The Perfect Throttle Body

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black pearl said:
I think Dan said $499.00 :dontknow:

Why yes, yes he did. However MAP (minimum advertised price) is $399.00, and the street price could be lower still. He's not making these, he's reselling as are many others.;)
I am not sure were the MAP price came from, as it is about my cost. EED helped develop the part and indicated BBK wanted us to list them for $499. If we work out I group buy of 6 or more I could sell them for $450.
Also note, these are currently not available through BBK as EED and its vendors have the first production run. Feel free to check me on this.
Ram From Hell said:
Why yes, yes he did. However MAP (minimum advertised price) is $399.00, and the street price could be lower still. He's not making these, he's reselling as are many others.;)
do we have a source to get the $399.00 price ? :dontknow:
I bought one from Dan @ DC last week - already in route - also I called EED and all they informed that the first 5 out of 6 were headed to DC.

I have purchased many parts for the 10's through Dan and the experience has always EXCEEDED my expectations - great Vendor.
1. ZCx
If anyone is curious, these are 67mm twin blade design and the stock ones are 65mm. Just an FYI.
congrats.. bbk was supposed to have a throttle body out for us months and months ago... lucky bastards ;)
Will this new TB out perform the single blade designs on a SC engine?
blackviper said:
If anyone is curious, these are 67mm twin blade design and the stock ones are 65mm. Just an FYI.

thanks black :rock:
dc said if we can get 20 guys committed he could get it around the 400.00 range
1. ZCx
2. HaroldD @ $450, not $499
3. Big Worm
"committed"????:marchmellow: :marchmellow: :marchmellow:
i can use that one, lmao.

comitted, no thanks. just want a TB :rock: :rock: :rock:

is there a time frame????
took a day or 2 to get 4. i think they will have enough time to build'em.:congrats: :congrats: :congrats: