Into the wild blue yonder..........

Lesson 2 today. Last weeks got canceled since my instructor had strep throat. There was no way I was gonna get in that little plane and sit next to him. :D
Will get some pics today. The wind is a bit gusty out, so this should make for some fun.

wind at 19Kt with gusts of 25. Scattered clouds
Here are some pictures of the second 787 on it's first flight.


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Today we went over a few things. I pre-flighted the plane by myself today. Also went all the way through starting engine, checking instruments and so on. Then taxied by myself. This was a challenge since your hands do nothing except control the throttle. All steering is done with your feet. Made it out to the runway by myself. :rock:
Then the instructor said for me to hit the radio and call out " Lantana traffic, 42 Tango, takeoff runway 33". Then asked if I wanted to try taking off. :hmmmm2: Since there were gusts to 29 and an inbound airplane @ 2 miles from the field, I told him that it is all him, but I will give it a shot next time. We took off and as soon as we did the plane was pushed to the left from a gust. At that point I was glad I wasnt "trying" to take off.
Then we practiced climbing again, turns, decents. Then holding a heading. This was different than last time because of the wind. It was sorta wierd going straight with the plane pointed at a different angle than we were heading. We then practiced turning around a stationary object on the ground to see how the wind affects us. Was cool seeing how the wind would push you into parts of the turn.
After an hour we headed back to the airport. We entered the traffic pattern and the instructor took the controls. Of course as we were lined up to land the wind kept pushing us off the center line. He got it back on track and we landed. This time was alot slower than before because of the wind. Once we were back on the ground I got the controls again. I was playing around with taxiing again. This time the wind was behind us. Could definatly tell the wind wanted to push us. I kept having to hit the brakes to slow us down even though the engine was on idle.
So even thought it was windy, it was a good flight. Just to see the difference between last time with no wind, and this time with 20-29KT gusts. Next time, get to take off by myself. Time to read up on that part again. Not something I wanna mess up. :D
This weekend was lesson 3. It was a bit windy again. This time I did the preflight, taxi, and take off all by myself. :rock: You know that scene in the old movie Airplane where the guy is flying the plane and is pouring sweat from his forehead....... yea that was me. :D
We went flying around practicing a few more manuvers. Flying a rectangle... remember 25+ knot winds.... Did good though. Was crabbing into the wind when I needed to, banked shallow when I needed to, steep banks when I needed to. Then we did "S" turns down a canal (again wind pays a part in this). I did well again. Then the turning around a point.
We then were heading back to the airport. The instructor said to head that way and enter the pattern and he was gonna land the plane.
I entered the pattern, then turned onto the base leg, he tells me that I am a little fast and to cut the throttle.. so I do. Then I am turning onto Final... he keeps telling me things. I look over at him and was like... "are you going to take this?" He said I was doing good and to keep going that the landing was mine. :confused: I was a little high, but corrected and got the plane on the ground :rock:
Lesson 4 this weekend...
walbert said:
This weekend was lesson 3. It was a bit windy again. This time I did the preflight, taxi, and take off all by myself. :rock: You know that scene in the old movie Airplane where the guy is flying the plane and is pouring sweat from his forehead....... yea that was me. :D
We went flying around practicing a few more manuvers. Flying a rectangle... remember 25+ knot winds.... Did good though. Was crabbing into the wind when I needed to, banked shallow when I needed to, steep banks when I needed to. Then we did "S" turns down a canal (again wind pays a part in this). I did well again. Then the turning around a point.
We then were heading back to the airport. The instructor said to head that way and enter the pattern and he was gonna land the plane.
I entered the pattern, then turned onto the base leg, he tells me that I am a little fast and to cut the throttle.. so I do. Then I am turning onto Final... he keeps telling me things. I look over at him and was like... "are you going to take this?" He said I was doing good and to keep going that the landing was mine. :confused: I was a little high, but corrected and got the plane on the ground :rock:
Lesson 4 this weekend...
:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
LoveThisTruck said:
:rock: Good times. Wait till your first solo... talk about sweating!:D
At least then I will have a clue what I am doing. :D That was my first take off and landing.... all in one lesson. It didn't help that on take off it was pretty gusty. Once I got up in the air (maybe 300-500 feet) boy did I get bounced around. On landing the wind was pretty steady and right down the runway. Seemed like it took forever to get upon the runway.
walbert said:
At least then I will have a clue what I am doing. :D That was my first take off and landing.... all in one lesson. It didn't help that on take off it was pretty gusty. Once I got up in the air (maybe 300-500 feet) boy did I get bounced around. On landing the wind was pretty steady and right down the runway. Seemed like it took forever to get upon the runway.

Dude, my instructor had me take off, fly around, and land on my first flight.:confused: It wasn't until after that, I found out that I was his first student:D It's good fun though man... I really miss it.
LoveThisTruck said:
Dude, my instructor had me take off, fly around, and land on my first flight.:confused: It wasn't until after that, I found out that I was his first student:D It's good fun though man... I really miss it.
Doesn't leave much for the next 18 hours of dual seat does it? :D
walbert said:
Doesn't leave much for the next 18 hours of dual seat does it? :D

HAHA we just flew around man... did alot of cross country stuff. I'm definitly gonna get back into it when I get out of the Army.
ok you two guys have me scared now! I am gonna keep watching the skies for falling newbies:p

There are thousands of us taking flight every day!:D
the customer i'm working for is a pilot....(personal, if that's the term)....

i flew the plane when we went up a few months ago...

gonna have to ask him when the next flight "lesson" is:D
my dad had a pilots liscense when i was in high school. he lost it when he had a accident (on the ground) and lost his periphial vision in one eye. had a twin engine commander. he wanted me to get my liscense in high school and i was too busy chasing tail to get it. regret it to this day.
Wife is a fixed wing fanatic...

I took lessons in college...we only had feathered wings that used wax to hold the feathers together then...
Brad good to hear that your flying! i just finished up stage 2 in the program i'm in 2nd best in my class grade pilot in the class Working on my insturment rating as we speak i should be flying in the next hour or so!
Lesson 4.
Take off- Very good. Got complimented from the instructor.
Slow flight/ Stalls/ Stall recovery- Very good, the instructor thought I have done this before.
Todays landing........ a bit squirrely
I felt the instructor put in a bit of correction to get me back on track. The wind was gusting a bit and I wasn't coming in straight. Landed off the center line a bit... but hey, I landed it and we walked away with no damage to the aircraft :D

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