Radar detectors.

pirateman said:
i have tried them all. i like the escort8500, and the laser m 45 extreme laser jammer

Hey Pirate! I am thinking about coming up to Disgusta around Christmas time, and would love to see your ROE S/C!!

You going to be around?

Questions? 1-800-331-3030 toll-free

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Valentine seems to be the way to go for most.Thanks for the feedback.
Man I love this site!!!
damn thats news to me. mine RMR works fantastic. ive picked up cops from over a mile a way with mine. maybe i got a good one. i wouldnt trade mine for anything.
faslane505 said:
damn thats news to me. mine RMR works fantastic. ive picked up cops from over a mile a way with mine. maybe i got a good one.
i wouldnt trade mine for anything.

How about that engine of yours........

I have a bell rx75 with laser shifters and extras kit. Bought it on ebay brand new for 550, install was another 500. I would do the built in as even in radar unfriendly states if they don't see they assume you don't have one.

Yes I know the spectre system can pickem up, but not having anything mounted anywhere does help.
V1...have one for each of my cars.

Also, not to hijack but has anyone here done the invisacord with the V1? I got my invisacord the other day and I want to install, was wondering if someone has already done it and knows the wires to connect to.

Love my V1.....never liked them before, but this baby works....easily $4k in tickets avoided....
I dont' have any experience with RMR, but my V1 easily detects Maricopa County Sherrif's setup at over 5 miles. Damn nice of them to just leave their radar on all of the time!

Another satisfied V1 customer. Good customer service too - asked for accelerated service when I sent it in (AZ heat may have degraded it - wanted it checked out) - no guff at all, replaced guts for me just for good measure.

faslane505 said:
damn thats news to me. mine RMR works fantastic. ive picked up cops from over a mile a way with mine. maybe i got a good one. i wouldnt trade mine for anything.