Guys I wanta know what everyone thinks?!


Full Access Member
May 23, 2006
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Guys right now I'm having problems with my finances. Yes I make good money. The other day I got a bill from a hospital for about $15,000 for my mom's doctor bills for surgries and stuff and I'm her power of attorney. I've been thinking about selling my truck to help her out and get that bill payed off. If anyone wants my truck it's for sale for $45,000. PM me with a phone number or what ever and I'll respond.

I really don't want to sell it but with money being such and issue with my $662 truck payment my $338 insurance I think I'm almost over my head. I still will come around even if I don't have my truck and I will miss pushing the red button but family is way more important...
Wizzy no doubt that the Hospital bills are high. But first before committing to anything have a go around with the hospitals financial admin. The bill that is usually sent is a overinflated amount ,kind of like what the insurance co would pay.
If you offer to pay say 40% of the bill they may accept.
Just like if you've ever dealt with a collection agency. If they can get 25% of the origainal amount the creditor is ususally satisfied.
True story: Got a call from a collection agency for a past due note on a student loan(honestly didn't remember signing a promisary note for said loan).
Loan amount was 10K. Told collection agency there was no way I could repay total amount immediately(which I had to do to keep good credit).
after alot of haggling and hardship stories I finally got repayment amount down to 4500.
Note was marked paid and credit was saved.
Hope this helps
All I can say have only one mom....whatever it takes even if its selling the truck. You'll still be apart of the family here, don't worry about that. I have a ton of respect for what your doing not alot of people would do that.
WizzySRT10 said:
Guys right now I'm having problems with my finances. Yes I make good money. The other day I got a bill from a hospital for about $15,000 for my mom's doctor bills for surgries and stuff and I'm her power of attorney. I've been thinking about selling my truck to help her out and get that bill payed off. If anyone wants my truck it's for sale for $45,000. PM me with a phone number or what ever and I'll respond.

I really don't want to sell it but with money being such and issue with my $662 truck payment my $338 insurance I think I'm almost over my head. I still will come around even if I don't have my truck and I will miss pushing the red button but family is way more important...

Wow Bud,

Sorry to hear that your Mom required surgery. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that we wish her all the best for a speedy recovery.

However, I'm not sure if selling your truck is going to do that much in the way of financial assistance.

If she is indigent or has no visible means of support, I would appeal her case to your state's assistance program. Namely, Medicaid, MediCal or whatever it's called in your area. God knows that we pay into these programs so that people who cannot afford catastrophic coverage.... or any insurance at all, can be protected financially under these very circumstances.

So, before you go selling off all your belongings (at a loss) to cover this expense, I'd contact the social worker at the hospital and see if she doesn't qualify for some help on this one.

Believe me, I'm a fairly "die hard" right winger, but if these programs exist for this very purpose you should take advantage of them. God knows there are people who use the system illegitimately... Why not use it for someone who really needs it.

But when all is said and done, always take care of yer Mama...... Just be wise in so doing.

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Silent D said:
Wow Bud,

Sorry to hear that your Mom required surgery. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that we wish her all the best for a speedy recovery.

However, I'm not sure if selling your truck is going to do that much in the way of financial assistance.

If she is indigent or has no visible means of support, I would appeal her case to your state's assistance program. Namely, Medicaid, MediCal or whatever it's called in your area. God knows that we pay into these programs so that people who cannot afford catastrophic coverage.... or any insurance at all, can be protected financially under these very circumstances.

So, before you go selling off all your belongings (at a loss) to cover this expense, I'd contact the social worker at the hospital and see if she doesn't qualify for some help on this one.

Believe me, I'm a fairly "die hard" right winger, but if these programs exist for this very purpose you should take advantage of them. God knows there are people who use the system illegitimately... Why not use it for someone who really needs it.

But when all is said and done, always take care of yer Mama...... Just be wise in so doing.


Wizzy, listen to uncle Tim !!! .............

He said it all - Good luck friend, let us know if we can help at all. Hope your mom is doing ok

Jerry & WIfey
Wifey said:
Wizzy, listen to uncle Tim !!! .............

He said it all - Good luck friend, let us know if we can help at all. Hope your mom is doing ok

Jerry & WIfey

Agreed. We wish you the best, William. I hope your Mom is ok. But, there are programs out there to help your family. Again, all the best.

- Jake
Family values

Wizzzy thanks for sharing your story about your mom and her operation. D has been around the block and usually knows what he is talking about, so check out his avenue. You have a lot friends here so you do not have to be alone through this...........Jack
Wizzzy thanks for sharing your story about your mom and her operation. D has been around the block and usually knows what he is talking about, so check out his avenue. You have a lot friends here so you do not have to be alone through this...........Jack

There is always an operative word in any phrase.....;) Right on, Jack.

Wizzy,(what is your real name?:dontknow: )
I am very sorry to hear of your moms medical issues.I hope that she recovers fully.Family is the most important thing in this world.Truck or no truck, you have gained respect here in this forum family and if you did have to part with your truck,it would show great selflessness.(is that a word?:dontknow: ).I am not saying to give it up with out a fight.There are some great ideas in the few posts before mine.We are here to support you in whatever your final decision. Bill
Silent D said:
Wow Bud,

Sorry to hear that your Mom required surgery. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that we wish her all the best for a speedy recovery.

However, I'm not sure if selling your truck is going to do that much in the way of financial assistance.

If she is indigent or has no visible means of support, I would appeal her case to your state's assistance program. Namely, Medicaid, MediCal or whatever it's called in your area. God knows that we pay into these programs so that people who cannot afford catastrophic coverage.... or any insurance at all, can be protected financially under these very circumstances.

So, before you go selling off all your belongings (at a loss) to cover this expense, I'd contact the social worker at the hospital and see if she doesn't qualify for some help on this one.

Believe me, I'm a fairly "die hard" right winger, but if these programs exist for this very purpose you should take advantage of them. God knows there are people who use the system illegitimately... Why not use it for someone who really needs it.

But when all is said and done, always take care of yer Mama...... Just be wise in so doing.


Excellent post Django.

Wizzy I am truly sorry to hear about your mothers situation. You have my prayers brother.

Django has some very good points above. Dont sell your truck so fast. Because you have power of attorney doesnt neccesarily mean you are responsible for those bills. You have many options here, you just need to figure them out. Talking to an attorney about this probably will help you out a lot.

God bless my friend and many of us will be thinking of you and your mom. Hang in there and take one day at a time.

The big issue too is she can't work and when I got the railroad job we talked about it and I will take over the finances if Medicare or whatever doesn't pay.

I'll tell you what is going with my mom. About 10 years ago my mom was really sick during xmas and then she was told she couldn't work anymore. A Virus infected her heart. Now she has a difibulater... 2 weeks before I bought my truck she was in Mayo Clinic in Roechester MN. On the emergency heart transplant list and then she started improving. Now the doctor bills and prescriptions are pilled up and medicare or whater won't pay anymore. Now this is where I come in. I gave my mom my word no matter what happens I'd be there for her. So this is my sacrifice to her. I can always get another truck but never another mother. Guys I thank each and everyone of you that are supporting me with this. I'm in tears while I write this 'cause you all have touched my heart so much. I'm not jumping into selling it but I would like to do it right and with out selling it. But in worst case senario the truck is gone.... I will have no regrets if need be. Yes I love this truck and I spend alot of time taking care of it. Who ever buys it if I sell it should have peace of mind that it is very taken care of. I changed oil 500, 1500, 3000, and going to change the oil again and right now it's at 5100 miles. With nothing but Mobil 1 0-40w that is recommended. Thanks again everyone for supporting me. I feel like we're a family here....:)
William having had to make this choice myself recently:eek: I know what you are going through, I sympathize with you Bro ! If you need a friend you know my number...You call me all the time anyway for no reason:confused: So when you actually need me, you don't call:dontknow: Dip Shit:D You know the choice I had to make............Nothing means more to me then my Family ! The choice was made for me............I miss the truck a great deal and I will prolly never be able to get one again.........So be it !!!!!

Django had wise advice as did others....However do what feels right in your heart...Sorry to hear about your misfortune and heartache...........You are not alone in this.........Love ya Wizzy
Wizzy, I lost my mom 2 years ago.....she had been sick and ended up in the hospital...I was there holding her hand when she passed.....that was the most intense moment of my life to date......I miss talking to her.....I miss her very much and a part of me is not the advice to you..........spend as much time as you can with her........trucks can be replaced........take care of your mom if your able.......if your not then spend time with her.......the time you spend with her is "priceless"


I lost my Mother and Father within the last 5 years. Do whatever it takes to be there for your MOM physically and spiritally. The financial stuff can wait. Just don't hide from the bill collectors. Call them tell them you are in a bind and they will give you time. But definitely do not pay the full amount. You can always work these medical bills down. I also think you can find some assistance from the State or Government before you dig into your own pocket.

Good luck my friend.

God Bless

Marc T
I'm a retired hospital administrator. You can work with the hospital, to minimize the bill, have them carry the account, and make regular payments over several years. As Mark said the state will help, but you have to do the work. Both my Mother and Mother-in-Law live with us...their healthcare consumes a lot of our time, but it is worth the work. There will also be not-for-profit organizations in your area that will find ways to help. Start with the hospital financial staff and ask for all the possible resources that they know about. If the financial clerk doesn't help, make an appointment with the Chief Financial Officer, let them know that you will pay, but it will take time, and help from the organization.

Good luck, if you have other questions pm me.

Sorry to hear about your mom Wiz. She's in our prayers and hope that she contines to get better.

There has been alot of good advice here and even if you sell your truck, still work with the hospital on the bill. Over the past 10 years my sister has had 5 reconstructive knee surguries and a 10cm tumor removed with little to no insurance. With a little family help ;) and coordinating with the hospital, she was able to not only reduce the overall bill but work out a payment plan over several years that fit into her budget.

Either way, like Marc said, spend the time with her now and not let the bils drag you and or her down. No matter how much money you have, you cant get today back.
I agree. Listen to "D". Several years ago, my Mom was killed in a car accident. Before she passed on, the hospital made a solid effort to save her. As Mom's power of attorney and executor, the hospital came after me for the bills. Something like $10k. She was 74 and eligible for Medicare and Medicaid. I told the hospital to apply to those agencies. Never heard another word from the hospital.
As posted above by other bros, we all wish you and your mom well. You should check with the hospital to see if they will reduce the bill, check with non-profits and state and federal agencies to see what she may be eligible for. Also, if she is on any very expensive meds, call the company that makes the med and ask for the patient assistance department.

All of these are going to take a significant time investment, if you don't have the time, there are companies out there that will review the bill and medical chart and help get the bill reduced. Their fee is a percentage of what they save you.

Good luck and if you need anything feel free to PM.
You're a good son. These situations help keep things in perspective. These trucks are just things and can be replaced. We dote over them and spend a lot of time and money fussing with them but, in the long run, they really aren't all that important. I'm confident you'll know what you need to do when and if the time comes. God bless.

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