Lets bust a Scammer

This is very common. I just F#$% with them and lead them on for a while and the flame them when I get bored...;) You'll never hear from them again. Tell them you've sent the money. It drives them nutttz.:D :D :D
If you need someone to, I can probably take a run up there later this week. I can even check out the bike for you, I know a little bit about them.
These scams are a regular day to day happening online.
the auction sites and even alot of websites that do online business are set up with nothing but scams. I bought 5 air units from a company on a website called akvatek refrigeration,
I paid 18000.00 to order the units, one was delivered the other 4 never came.
The guy that owned te company was a Russian, I even went Miami to try to see the guy face to face the building was still there but the owner had returned to Russia. This was almost 2 years ago And he still has a website selling refrigeration products but resides in Russia. There has been absolutely no way to recoup my money.
The Morale of the story it you cannot be to careful when purchasing anything online. I will however say that online purchases are still my preferd method of doing business.
This is 100% a scam. The bike does not exist and the "seller" is most likely in Lagos, Nigeria.

Take a look at http://thescambaiter.com/. These guys go out looking for those looking to scam people and a lot of times turn the scam around on them.

It's great entertainment and hopefully teaches people what to look for in these types of transactions. After reading some of the posts it'll be easy to recognize this as a scam... enjoy
TKT PLZ said:
This is 100% a scam. The bike does not exist and the "seller" is most likely in Lagos, Nigeria.

Take a look at http://thescambaiter.com/. These guys go out looking for those looking to scam people and a lot of times turn the scam around on them.

It's great entertainment and hopefully teaches people what to look for in these types of transactions. After reading some of the posts it'll be easy to recognize this as a scam... enjoy
There is no doubt in my mind that it is a scam!

I gotta figure out how to screw with this feller some more. I will try my best to keep him hoping that he has the money on the way.

I just feel sorry for the people that fall for this crap!!

Sent this...
Ralph, sorry for the delay! I have been looking at another bike that is for sale here locally. The guy let me take it for a test ride this morning! Wow, what a bike, I ant believe you want to sell yours.

Anyways, the one I looked at is a 2008 and that's really the year I wanted, plus this one has a turbo and several other modifications! I might still buy yours if you were willing to come down a little on your price. What is the lowest you are willing to take?

His response...
Ok...My best I can do is somewhere around $9000-$9500
Give me your best price

Thanks waiting news

I replied, LMAO...
Im going to call this guy back and see what his bottom dollar is. Im just trying to get the best deal!

How long will it take the bike to get here?

Did you have the bike serviced at a harley dealer? The factory supercharger is supposed to be re-tensioned by a certified harley mechanic at 4,000 miles, did you have that service completed?

Vrods dont have a factory supercharger! LOL

He says...
Yes the service has been made at 4000 miles
The bike shipping would take 2-3 days until will get to your delivery address
Let me know when you can start the down payment process after you`ll see if my best is the best deal


Dang, I hope he'll take this trade!!!!
I think I am going to go ahead and buy this local bike. It is such a good deal and it is exactly what I have wanted. He said he is willing to take $14000 which is a steal for an 08.

The crazy thing is, I would really like to still buy your bike also. I think that I could probably sell it after a month or so and maybe make a little cash. I would be willing to give you $9000 but I would have to scrape together some funds or wait till I sell my horse!

I just want to throw this out there to see if you are interested. Seeing as how you are in Oklahoma Im sure this could work! I have a 4 year old, thoroughbred quarter horse that I am trying to sell his name is Karma, he is of the "Hot Carl" blood line. This horse is easily worth $8,000 but I am willing to take a lose because I am trying to get out of racing. He is a 3 time state champion in the quarter mile, beating out the previous champion, Dirty Sanchez, Im sure you have heard of him due to his recent early retirement.

What I am proposing is that You let me give you $4000 up front, or to the Online Trading Post, and then I can trade you Karma for the remainder?? Please let me know if you are interested. I have all of Karma's documents and I would be happy to send you pictures! I would be willing to deliver him to you if this deal goes through!

I totally understand if this is crazy to you and Im sure you have several others interested in the bike..

Thanks again!

This is getting fun! Luckily I have nothing better to do while I sit here at work!

Oh holy crap! Looks like we have a deal!!

ok...I agree
So you can make a down payment of $4000 and the rest we will handle it later...in payments?If so please go ahead today with the down payment process so we can move forward with the sale

let me know

Thanks for your email

his is so fun! I just sent this...
The bank will not release the $4000 until we have an agreed transaction. They held the title to my horse, Karma, up until I started racing him so they still have interest in him. So is it agreed that I can give you the $4000 wired to Online Trading post and then deliver my horse as a trade for the remainder that I owe you?

I included a picture of Karma! As you can see he is one stunning animal! I will try to find all his papers and I have some pictures somewhere of his father "Rusty Trombone"! The veterinarian will be coming by to check up on Karma tomorrow, he was having a slight colon problem but I'm sure its nothing.

Let me know if everything sounds good to you and I can wire the $4000 tomorrow afternoon!

Many Thanks brother!

brokenarrow184 said:
Im going to tell him the horse died tomorrow!!
BBWAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!:rock: :rock: :rock:
That's what I'm talking about.:congrats: :congrats: :congrats: I do the same thing on Craig's list just to relieve stress...
Make sure to insult his mother when your done with him...:D

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