Gotta love the cop...

It's good to see the cops enforcing the law the way it should be. Don't be a dumbass and go slow in the left lane. Most highways have signs saying "Left Lane is for Passing Only" or "Slower Traffic Keep Right". That doesn't mean go slow and block traffic in the left lane.

"Slower traffic keep right" is an easy concept. If somebody is right behind you, then by definition you are now "slower traffic". Move the f*ck over!

I love it.
Depending on my mood or if I am in a hurry I sometimes get in front of a vehicle like that and slow to a crawl(40mph or slower) until they switch lanes then I speed back up to my normal speed. If I am in the fast lane even if I am doing more than the max limit I always move over if I see someone approaching at a higher rate of speed.

You can get a ticket for going the speed limit if a lot of cars are following behind you. It is not there job to regulate other people driving.

I think the cop should have pulled that car over rather than just turn on his lights and then leave. Unless he was on his way to an emergency.

Over the years and traveling a little to other countries I have noticed that most countries have more respect. They tend to keep to the right except for passing. And as stated earlier even here there sometimes are signs that say just that.