
Full Access Member
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
The "Crazy" Far East part of Mesa, AZ

Going to take my 05 RC out for a spirited drive tommorrow A.M. Great time to run the truck the way it was designed to run.


Will meet a sportbike rider or two at the Hwy 87 / Bush Hwy junction at 5:30 a.m. sharp. On ramp/north bound.

Come join me! We will also be stopping for coffee and a bite to eat at Crackers & Co. around 7 a.m.

We should be able to wrap it up by 8 a.m. or so........

sounds like fun:rock: :rock: :rock: :burnout: :burnout: :burnout:
Hey....thats my backyard. Keep the noise down. At least you gave plenty of notice...;)

Now, where is that DPS number :aetsch:
Highway to Payson isn't it? Lots of DPS on that road already.might meet up for breakfast though. I like spending my money on mods. Not the state coffers.
Alright guys.....

There is a recipe for success here. This is not a "Balls out" Run. It is VERY early. Roads are quiet and you need to run a varied pace.

Know your limitations, be sensible and you get to breakfast without issue.

Follow me, I'll show you a great pace and we will have a great run!:D

BTW, nobody here would REALLY call the DPS......would they?!?;)
I'm planning on riding up to Payson tomorrow for some dirt roads along the Rim. Waiting on UPS for needed parts for the KLR that I'm planning on taking. Will know more in a couple hours...
Chuck was kidding. He won't call DPS. If I went in my S4 I would embarass you guys in your big fat trucks through the corners.
ChrisAZ said:
Chuck was kidding. He won't call DPS. If I went in my S4 I would embarass you guys in your big fat trucks through the corners.

Hell, Id wager my 38HP 18yr old KLR would do the same...on a dirt road :D My GTR1400 or 675 would be like shooting fish in a barrel going against our SRT10's. Fun the first corner or two then it would be "where did they go?" while glancing in my rear view mirror :dontknow: :aetsch:
Well, Well........:D

Sounds like we have some confident guys on here!!

S4?!? Cool!! Bring it!!

Chuck?!? Do you see what kind of two wheelers I usually bring on this run?!?

I will venture to say that since I have done this with the ol' 10 before, I really don't think even the two wheelers in the sweepers will be "leaving me behind".

Sounds like a nice time either way.

See ya before the sun rise guys!
ChrisAz need to bring that S4 out instead of saying if I went out. Should of kept the 10 and sold the rest.
You guys have fun... a group of us are hitting Sycamore with the dirt bikes first thing. :rock:
Went out there, was running a little late, didn't see anybody so just went for a drive down Bush Highway. Never been through there before. Nice scenery, lots of bicyclists though.
bicycles, followed by tubers followed by boaters followed by DPS and DUI check point at 4pm. They average 50-60 a weekend this time of year :dontknow:
Yeah, I was there at 5:25 a.m.

My buddy on his ZX10R showed by 5:38. The sun was in his eyes, so we chatted till close to 6 a.m. then headed out.

Run was nice and cool from 66 deg. on down over sunflower pass. NO LEO's, bicyclists or DUI checkpoints!:rock:

phxpoolguy; you must have been fairly late, sorry to have missed you. You would of had a good time.

BTW, since I lead through 99% of the sweepers and turns, my buddy on his Ninja was very suprised how brutaly fast the SRT is!!! A "Ton+" of fun;)

The only thing I would have changed was our meet time. 1/2 hour BEFORE sunrise and the run would have been just right.

Maybe nextime guys.......