Into the wild blue yonder..........

wesalbert said:
Lantana FL "Palm Beach County Airpark"
I just did a search on airports in your area. Didn't realize how many there are. I've spent some time down at Boca Raton Airport. Had a friend that worked there and a neighbor who flew out of there that I rode with a time or two.
Yea, there are alot. At LNA I have to stay at 1000, but below 1200 to stay under traffic for Palm Beach International. Then I have to stay above 750 because of helicopter traffic. Every once in awhile you'll see a jet right overhead by a few hundred feet. They sneak up pretty quick.
wesalbert said:
Every once in awhile you'll see a jet right overhead by a few hundred feet. They sneak up pretty quick.
Sounds pretty tight. Gotta keep a close watch on the altimeter. Sorry to hear about your friend. Keep doing what you love.
wesalbert said:
Yea, there are alot. At LNA I have to stay at 1000, but below 1200 to stay under traffic for Palm Beach International. Then I have to stay above 750 because of helicopter traffic. Every once in awhile you'll see a jet right overhead by a few hundred feet. They sneak up pretty quick.

we have a 2000' cap for ALB, once we get outside that ceiling is unlimited. saw a glider my second time up. below me...
Went back up again today. It was a bit windy, so I didn't get to make my solo run out west and back. Just went messing around. I was back with my original instructor, so it was alot less stressful. Even though it was windy, the landing was nice and easy. Started out on final really high, but was able to get it down and get the speed where I needed it to be. Flaps and sidesliping are a wonderful thing.
I actually got to enjoy a flight for once.
wesalbert said:
Went back up again today. It was a bit windy, so I didn't get to make my solo run out west and back. Just went messing around. I was back with my original instructor, so it was alot less stressful. Even though it was windy, the landing was nice and easy. Started out on final really high, but was able to get it down and get the speed where I needed it to be. Flaps and sidesliping are a wonderful thing.
I actually got to enjoy a flight for once.
cool beans Wally, almost done correct?
More than half way. I have a couple 5 hour flighs, a night of flying (10 take offs and landings and going to another airport), and some more solo time. I figure maybe 20 hours left.
Should be on track to get it done by the end of the year.
wesalbert said:
More than half way. I have a couple 5 hour flighs, a night of flying (10 take offs and landings and going to another airport), and some more solo time. I figure maybe 20 hours left.
Should be on track to get it done by the end of the year.
Nice buddy! congratulations:rock:
Most of that will be taken care of in 3 lessons.
Went up again this morning. It was nice out. Wind @ 8kts, blue skys with very little clouds.
Went out west to another airport around the lake 40 miles or so (lake Okechobee). Was learning about Autopilot,VOR an GPS and how to navigate with them. Once I had that down, we went over recovery from disorentation. That was fun. I would close my eyes, then the instructor would pitch the plane up and down, bank it left to right. It really plays with your sences. When he would call "plane is yours" I would open my eyes, try to figure out where we were heading (up, down, banked over) and recover. On one I was nose down, gaining speed, and banked over ALOT. All you could see in the windshield was swamp. I recovered fine. On the next one I was almost nose straight in the air and banked over. Recovered from that one fine. Did a few more and still no issues. When we were done, I asked him how many people have puked in the plane. He said none. I think he was lying. He then asked if I saw the towers (landmark for the field) I said yea, but let me get my head on straight :p Had a good landing, a little off center, but soft.
:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Back up again today. This time practicing soft field take offs and landings, and short field take offs and landings. Also did some more "Unusual attitudes" but this time with the "hood" on so that I couldnt see out the windows. Just using gauges.
The unusual attitudes were no big deal. Handled them fine.
The short and soft field stuff was fun.
Was cool to do a wheelie down the runway :D
Was also cool to get the plane off the runway @ 40kts and then fly just a foot or two while the speed came up enough to climb.
:rock: :rock: :rock:

how much to go before you are a licened plane driver???
10-12 hours. So about another 5-6 lessons.
Didn't give much thought about it. I will look into it. Might as well.
LoveThisTruck said:
Unusual attitudes are fun:D The "foggles" were my favorite part lol.

They are annoying, but no worse than if you get stuck in the clouds.
Had alot of fun today though. I liked doing a wheelie down the runway. It was cool to have the plane lift off so slow.
Then the short field was cool to see how quick a 172 will actually climb. We were at 700ft by the end of the runway.

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