Sorry I have been missing...

MMMMMMMMM I love the taste of contrast solution in the morning.

I hope every one has a great day today. Thanks for all the support.
I love my Oncologist. He truly understands the stress that cancer creates for those in its path.

This morning I did my CT Scan. I am scheduled for a Dr. Consultation next Friday. My Dr. got the results and called me with them today, rather than making me wait. This has been his mode of operation all along. I truly value the fact he shares the info as soon as he knows.

The results are good. We will be talking about the one indication we are watching. It is however smaller than it was 6 months ago. So I am still Cancer free.

Thanks for the support. I may have a drink tonight to celebrate.
:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

Saw that you called...Christine and I were at dinner, I will call you tomorrow Dale.

So happy for you!
I just had my Dr. visit. All is well.

He confirmed that I still have some things that show up on the scans, but they are scar tissue. So I am happy that I am still on the right mending path.

Thanks for all the support.