This Forum and the troubles


Full Access Member
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
I was one of the first 10 members here and a lot has changed we now have over 3547 members. With that many people different views will come out. Some will be offended some will not. The freedom to speak your feelings without any hate toward another is a good thing.

I have read most of the posts where problems started and I have seen the results of those problems. Some members have decided to leave because they feel they have been wronged in someway. I am sad that has happened.

We have a very unique group of people who I have come to enjoy and respect. I will never forget the kind words while my wifes mother "Gigi" was dieing of cancer. It helped me, my wife and Gigi when she would read the posts and all those who placed her picture as their avatar to show support.

Sometimes we all get bogged down with life it seems to press hard on all of us from time to time. Bad times will get better and good times can get worse but support of friends and family is what really counts.

Try not to take everything so seriously.....go outside look at a mountain, the ocean, trees, the blue sky and realize how insignificant all the problems on this forum really are.

It would be a real shame to see good people leave....please forgive those who have caused you trouble and lets get this family back together. Remember to respect everyone and things will be OK.

great post,walt!....but i will be leaving too:(

....for a few days,i'm off to COSTA RICA to catch a few waves:;) :D :rock:
Great post Walt!! I hope EVERYONE reads it!!

We are all insignificant in the grand scheme of things, our problems even smaller.

Good point Walt!!

Catch some waves for me Scot, I have to wait till March 13th when I will be in Panama for 2 weeks!!:D :rock:
Nice touch Walt...

we all have enough to deal with in our own reality. This place is an escape and to have the negativity here does not help things.
Well said Walt...
I am moved by this thread Walt. You are correct, many of us may feel like we were wronged in some way. Like you, I've been around here for a long while and have seen some real messes transpire simply over a difference in opinions. Many times I too contemplated leaving here. But I love this place and would find myself coming back just to look around. What I would see would be enough for me to get back into the swing of things (like this thread).

What is sad is that so far many have read this thread and said nothing in response. But if this were one of those silly threads generated by one of the "chosen few" it would have received more responses than the law allows. That troubles me and many others. :dontknow: But in the end family is synonymous with forgiveness so it is essential for us to get over our transgressions and move on together for this great place to survive.:party:

I'm with you Walt. Thanks for making my day that much brighter.:D
The things and people we become familiar with are all too easy to take for granted. I am very new here in the scheme of things but I see this forum as a microcosm of America and a little bit of the rest of the world. We have all types on here and sharing our views among one another is very interesting and enlightening to me. That being said, feelings will get hurt and people will move on. It's just the way things are.

For what it's worth, The "Sickness" is very entertaining to me and helps me escape the real world. I thank him for that. I also thank all of the other members who have enlightened me; Django, Prof, Silverback, to name a few. I'll keep coming back until someone turns the lights out and I hope most others do as well and the lights never go down on this forum.
Great post Walt, and I agree with you.

I am saddened when folks leave us, no matter the reason. I miss Mas, and Daniel, and Brady, and Shawn, and Rocketman (oops! hehehe). I miss you most of the time Walt, as you aren't around nearly enough. I guess that core group that was here at the beginning can't always be here, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

I suppose it's just like anything else in life, it never stays the same. People come and go out of you life, which is a damn shame.

But let's not lose any more good people over silly bullshit. I have been guilty myself of mistreating folks, I'll try to do better in the future. That's all we can do, is try to improve.
OCBob said:
Great post Walt, and I agree with you.

I am saddened when folks leave us, no matter the reason. I miss Mas, and Daniel, and Brady, and Shawn, and Rocketman (oops! hehehe). I miss you most of the time Walt, as you aren't around nearly enough. I guess that core group that was here at the beginning can't always be here, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

I suppose it's just like anything else in life, it never stays the same. People come and go out of you life, which is a damn shame.

But let's not lose any more good people over silly bullshit. I have been guilty myself of mistreating folks, I'll try to do better in the future. That's all we can do, is try to improve.

Hi Bob.....I am here everyday and read most everything....I still feel like it's home but I don't post too much anymore..:(.....I hope we can get everyone back together again.....this place is very special.
I agree with what your saying Walt...

I was part of that first group of 50 or so people to migrate over here from the other boards and the ONLY thing that has kept me going with this truck and a lot of other personal problems was the support I was getting from the members in this club.

I have been in many car clubs before but there is NO car club like this one. The camaraderie and TRUE sincerity of the people here is what kept me here. There's always been something special about this group.

When we first signed up and they had stolen jack's scooter, we all pitched in and bought him a new one. THAT WAS UNHEARD OF up to that point with my experience in car clubs or any groups period. That kind of thing shows what this club is all about. You tell me what club would organize something like that within a couple days and raise thousands of dollars for someone that most people only know as a screenname on a message board?? Notice all the guys who don't even have an srt-10 anymore but yet they stay here and still post everyday?????
I noticed there was a difference when I came back from my short hiatus and it did bother me to a certain point. But enough is enough....

We're not just a "car club", we are a family here. EVERY family has it's ups and downs and differences in opinion, but at the end of the day, it's all love.. and we are still family. You don't turn your back on family because they have a different opinion on certain things do you?? SO SNAP OUT OF IT SOME OF YOU GUYS :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
QueLocura said:
We're not just a "car club", we are a family here. EVERY family has it's ups and downs and differences in opinion, but at the end of the day, it's all love.. and we are still family. You don't turn your back on family because they have a different opinion on certain things do you?? SO SNAP OUT OF IT SOME OF YOU GUYS

Truth is in the words...

And these words are the correct ones

QueLocura said:
I agree with what your saying Walt...

I was part of that first group of 50 or so people to migrate over here from the other boards and the ONLY thing that has kept me going with this truck and a lot of other personal problems was the support I was getting from the members in this club.

I have been in many car clubs before but there is NO car club like this one. The camaraderie and TRUE sincerity of the people here is what kept me here. There's always been something special about this group.

When we first signed up and they had stolen jack's scooter, we all pitched in and bought him a new one. THAT WAS UNHEARD OF up to that point with my experience in car clubs or any groups period. That kind of thing shows what this club is all about. You tell me what club would organize something like that within a couple days and raise thousands of dollars for someone that most people only know as a screenname on a message board?? Notice all the guys who don't even have an srt-10 anymore but yet they stay here and still post everyday?????
I noticed there was a difference when I came back from my short hiatus and it did bother me to a certain point. But enough is enough....

We're not just a "car club", we are a family here. EVERY family has it's ups and downs and differences in opinion, but at the end of the day, it's all love.. and we are still family. You don't turn your back on family because they have a different opinion on certain things do you?? SO SNAP OUT OF IT SOME OF YOU GUYS :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

damn , now thats well said:rock: i personally think of everybody here as friends, some I talk with daily, others once in a blue moon,
I used to be ...uh.. a trouble maker:D but have since tried to get rid of that demon:p
But thats why I have tried to stay out of alot of arguments of late, i think of begood and many others as friends, I may not be high on there list sometimes;) but they know if they needed me , I'd do everything possible to be there.
Some of the things I have seen with this family over the past four years are truely incredible.
I just think sometimes we feel too much at "home" and forget about the newer members that are among us.
Wonderful place to be, made that way by all of the different personalities of our members. I just wish some of you Bastiges could spell..

Jack (the fat one)
I've been a bit busy this morning and (unfortunately ) have just now seen this... Sorry.

Very well said and felt, Walt........

It'd be a shame to lose the family or any of it's members... and we all have our favorites. But more importantly, it'd be a damn shame for any of us to consider ourselves (or our opinions) to be more important or more valid than those of the opposition.... because (IMO) therein lies the problem. We convince ourselves that what we feel and think is the absolute truth..... (and while my penchant for rhetoric seems to belie that fact, it is still worth serious consideration)

If I disagree with Roy about Hillary (and no one is a greater detractor of her's than me) it doesn't lessen my love for Roy. He is a thoughtful and intelligent man whose dedication to reason is unquestionable. OK, so I don't know what would make someone of his quality want to back Hillary. But does the frustration I feel in my lack of that understanding result in attacks against him?

Shit, no..................

If I truly desire to unravel this mystery, it will be done (not by) belittling him with asinine abuse, but by reasonable discussion regarding the whys and wherefores of his position or opinion.... This is what resonable people do.... (duh) they reason together.... (hell, it's even a Biblical principle)..

So, even if we're dumbstruck by the words or precepts that proceed from the mouths of others, our first course of action should not be REaction, but reason. It is only by a complete understanding of the true hearts of others that we discover the reasoning (if any) that is contained therein....

I once had a very hostile relationship with one of this forum's members..... Yet, somehow the reason and the love superceded that...... I submit this photo to those who may believe that resolution is impossible..... Because love conquers all...

God bless us.... everyone....

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