Question About A Ticket

HaroldD said:
If he came up behind you, "speed measurement device" could be his speedo - he simply paced you, no radar necessary. Perfectly legit in AZ, and LEO vehicles have calibrated speedos that they keep records on typically.
Yup that is one way! Our speedos get checked every month...
I was stopped at a light and no cars were behind me, i went and passed a truck that just turned on and passed him in the shoulder since he was taking up 2 lanes. I floored it because the road turns from 2 lanes into 1. I looked back to see where the truck was and there was still no cop there, not until i looked back about 15 or 20 seconds later did i see lights about a mile or more back. Of course then i just let off the gas and coasted, and then when he was about half a mile back i turned down a side road and pulled over and waited for him.
I made the mistake of not asking where he was sitting or where he was when he saw me do what i did, i honestly though that would just piss him off. But some said if you ask their supposed to tell you, i guess next time i will ask if something like this happens again.
BadCompany, I had the very same thing happen to me. I had my radar detector on and it did not go off. Asked the cop how he clocked me. He said and I quote " I estimated your speed to be 50 in a 35". I was like WTF estimate? FAST FORWARD.......

I did some research and it is quite legal for LEO's to estimate speed. Actually around here (NC) most LEO's take some training to be able to do this. It DOES hold up in court. Believe me. Now here's what I did to "beat" the ticket. I paid a lawyer about 340 bucks and he had it reduced to improper equipment. Best thing to do, is fight it that way. After all you don't want to go pissin off local LEO's with vehicles like ours (they stick out), cause then they just seem to "always" find reasons to pull you over.

But anyway, to reiterate, it is perfectly legal and just for a LEO to estimate speed. Sorry bud.
Good to know and like others said it would be my word against his anyway so me trying the radar not going off thing probably would just annoy them like others have told me. I plan on getting in contact with a layer tomorrow and see what advice he gives me on the situation.
5_0_BAIT said:
BadCompany, I had the very same thing happen to me. I had my radar detector on and it did not go off. Asked the cop how he clocked me. He said and I quote " I estimated your speed to be 50 in a 35". I was like WTF estimate? FAST FORWARD.......

I did some research and it is quite legal for LEO's to estimate speed. Actually around here (NC) most LEO's take some training to be able to do this. It DOES hold up in court. Believe me. Now here's what I did to "beat" the ticket. I paid a lawyer about 340 bucks and he had it reduced to improper equipment. Best thing to do, is fight it that way. After all you don't want to go pissin off local LEO's with vehicles like ours (they stick out), cause then they just seem to "always" find reasons to pull you over.

But anyway, to reiterate, it is perfectly legal and just for a LEO to estimate speed. Sorry bud.

You are correct! We have to pass a class first that shows we can estimate speed within 4mph. It is rare to write a speeding ticket this way though, as it opens a can of worms if it goes to trial. We were told to just write a careless driving ticket instead...but sometimes you will get an officer who likes to take a shot at it.
HOT RAM said:
I have beaten all but two tickets I have had in the last 20 years and those were greatly reduced.Only used a lawyer once and that was for an out of state court date.

I have used different gears for my speedo drive in older trucks to give a false speed reading ,then go to a calibration station and let them calibrate it.Of course it shows a much lower speed than actual.Then leave and install the correct speedo drive gear and return a day or so later and have it re-tested and get your calibration certificate to take to court.I always got defective equipment fine and not the speeding fine :D

Of course now you need to do it electronically by feeding in a different tire diameter and you need the proper equipment or need to "know somebody" :D

I always fight every ticket,I arm myself with as much information as possible,I spend a LOT of time preparing my defense,I dress appropriately for court and I always act courteous and respectful to the judge and the officer.

You can also use a SuperLift Tru-Speed caibrator :D (usually used to adjust your speedo readings when using big off-road tires) to give a low reading when you take it to a calibration station,then turn it back to the correct setting and again you just get the defective equipment fine (if any)
Talked to a layer today and we went over some things, and he said what he can do is get the reckless driving and speeding ticket merged into one. Then knock it down too careless driving, which would only be 2 points instead of the 9 that those 2 tickets came to originally. And get the third ticket thrown out, then i could take a online driving class and get the 2 points taken off as well.

To me this sounds great going from 13 points down to 2 and then 0 after the class is something i never though he would say. I assumed i would be getting at least 5-9 points still. I'm sure I'm still going to have to pay a decent amount of money for these tickets but it's better then getting surcharged by the dmv for the next 3 years with all those points.

Never though a layer could do soo much with tickets like these, but i sure hope i won't be needing him again any time soon.
Yea i asked him about the class he said it is 6 hours and i can take it once every 3 years. I though i would get a discount from my insurance company from taking this as well. Turns out when i took drivers ed in high school(already had my damm licensee too) that counted as my discount so i had it all along.
Finally had my court date today so i figured i would bring this back up and let you guys know how it went.

Well first the cop that got me apparently was a complete dick, since i had 13 points the prosecutor likes the layer to meet with the cop and talk about the tickets. Well my layer said he told him how it was my first ticket like this and that i have had a clean driving record and 4 years. Well the cop said the only reason i have a clean record is due to having a fast truck and other cops not being able to catch me, that kinda pissed me off but i find it funny at the same time. Also the cop lied to my layer and said he was following me for 2 miles before i stopped at that light and did what i did, there was 1 car in front of me before i got to the light and nothing behind me for miles, seems like this guy really just had it out for me.

But they agreed to drop the reckless driving and speeding if i plea guilty to improper passing, so that's what i did. Got 4 points but I'm going to take a online driving course and get 2 of those points taken away. So 13 points and 400-500 in fines knocked down to 4 points and a $241 fine is a pretty good deal.
It's hard to fight the cops, there are ones out there that lie right through there teeth(and there are some honest ones). But I had the same situation before, cop followed me for about a mile and a half. finally stopped me and first thing he asked was have you been drinking, then asked about my exhaust, and then finnally said he saw me go the a stop sign, 3 signs back. I stopped at the sign, but the judge believed the cop, ofcourse.
Rockin Ronnie said:
Right now in Washington State the average is 1 in every 107 motorists is a police officer. Most recently our illusterious governor decided that we need 700 more patrol officers in the next 2 years. That brings it down to one in every 99 motorists. So if you think you can go 4mph over the speed limit when the odds are it could be a law enforcement office behind you guess again in our state. You never know if it's a cop or not. They drive camaro's, mustangs, tahoes, infiniti g35's and much more with NO markings at all. Good Luck Trying to figure out who's a cop and who's not!!:D

No kidding. I have been working in Seattle/Tacoma for the last 30 days and I have seen all kinds of unmarked cars. I was following an Expedition in the fast lane going exactly the speed limit and I got impatient so I flew around cutting three lanes over and got in front and then the lights came on. Damn. But he let me off! Don't know why.

Here's the best trick in the book. When you get a ticket, pay it the very same day. This way, the ticket is paid before it ever gets entered in the system. I have done this twice here in Arizona and the tickets never showed up on my record.
ChrisAZ said:
No kidding. I have been working in Seattle/Tacoma for the last 30 days and I have seen all kinds of unmarked cars. I was following an Expedition in the fast lane going exactly the speed limit and I got impatient so I flew around cutting three lanes over and got in front and then the lights came on. Damn. But he let me off! Don't know why.

Here's the best trick in the book. When you get a ticket, pay it the very same day. This way, the ticket is paid before it ever gets entered in the system. I have done this twice here in Arizona and the tickets never showed up on my record.

thats not smart cause one time i went a week before i had court to pay my ticket and it still wasnt in the system she told me i could pay it now and not have to come to court but i decided just to show up i went to court and turns out it was never yurned in so i would have payed for nothin
BadCompany9119 said:
Finally had my court date today so i figured i would bring this back up and let you guys know how it went.

Well first the cop that got me apparently was a complete dick, since i had 13 points the prosecutor likes the layer to meet with the cop and talk about the tickets. Well my layer said he told him how it was my first ticket like this and that i have had a clean driving record and 4 years. Well the cop said the only reason i have a clean record is due to having a fast truck and other cops not being able to catch me, that kinda pissed me off but i find it funny at the same time. Also the cop lied to my layer and said he was following me for 2 miles before i stopped at that light and did what i did, there was 1 car in front of me before i got to the light and nothing behind me for miles, seems like this guy really just had it out for me.

But they agreed to drop the reckless driving and speeding if i plea guilty to improper passing, so that's what i did. Got 4 points but I'm going to take a online driving course and get 2 of those points taken away. So 13 points and 400-500 in fines knocked down to 4 points and a $241 fine is a pretty good deal.

That sounds good:rock:

But next time you see a cop behind you and your speeding, downshift! or get a switch to flip that deactivates your brake lights (thats my next mod:D )

A few months ago I was going 60-65 in a 40 and a cop popped out of a side road that is blocked by trees, right as I passed him. He pulled out to follow me, then I downshifted and got down to 43 before my radar detector went off. Then he turned around :laugh:
BadCompany9119 said:
Finally had my court date today so i figured i would bring this back up and let you guys know how it went.

Well first the cop that got me apparently was a complete dick, since i had 13 points the prosecutor likes the layer to meet with the cop and talk about the tickets. Well my layer said he told him how it was my first ticket like this and that i have had a clean driving record and 4 years. Well the cop said the only reason i have a clean record is due to having a fast truck and other cops not being able to catch me, that kinda pissed me off but i find it funny at the same time. Also the cop lied to my layer and said he was following me for 2 miles before i stopped at that light and did what i did, there was 1 car in front of me before i got to the light and nothing behind me for miles, seems like this guy really just had it out for me.

But they agreed to drop the reckless driving and speeding if i plea guilty to improper passing, so that's what i did. Got 4 points but I'm going to take a online driving course and get 2 of those points taken away. So 13 points and 400-500 in fines knocked down to 4 points and a $241 fine is a pretty good deal.

Nice outcome to the situation. Lawyers are awesome (when you need one) They always know what to say. Anyway be careful driving for awhile. I know after I get a ticket my cruise control gets used ALOT. At least until the ticket fades from my memory LOL:D
Every time I've been ticketed in Californis and gone to traffic school, I've had to pay the total fine, the court costs and price of the traffic school as well....

My position is this: If you broke the speed limit and got caught, it's your fault and you should pay the fine. Not saying that anyone elese should have this same opinion.... It's just me.

You'll save alot of tickets if you keep your eyes on your rearview and especially your right side mirror. And don't blow by any hiding spots or on-ramps at excessive speed....

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BadCompany9119 said:
They have to mark down how they got the speed and he checked in the box for speed measurement device, if anything i know the best way to get out of a speeding ticket is the find out when they last had their gun calibrated because most don't do it and they have to drop the charge then.
I tried that defense in Jersey about 25 years ago. The certificate of calibration for the radar had expired before I got the ticket. Judge didn't give a shit, found me guilty anyway. So I payed them with a rubber check lol. At least I thought it was funny.
OCBob said:
I tried that defense in Jersey about 25 years ago. The certificate of calibration for the radar had expired before I got the ticket. Judge didn't give a shit, found me guilty anyway. So I payed them with a rubber check lol. At least I thought it was funny.

Did you split the state after?

OCBob said:
Yup. I already knew I was leaving in a week hehe. I was dragged back there years later on some other charges and they agreed to drop that as part of my plea deal.

What an exciting life you lead, bro..........:rock:


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