Drag Week

For those that want to see it, Dom's engine troubles start at 32 min in.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8Y8W5V441g&feature=relmfu]Hot Rod Drag Week 2012 Day 2 competition - YouTube[/ame]
Looks like they are either running late or more technical difficulties. I am definitely impressed by their effort to stream the races live, just wish they had it figured out a little better so we didnt keep getting the choppy feed or blank screens.
has anyone got the live feed up yet?
Oh snap! Did you guys see that L that just went 7.56?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8u_sRlzB2c&feature=player_embedded]Hot Rod Drag Week Day 4 - YouTube[/ame]

Just kidding :D My feed isn't working either.
This feed just got worse and worse as the week went on. I would take the choppy feed over nothing at all.
Maybe next year, I'd rather be there than wait for the live feed.
Finally!!! Just got back from lunch and I thought I was dreaming.