L.A. Lakers are World Champs:

Sorry Tim, I'm not going to grow up and you can't make me. ;) :D

And congratulations that your team won. :congrats: :rock:
For this reason, all sizes of Kobe swingman jerseys are selling for $200.00 a pop here in Angola. Next to Obama shirts I'm making a killing off of Kobe. :D Thanks Lakers.
Tim, don't let it get to ya.... The Lakers are still the champs and there ain't nuthin they can do 'bout it!
Tim, don't let it get to ya.... The Lakers are still the champs and there ain't nuthin they can do 'bout it!

I didn't appreciate Kobegate any more than the masses did. And I have always had my reservations about his character and personality. But this isn't about that. It's about a team and their ability play basketball in the toughest league on Earth- the NBA.

Anything else is nonsequitur to me............ That's everything....including the stoopidass fans who rioted after the final game. I don't care where Kobe parks his car, his schwanz or his kids day care facility.....

Everyone who isn't a Lakers fan or a Dodgers fan always has some reason why LA teams are assholes...... Jealosy rears its ugly head again.....

Suck it up...........

If you have an NBA team- you lost......

Lakers are the NBA's best for the 15th time............ :argh: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:

Django said:
Boy, am I glad I posted this.........

Jesus, guys....... wtf :dontknow:


Well, Tim....

I feel the same way as a lot of others simple because LA is not my team and never will be (even if I lived in LA)

With that said, I really don care who wins. Never have I seen a fan benifit from a teams win in anything.

Of course, they get:

to buy champion hats
to buy champion shirts
to buy champion sweats
to buy champion glasses
to buy all sorts of ......stuff


but, they get.... nothing!

ViperJeff said:
Well, Tim....

I feel the same way as a lot of others simple because LA is not my team and never will be (even if I lived in LA)

With that said, I really don care who wins. Never have I seen a fan benifit from a teams win in anything.

Of course, they get:

to buy champion hats
to buy champion shirts
to buy champion sweats
to buy champion glasses
to buy all sorts of ......stuff


but, they get.... nothing!

Well Jeff, at least this time the tax payers are not going to foot the estimated 1.3 million dollars for the Big Parade and party:rock: Seems there are some private deep pockets that are going to pay for the cost of all this falderall.
Must say it seems like a huge waste considering how many will go without a hot meal or bed while the city is turned upside down over a ball game :argh:
Tim the satisfaction of watching your favorite team win is great. Some people will get it, some will not. I get the same feeling as i did watching my highschool play football. There are not many cars/sports guys, usually one more then the other.

congrats to all the LA Lakers fans:rock: and yes I will be at the parade:rock:
It seems to me that all of the current economic and political malaise has had an overreaching effect on everyone's phyche. So much so, that the simple pleasure and enjoyment of watching two teams competing on the field has been obliterated by the all the folderol...

What TF has happened to us....?

Please understand: I am appalled by the fact that pro sports figures make more money than vascular surgeons and other gifted individuals who actually make a huge difference in the quality of life or in service to mankind. And considering the facts, what kind of conduct do we expect from people who do nothing but bounce balls, throw them into nets, hit balls with sticks and run around basepaths etc etc etc..... If I were one of them, I'd probably be drunk on wealth and fame, too..... :dontknow:

What fools these mortals be:

"Spending counterfeit incentives
Wasting preciuos time and health
Placing value on the worthless
Disregarding priceless wealth...." (Ray Stevens)

I get it..... OK.....? Maybe even better than some out there do.....

But I can still enjoy flipping on the TV and watching something as simple and diverting as a ballgame without clouding my mind and (in short) ruining the experince by obsessing over the fact that (for instance) that asshole Andruw Jones got more money than I'll very make in my life for doing DICK.... for the Dodgers... FAWK HIM.

But still...... I will continue to enjoy the brief respite from life's many woes by watching the Lakers, Dodgers or whomever without the fetters of preoccupation with social injustice, monetary inequity, marital infidelty or any other fkn thing that may attempt to encumber me......

I love the Dodgers the most.... ever since Brooklyn. The Lakers are just a pleasant diversion during baseball's off season..... I met Chick Hearn once and he called me his friend.... So, that goes along way to keep the Lakers homefire burning in my heart.... If you don't like it, that's just tuff shit....

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Django said:
It seems to me that all of the current economic and political malaise has had an overreaching effect on everyone's phyche. So much so, that the simple pleasure and enjoyment of watching two teams competing on the field has been obliterated by the all the folderol...

What TF has happened to us....?

Please understand: I am appalled by the fact that pro sports figures make more money than vascular surgeons and other gifted individuals who actually make a huge difference in the quality of life or in service to mankind. And considering the facts, what kind of conduct do we expect from people who do nothing but bounce balls, throw them into nets, hit balls with sticks and run around basepaths etc etc etc..... If I were one of them, I'd probably be drunk on wealth and fame, too..... :dontknow:

What fools these mortals be:

"Spending counterfeit incentives
Wasting preciuos time and health
Placing value on the worthless
Disregarding priceless wealth...." (Ray Stevens)

I get it..... OK.....? Maybe even better than some out there do.....

But I can still enjoy flipping on the TV and watching something as simple and diverting as a ballgame without clouding my mind and (in short) ruining the experince by obsessing over the fact that (for instance) that asshole Andruw Jones got more money than I'll very make in my life for doing DICK.... for the Dodgers... FAWK HIM.

But still...... I will continue to enjoy the brief respite from life's many woes by watching the Lakers, Dodgers or whomever without the fetters of preoccupation with social injustice, monetary inequity, marital infidelty or any other fkn thing that may attempt to encumber me......

I love the Dodgers the most.... ever since Brooklyn. The Lakers are just a pleasant diversion during baseball's off season..... I met Chick Hearn once and he called me his friend.... So, that goes along way to keep the Lakers homefire burning in my heart.... If you don't like it, that's just tuff shit....


That you enjoy it is what's important Tim.

I however find the pay, and arrogance of so many of the professional athletes now days sickening. And this applies to most sports. Especially those that require that the cities that they reside in pay for their arenas, or place of business. And if they do not get it, they threaten to move. In my book that is blackmail, plain and simple.

As stated, I'm happy that you are happy. That is what friends do for each other.
And still Cobie sucks,,,and yes i know i spell his name wrong ,,,,and cobie still sucks,,,

but if i had the cash ,,i guess i could figure out how to be a bigger ass too ;)
Damn it. :mad: The more I think about this, the more pissed I get at myself.

All I did was rain on your parade Tim. I let me personal feelings regarding a sport ruin your celebration.

I'm real sorry my friend.
I have to agree with John on this one

People rain on my parade all the time cuz I watch racing

Enjoy the win and your relaxin time

Silverback said:
Damn it. :mad: The more I think about this, the more pissed I get at myself.

All I did was rain on your parade Tim. I let me personal feelings regarding a sport ruin your celebration.

I'm real sorry my friend.

John, John- JOHN!

You didn't rain on my parade..... Another things friends do (once they actually BECOME friends) is to allow them to share their hearts..... It's called love....

I love you, man............. no need to be sorry.....

If it were some other, I may force them to endure a rant....you get a free pass.... You've earned it, my friend....:congrats:

Ironhead said:
And still Cobie sucks,,,and yes i know i spell his name wrong ,,,,and cobie still sucks,,,

but if i had the cash ,,i guess i could figure out how to be a bigger ass too ;)

Prof said:
Now that is a scary scenario!

:p :D


ViperJeff said:
I have to agree with John on this one

People rain on my parade all the time cuz I watch racing

Enjoy the win and your relaxin time


Thanks, Jeffe......

The best team won....

.... The Magic was FAR inferior. They couldn't mop the floor in the Lakers' locker room, IMO. :eek:


EX-Orlando resident. :eek:
Black1 said:
The best team won....

.... The Magic was FAR inferior. They couldn't mop the floor in the Lakers' locker room, IMO. :eek:


EX-Orlando resident. :eek:

I think Denver and Utah were much tougher a more talented than Orlando...

Houston, too...........
