble that remark.:D
Damn Tim, you are really bored!

Do me a favor, download "Stumble Upon"...


Give it a try...free, can be set up in three or four minutes...

If you have a little time, it will knock your socks off!
Silverback said:
So you are saying that those of us with low member numbers, or some of the first members are of low intelligence?:dontknow: :eek: ;) :D

I will have you know that I resemble that remark.:D

Okay, taken out of context.. Let me re-phrase.. I didn't think the intelligence COULD have existed, until spending some time here. It then quickly became apparent and still rings true. And I'll have YOU know John that you are one of many that I regard highly here. That's no monkey business.:D
I'm not sure that he accepts your comments...


:dontknow: :dontknow: :D