READ before you vote!

Django is the man!!!:rock: :rock: :rock: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:
I gotta bump this, sorry.....

Hey, it took me 30 minutes to write the f**kin' thing....:eek: :dontknow:

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Django said:
Damn right.........

"Change for the simple sake of change is like jumping off a cliff hoping that you can learn to fly before you hit bottom......" -tadp

Very well put..................

After rereading Django's post #40 it finally dawned on me that it is the

best and most accurate description of this election I have ever seen.

I have fowarded it to everyone on my contact list and recommend

everyone else do the same.:rock:

P.S. I edited out the reference on abortion. I agree with Neil Boortz that
no one ever changes their view on that subject so it is pointless to discuss.

supercar1of1 said:

After rereading Django's post #40 it finally dawned on me that it is the

best and most accurate description of this election I have ever seen.

I have fowarded it to everyone on my contact list and recommend

everyone else do the same.:rock:

P.S. I edited out the reference on abortion. I agree with Neil Boortz that
no one ever changes their view on that subject so it is pointless to discuss.

Thanks for the accolades.... I'm honored..... no shit...

But, the issue of abortion is at the core of true conservatism, which is at the zenith between liberals and conservatives. So much so that we mealy mouthed conservatives can't even take the heat of a discussion about it for fear that the kitchen will become intolerably hot... (insert video of baby crying here)

This is why the religious right was born... Because (for the most part) Christians were the only ones to take a stand and remain immovable....(hey, it's a God thing, ya know...?) As a result, the term Christian Right has become synonymous with The Aryan Brotherhood and the KKK....

Well, Big News flash: Regarding baby killing, the Christian Right is right....

My description of what happens during a partial birth abortion is essential to stripping away the lovely varnish of this process.... Hell, I left out the really gorey stuff about tearing the baby's brains out so they're sure it can't survive the procedure..... (read execution)

Back in the 60's, we bohemians, beatniks (and later) the hippies made an indelible mark on society when (during the summer of Love in '68) we finally set the sexual revolution in concrete by removing the natural consequences of free love...and that's the baby itself.... and Roe vs: Wade became the Law of the land.

Finally, we were free to bonk, boink, screw, cornhole or (even) impregnate anyone we wanted to... as long as it was consentual. And (finally) it didn't even matter if the girl got pregnant... Cuz all we had to do is have an approved and completely legal medical procedure to rid oursleves of the consequences of our actions.

In other words, we traded sexual freedom for the lives of a few million babies.... and we are NOT about to give up our sexual freedom

I realize that its not as simple as all that... There are (afterall) millions of impoverished ghetto dwellers (and their well paid advocates like the blessed reverand Jesse Jackson) who will cry foul because of the economic hardship that would come crashing down on them as a result.... And since most of them are black, that would make me a stinkin' racist POS.

Well, the cure is very simple, "Keep your genitals out of each others genitals and this shit don't happen.... ya' dumb sunzabitches...!

We have been murdering in the name of our precious sexual liberation for 40 years now..... and I for one will not keep silent over it just because we've "grown accustomed to its face".............. It is a shameful, foul and murderous act..... and it should be described exactly as it is... without glossing it over in today's lovingly euphemistic terms.....

Another thing: Although it is no longer socially acceptable to discuss, because the issue is so devisive. It is still an albatross of guilt around the necks of each one of us.... and I mean every swingin' dick.....

It's just fucking wrong.......... And (on this subject) Neil Boortz is a chickenshit.

Thank you.

End of diatribe......... (gee, I wonder if I'm still "the man"....? ;) )

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Calm down Django, I don't want you to have a stroke.

Your reaction is exactly why many people never discuss that issue. Virtually

every time I have ever witnessed a discussion on the subject it turned into

a heated screaming match ending with both sides appearing to believe even

more so that their view is correct. (Living here in Ga; it happens quite often)

But my point is, I think your other post could have a very positive influence

on the upcoming election and I did not want some people to stop reading and

disregard your commentary because of that one subject. There are alot of

people who will throw the baby out with the bath water as I'm sure you know.

P.S. Boortz can be a prick first class.

supercar1of1 said:

Calm down Django, I don't want you to have a stroke.

Your reaction is exactly why many people never discuss that issue. Virtually

every time I have ever witnessed a discussion on the subject it turned into

a heated screaming match ending with both sides appearing to believe even

more so that their view is correct. (Living here in Ga; it happens quite often)

But my point is, I think your other post could have a very positive influence

on the upcoming election and I did not want some people to stop reading and

disregard your commentary because of that one subject. There are alot of

people who will throw the baby out with the bath water as I'm sure you know.

I'm not even excited, my friend.........

I can only assure you that this issue cries out desperately for an advocate...

But don't let the strength of my words cause you to question my sanity or my temperment.

This is just something that has fucked us up karmically..... I'm sure of it.

I don't mean to fuck up anyone's head..........But they've been throwing the baby out for 40 fkn years...... That's my whole damn point.

supercar1of1 said:

To me it is Gross and barbaric.

Who Mikey :dontknow: ???:dontknow: :D
Django said:
I'm not even excited, my friend.........

I can only assure you that this issue cries out desperately for an advocate...

But don't let the strength of my words cause you to question my sanity or my temperment.

This is just something that has fucked us up karmically..... I'm sure of it.

I don't mean to fuck up anyone's head..........But they've been throwing the baby out for 40 fkn years...... That's my whole damn point.


First off, I find it kinda funny that you believe in karma since it is based upon a Hindu or Buddist belief and I thought you were Christian, but that's for another debate.
My question to you is do you believe in the U.S. Constitution? Do you believe in personal rights, freedom and privacy? I don't see how you could force a mother to do something that is to YOUR liking. It doesn't make sense to me. You talk about the abortion itself and the killing of a baby, and how grotesque it is. I agree, it certainly is an ugly procedure. But, my real problem is that those on the "Christian right" feel it's their duty to save these babies, but once they are born you don't want to have any social programs for these babies to get anywhere in life. You would rather they grow up in poverty, stay hungry and not get the education that so many of us are lucky to have recieved. I just don't understand the irony in that. Once the baby is born, you could really give two shits about it! But you claim to really care about it staying alive. Care to explain the discrepancy in that?
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I for one am kind of glad there aren't another 1 million shit bags roaming the earth. How many of the aborted kids would have been fucked up adults due to their shitty upbringing? How many would become murderers or terrorists? On the other hand, maybe the next Beathoven was lost. On the other...other hand, maybe the next Hitler was lost. This debate can go on and on but it comes down to Religious beliefs 100%. I know many people who consider themselves Democrat for the one simple reason that Democrats are Pro Choice. Nothing else matters and I mean nothing. The Republican party has drawn the line in the sand so to speak by saying that you must be Pro Life to be Republican. Maybe the party does not openly say that but show me one Republican who is Pro Choice. I don't mean one that waffles or won't make a stand. I want to know if there is a single Republican at the National level who is clearly Pro Choice.

By being the Pro Life party, the Republicans automatically secure millions of votes by default. On the other hand, the Democrats automatically get the Pro Choicers.
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ChrisAZ said:
I for one am kind of glad there aren't another 1 million shit bags roaming the earth. How many of the aborted kids would have been fucked up adults due to their shitty upbringing? .

Chris I disagree with this statement because how many would be from middle class families that the dumb 15yr girl had an abortion with out telling her parents. I would bet that poorer (ghetto)people have less abortion. From our limited converation I think you are smarter than that statement. no doubt alot of them would be messed up kids, I wont deny that. but how many could grom up normal but a young woman was forced (by herself or peers) into abortion because people told her she had a right to do that.
First off, I find it kinda funny that you believe in karma since it is based upon a Hindu or Buddist belief and I thought you were Christian, but that's for another debate.
My question to you is do you believe in the U.S. Constitution? Do you believe in personal rights, freedom and privacy? I don't see how you could force a mother to do something that is to YOUR liking. It doesn't make sense to me. You talk about the abortion itself and the killing of a baby, and how grotesque it is. I agree, it certainly is an ugly procedure. But, my real problem is that those on the "Christian right" feel it's their duty to save these babies, but once they are born you don't want to have any social programs for these babies to get anywhere in life. You would rather they grow up in poverty, stay hungry and not get the education that so many of us are lucky to have recieved. I just don't understand the irony in that. Once the baby is born, you could really give two shits about it! But you claim to really care about it staying alive. Care to explain the discrepancy in that?
:congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: Holy shit a Mike Callen sighting :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:

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