Editing Day Saturday Oct 4th 2008 at SrtBrad's


Michel Productions
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
North from City of Angels (Lancaster}
Editing Day (all day and night) Saturday Oct 4th 2008 at my place. Let me know if you would like to show up. Editing takes a long time and some help would be appreciated. Who's game to help?
SrtBrad said:
Editing Day (all day and night) Saturday Oct 4th 2008 at my place. Let me know if you would like to show up. Editing takes a long time and some help would be appreciated. Who's game to help?

I can tell you are very anal retentive and it may take allllooooonnnnnggggg time :D :D :D :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :rock: :rock: :rock: That's why the vids and pics always turn out gooood :congrats: I would help, but I'm no far away. :(
SrtBrad said:
I don't tailgate. Maybe a little up front but not anal.:D
Just retentive I guess :p :p :D
§tô£ñPrâýr said:
Help??? like how?

Going thru the raw footage and picking out the good video segments and putting them together to be arranged later with music and titles. The other part is lining up the videos from the other cams if more than 1 cam was used at any point. This list goes on but the part of what makes the cut and what doesn't is the time consuming part that anyone can help with.
and now... how can I help?... do I have to get to where you are or is this something that can be done from here( I'd figure I'd prolly have to get to where you are, unless you have the raw video on the net somewhere)

It kinda looks like today is a waist, that and you prolly would like to get going with yer family. Perhaps next time?
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§tô£ñPrâýr said:
and now... how can I help?... do I have to get to where you are or is this something that can be done from here( I'd figure I'd prolly have to get to where you are, unless you have the raw video on the net somewhere)

It kinda looks like today is a waist, that and you prolly would like to get going with yer family. maybe next time

It's all good bro. The editing facility is at my home and not a mobile unit. My home is open to all members who would like to help with any editing or production reasons. I just wanted to ask if anyone wants to help thats all. It was short notice but next time maybe someone will opt to help maybe not.

I'm off to get my kid a costume.

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