Our Conspicious Consumption...

Silverback said:
What follows is probably the most serious you will ever see me.

Take a look at the attached picture. Words cannot really begin to describe what one feels looking at that. Not only is difficult to see, but I cannot help but think that the child will not even be dead when the vulture starts to eat.

Not the vultures fault, it's nature.

Now, for the difficult part. What can you do? What can anyone do? Can you save one child? Can you save a hundred or a thousand?

What if you do? What happens then? They continue to have more children and the cycle continues, or perhaps even gets worse.

My wife thinks I'm heartless. Maybe I am, but I'm also a realist. I help those that I know, and those that I know can take that help and build upon it. I have helped a few people on this site, most notably Mikey. Why? Because I knew he would also help himself, and he would return that help by helping others. To me that is an investment that paid off.

I refuse to give to charities. To much of the money goes to the "Management" of the charity. Also in my opinion it does no good to help in a situation like that in the picture. It will continue no matter what I do.

In a way, I love Roy like an older brother. I also know that he has a heart bigger than the great outdoors. However I would like him to try to explain to how I'm wrong. I do not want to see this as a pissing match, but more as an opportunity for someone I respect to see if they can open my eyes.
That kind of teared me up a little :eek: Yes you have John and my family and I will never ever forget it either. I do my best to pay it forward when ever I can and I have. You and I will be friends for life...Hell what am I saying your family. You and I are alot alike in many ways....Big hearted and Grumpy :D Hey Roy sorry I know that was off topic...But John never hands out a compliment like that...I could not just read it and not reply.

I hope I have made all of you proud...This time next year watch out :D and thanks is never adequate is it. Just know I Love ya you big lug :rock:
My heart urges me to do what I can when I can...I don't live to save the world, but I do try to move out of my usual callous and hedonistic mode from time to time to help someone or some thing. John you contribute daily to technical solutions to perplexing problems...everyone of those contributions could someday be used by someone else to solve a different problem, and that is the process that I hope will lead to solutions to some of our problems. I try to make a few students understand...occasionally I succeed.

I too see the continuing frustration, but at the same time I see small slivers of light that might lead to big victories.

Technology and education have a tremendous role to play...personal responsibility is another major factor and that comes from education and needs to be pushed worldwide.

While some of you hate the United Nations and I often think that it is so inept, but they do have some great concepts...one for instance is part of the United Nations Children's Fund...the concept is to "Educate the Girls"...A huge effort to go into third world countries and educate girls...the concept is that if we can educate a generation of girls they will become women/mothers that understand the importance of education, the importance of personal responsibility and will pass those characteristics on to their children (boys and girls)...implementation has been very slow and difficult...but I believe this is one strategy that can help. We need a thousand such strategies and each one needs to be implemented...but one is better than none.

There is hope, we need lots of answers and we will need to embrace change. We will have to live more simply at some point, and that seems to me to be a welcome change...I will plant my own tomatoes this year, use corn glucose to kill the weeds in my yard and try to make a good natural environment for the wildlife here...but I will also drive my truck on the weekend and probably chase the deer away from my wife's roses...we all have to live with ourselves, in the way we are compelled. I think many of us do more than we realize to contribute to conspicuous consumption and we also do more to solve the problems than we are aware of...
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We are all learning to be tolerant of those with different views and I believe that is one of the paths to solutions. Love will be part of the process too.
My problem is that I'm a hard fact, analitical type person (Just ignore the fact that I cannot spell worth a damn:eek: :( ).

Love will not cure these issues. Neither will good intentions or hope. It takes plans and actions. And those plans and actions have to be thought out and address the entire issue.

It does no good to show a picture or video of a suffering child and ask for money to feed that child. That does not solve the problem. Hell, that does not even solve that childs problem as the fix is only at best a temporary crutch. So, that child lives to be an adult. Chance are they are still in the same conditions that they were raised in. So, they have children that now go through the same suffering. Did we really help? No. We did however make ourselves feel good by believing we helped. All we did was continue the problem and possibly make it worse by allowing more children to be brought into those conditions.

Anyone else?????
Silverback said:


Anyone else?????

Yep.... Why do we hunt/shoot deer? .... Deer seasons are established to thin the population out. Otherwise, the population will be too large and they will not have enough food in their habitat (among other issues). We thin the herd, so to speak.

Nature does the same thing, in it's own way...... In this world, there will ALWAYS be a balance. It's one of the most beautiful things in nature. Weather patterns, famine, floods, disease.... All of these issues promote balance in nature. The weak and sick are wiped out. A select few survive to repopulate the race. It's happened for 100's of Millennia.

Now, some people don't want to accept this fact. People see these little babies on TV, and think they can help ("for just the cost of a cup of coffee"). Little do they know, most of the money goes to the GOVERNMENT of said famine-stricken country. But, it makes folks feel better to think they are helping some grand cause.... People have been cashing in on this fact since the beginning of time. "Global warming" for example.... But, that's a whole other thread. :eek: The only thing Bleeding-Hearts are doing is prolonging the aganizing win-less battle these poor people are going through.... and lining their government's pockets. It's sick really. Nature has it in for the population of Africa. We have only made it worse, by prolonging it. AIDS, Famine, disease, Petulance, and RAMPANT sexual behavior has sealed their fate. It's a society that didn't work. Nature is waiting.....
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TheSickness said:
The environment is always a hot topic....at election time ;) :D Global Warming is a joke and has been manipulated into a platform of double speak by a certain party. It revived a political career and in turn a Nobel Peace prize was bought to further the agenda. It's a joke really. Want to really take a stand boycott all fossil fuels and get a horse and buggy or turn Amish :D

Not directing this at anyone in particular even though I quoted Roy....Got nothing but Love for you Bro :elefant:

Okay - I'm sure no one will go back in time, but for some of us - we know that there are conveniences we can't seem to live without - but the exceptional ones are the ones that choose to help the environement and mankind to make up for that. :eek:
Silverback said:
What follows is probably the most serious you will ever see me.

Take a look at the attached picture. Words cannot really begin to describe what one feels looking at that. Not only is difficult to see, but I cannot help but think that the child will not even be dead when the vulture starts to eat.

Not the vultures fault, it's nature.

Now, for the difficult part. What can you do? What can anyone do? Can you save one child? Can you save a hundred or a thousand?

What if you do? What happens then? They continue to have more children and the cycle continues, or perhaps even gets worse.

My wife thinks I'm heartless. Maybe I am, but I'm also a realist. I help those that I know, and those that I know can take that help and build upon it. I have helped a few people on this site, most notably Mikey. Why? Because I knew he would also help himself, and he would return that help by helping others. To me that is an investment that paid off.

I refuse to give to charities. To much of the money goes to the "Management" of the charity. Also in my opinion it does no good to help in a situation like that in the picture. It will continue no matter what I do.

In a way, I love Roy like an older brother. I also know that he has a heart bigger than the great outdoors. However I would like him to try to explain to how I'm wrong. I do not want to see this as a pissing match, but more as an opportunity for someone I respect to see if they can open my eyes.

I only want to touch on a couple of parts of this post - I agree with you John - I don't give to charities either. I am a believer that so much more can be done by hands on than just throwing money at it. Yes, if I was rich and had disposable income, I might want to contribute financially, but I think that the spirit does so much more. I've never been to Africa, but I have helped here in America. I can't think globally when everyone country, every culture has issues that need a solution. I'm not saying that I have a solution for anything, but if I can help a woman better herself and support herself and her family instead of relying on the system, or go out there and clean up the roadways of liter that people carelessly threw from their vehicles. I'm not saying I'm better than anyone else - that's probably the complete opposite of how I see myself. But then again, I see myself as definitely a unique individual. I do what I can to help others and help the environment, sometimes sacrificing myself and time to do so, but I am also logical to know that not everyone is going to do the same things that I do. I'm not an extremist by any means. I don't support Greenpeace or their actions, but I do know that you have to have an even balance. There are extremist on both ends. People into Greenpeace offset the opposite end of the scale that believe wiping out the rainforest would have absolutely no impact on the planet earth.
I guess I don't know exactly what I'm rambling on about - it just happens to be a subject that I love talking about and I'm glad Roy stirred up the conversation! :elefant:
Turtle said:
I guess I don't know exactly what I'm rambling on about - it just happens to be a subject that I love talking about

I think you really do know what you are talking about! Your thoughts are very direct and meaningful.

Thanks for contributing.
Prof said:
I think you really do know what you are talking about! Your thoughts are very direct and meaningful.

Thanks for contributing.

Thank you Roy - that's cool of you to say!

I would be interested to hear your opinion on this . . .

"Inconvenient inaccuracies"


I'm not a fan of Gore - I think he's an idiot :bebored: and don't believe he should be the poster boy for protecting the environment:( . Sure it's great that he's bringing so much attention to the environment issue, but I think he's only flapping his mouth and it's being over glorified - all words, no action. He should stick to the internet he invented :p

(just my .02 cents :D )
Sorry I have been off-line for so long.

I did read a Scientific American article that posed a very interesting solutions to our current problem with oil dependency. What we need is forward thinking. This article makes me hope, yes we would need to sacrifice as a nation but we have done that before to setup the current power distribution network we have now.

Mikey can try to shoot me down all he wants but this solution of solar energy is very strong.


We have very hard decisions to make right now to make sure our children are safe. Most wars at this period of time are started over energy. If we were energy independent we could concentrate on other issues that did not include military invasion.

I might be a social liberal that hates our current policy of protecting our nations energy interests, but if we can shrug off the oil yoke we would be so much better off.

Turtle said:
Thank you Roy - that's cool of you to say!

I would be interested to hear your opinion on this . . .

"Inconvenient inaccuracies"


I'm not a fan of Gore - I think he's an idiot :bebored: and don't believe he should be the poster boy for protecting the environment:( . Sure it's great that he's bringing so much attention to the environment issue, but I think he's only flapping his mouth and it's being over glorified - all words, no action. He should stick to the internet he invented :p

(just my .02 cents :D )
Referencing the post you provided I only caution that reports like this are driven by time constraints and often delete vital facts. I kept wondering if 6 mistaken votes in 8 years is large, small or average for Illinois legislators that served with him during the same time. If he was the only one, that puts one slant on the data, if it was less than others it changes the meaning entirely...if it is the average it means nothing. Then I wonder why the data was not provided so viewers could have perspective...

Additionally, all politicians at all times are involved in the process of trading positions...by definition that is what they do...trade support for help on other issues. It is not something that only happens in politics it is the give and take of people in all walks of life that are in positions of leadership and required to make policy, precedence, protocol or procedure. It is a bit idealistic to think that we are not always compromising in one way or another.

On a different level, I am not sure that being focused on moving to the highest levels of authority is a trait to be faulted. Anyone who seeks the office of President is probably plotting and planning years ahead of the actual effort.

All of the surviving candidates for President, have greatly modified their positions on lots of issues to garner votes...

There are more difficult issues looming for Obama...there is a trial of a fund raiser going on in Chicago that may well lead to criminal prosecution of our Governor (what's new?). That same trial may also entangle Obama...the fellow on trial is the next door neighbor of Obama and the person who arranged the purchase among other things.

But all of our leaders are walking a thin line at all times. And the truth be told, all of them, past, present and future have issues that could bring them down. Most of us have similar issues...a video tape here, a careless few hours there, a business deal that could be considered illegal, a situation that profited ourselves due to insider information. I mean...what did Bill Clinton do that many (if not most) have not done? I love cigars too! Did his impeachable actions really cause any harm? Kill any friendlies or even enemies?

Politics is nasty. Leadership roles at all levels require decisions that are often not clear cut, and the choice might be different depending on the the view, the time frame, the larger objective...

Well, I have said nothing, and resolved nothing...but that seems to be the nature of things these days. I do know that if any of us wanted to be President in 2012, our day to day decisions would be hugely altered all because we were seeking the office of President...nasty, nasty stuff that propels people to the most difficult job in the world!
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After reading all this babble, I most confess, I do have an answer to all this. Since I stayed at a Holiday Inn express last night!!:D :D

Good thread Roy!!:rock:
Marc T said:
After reading all this babble, I most confess, I do have an answer to all this. Since I stayed at a Holiday Inn express last night!!:D :D

Good thread Roy!!:rock:

Okay, we are waiting. What's the answer?:dontknow: ;) :p
Yes, the amount of stuff that a few billion people can consume is staggering. The illustrations of it (being) consolidated into one place are a severe blow to the eyeballs and brain. Thankfully, this is a large chuck of Earth (that) we have. And there's lots of space to hide or dispose of all our refuse. As well as ways of conveniently making it "go away".

But, if each and every individual was to take it upon themselves to exercise as much care and self control over how much they either waste resources (simple stuff like using plastic cups over again) or in the way they misuse the earth and our fellow inhabitants there would be far less over which to be concerned.

This is an awesome display of a shitload of consumer goods. And yes, it does make a point. But I am personally more concerned over CEOs who really don't produce much while lavishing themselves in multi-million dollar motor vessels. I am more concerned over athletes who can barely speak intelligable English who get paid thousands of dollars (for) every second they're on the field of play, only to squander it on bling, sic rides and silicone hos. While all the while their illegitimate children live in squalor and babies all over the world starve to death or die of AIDs.

These are the things that really disturb me..... Society's misplaced priorities.

I'd much rather re-align some of the distribution of wealth to feed, educate and raise up the Earth's inhabitants in the way they should go than to spend another minute in a society that lavishes wealth and prosperity on the likes of today's so-called heroes and celebrities.

But, before you begin suggesting that I'm a fkn communist, think again. I believe in a free market and in capitalism. I just don't believe in squandering the wealth of this free society on useless reveling... I believe in boundless charity. And I am simply saying that those who have been blessed should be generous with their good fortune and in so doing give thanks and bring glory to God by their generosity.

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TheSickness said:
LOL Nobody liked the Jet Intake deal ehh :D

It made me giggle...just thought of it as one more way technology might contribute to "a" solution...
TheSickness said:
LOL Nobody liked the Jet Intake deal ehh :D

Did make me laugh some, then I thought about the poor saps on the jet. One engine down for sure:D


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