Radar Detectors


Full Access Member
Jul 31, 2006
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Do they really work? If so, have they ever saved you from getting a ticket? Which unit is best?

Valentine One!!!!!! Expensive, but has saved me several times.
Depends , If he has a laser, many keep them off till your in view, when they spot you with it, It's already to late. If they have it on all the time , then you have enough time to slow down.
Valentine One -- the only way to go.
I have an escort solo and it's saved me multiple times. Radar detectors are only good if the cop is already pushing radar. If your the only one on the road and he instant on's ya. Doesnt matter what you have, your caught. I agree with everyone else though, if you want the best, Valentine 1.
escort 8500 is pretty solid and has saved me at least a couple thousand bucks. Now they have the 9500 which is supposed to be much improved.
countryjoycrafts.com has a real nice mount for the V1 & others

:rock: :rock: :rock:
I have used K40 radars for years. Saved me many many many times. Now I have the Escort and seems to work well also.
like it's been said before, if they hit you with a laser gun - you're done..... no radar detector is gonna save ya...... i gave up on radar detectors & just slowed down. :)
walbert said:
I have used K40 radars for years. Saved me many many many times. Now I have the Escort and seems to work well also.

I had a RD850 for many years (before the Passport), and it served me very well. It just up and went berserk one day (just "stuck" on Laser alarm and wouldn't shut off) :dontknow:, but it was good before it broke. :eek:
I have a rx65 but the next one will be v1, mine also has saved me but like they say laser you are just getting a early warning to practice your french :)
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trubuilt said:
I have a rx65 but the next one will be v1, mine also has saved me but like they say laser you are just getting a early waring to practice your french :)

The only chance you have with laser (in ANY radar detector) is if the LEO "shoots" one of the other cars in front of you before they sight you.
Most will say V1.. But I've been getting by with my Passport 8500 X50 for years. It picks up all bands and laser and it even has a POP feature that picks up police switching on and off their radars.. As long as I pay attention to it by not turning it down while my music is up, it'll save me every time...
Venom Power said:
Most will say V1.. But I've been getting by with my Passport 8500 X50 for years. It picks up all bands and laser and it even has a POP feature that picks up police switching on and off their radars.. As long as I pay attention to it by not turning it down while my music is up, it'll save me every time...

My 2 biggest gripes about the V1 is: 1) SIZE! :eek: The damn thing is like carrying around Abrams Tank on your dashboard. .... 2) It costs almost as much as a Abrams Tank. :eek:

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