Mutt's dad had a heart attack!

Just saw this, Mutt.......... Awfully sorry about your Dad.....

God bless you both......

Hope Dad recovers fully..........again...sorry.

God Bless and a quick recovery!
God's speed Freddie, sounds like they got him to a PCI facility in decent time, and he made it through the rough part... Hang in there Mutt, call if you have ANY questions regarding his care in ICU.
Any update on recovery progress???

God Bless and I will keep DAD in my prayers

1qksrt said:
Any update on recovery progress???
just got back from the hospital...he just had a cat scan and is scheduled for an ultrasound...he has lost all feeling and movement in his left arm and he gets the shakes real bad, which they say is called tremors. His kineys are not working real good which is why they are doing the ultra sound. they are trying to figure out if possibly he is having a stroke on top of just having a heart attack. when they put the 2 stints in, there was another clot that they said would be taken of with medicines because it was too risky to try and get at it, but now i am not so sure. gonna be heading back up in a little while and keep everyone posted. thanks again for all of the support.
MUTT said:
just got back from the hospital...he just had a cat scan and is scheduled for an ultrasound...he has lost all feeling and movement in his left arm and he gets the shakes real bad, which they say is called tremors. His kineys are not working real good which is why they are doing the ultra sound. they are trying to figure out if possibly he is having a stroke on top of just having a heart attack. when they put the 2 stints in, there was another clot that they said would be taken of with medicines because it was too risky to try and get at it, but now i am not so sure. gonna be heading back up in a little while and keep everyone posted. thanks again for all of the support.

I am sorry so to hear this Mutt! :( You know I think the world of your dad and I know how important he is in your life! I hope nothing but the best for you, Nancy, your sister, and the rest of your family! I have faith that he will be okay.
Sorry to hear about this Mutt...Hope all goes well for you and the family Bro...Gimme a call if you need to talk.
I'm very sorry to hear the bad news Mutt, I hope your dad gets better quickly.

Thoughts & prayers are with you Mutt & your family...Hope everyting is gonna be o-k...God bless...
Well pops is home!...he ended up having a heart attack on thursday-which didnt peak until friday- and he had a stroke on saturday, which they think is due to the stints that were put in...still doesnt have feeling in his left hand and cant move his fingers, but he can move the arm a little and it bends at the elbow, so maybe there is a chance he will recover...i played him some of the phone messages and told him about this thread, and he wanted me to say thanks to each and everyone of you...the support has meant more than you could ever know. i have said this many times, in many threads...THE VTCOA RAWKS!!

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