Urgent Help Needed...Please

Django said:
Treatable- not operable......

The tumor is in a very "eloquent" area of the brain that only the very brave dare to enter surgically.... and we don't trust those guys..... We're opting for radiation to protect Lynette from become aphazic (a vegetable) as a result of a surgical mishap.


God Bless BOTH of you guys and enjoy your Holidays...I will be praying for both of you.

(Will someone please quote this post:eek: )
KRAZYSRT10 said:
God Bless BOTH of you guys and enjoy your Holidays...I will be praying for both of you.

(Will someone please quote this post:eek: )

Thanks, Kris.......... and may God bless you as well.......

As hard as it may be to do, put this out of your minds and enjoy the upcoming holidays.

The next year will be a challange for you in many ways, but I know you have strength to endure. You also have your extended family here that you can lean on for that little bit of extra strength when you need it, and you damn well know we will be here for you.

Needless to say, you both will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Silverback said:
As hard as it may be to do, put this out of your minds and enjoy the upcoming holidays.

The next year will be a challange for you in many ways, but I know you have strength to endure. You also have your extended family here that you can lean on for that little bit of extra strength when you need it, and you damn well know we will be here for you.

Needless to say, you both will be in our thoughts and prayers.

That says it all Tim!
I was just filled in by other members on the forum and reading this thread. I want you and your wife to know that we (my family) will be praying for your family and especially your wife. I hope that the Lord gives you guys peace this holiday season. If there is anything we can do or you have any special prayer requests please let us know...
Never far from my thoughts....

I'd say keep the faith, but I think you've got that covered.
I read the posts here and cant add anything profound that would help much. I think of you and Lynette and know what you are going through..
I can tell you that when I was diagnosed, I was bewildered..It was hard to wrap my head around the fact that I was in deep doo doo in some ways..Luckily, my tumor was more of an inconvenience than anything..The hardest part for me personally was the waiting..Waiting for appts, waiting for news, waiting for surgery, waiting to recover..Waiting to live..
You go through a process, and it makes you stronger, scared, angry, happy, whatever..I cant explain it..I am right now at the best I think I have ever been in my head, because I am able to do whatever I want with whatever I have..Before the tumor, I was ok..just getting through..Now? Im living my friend..I am a full time student, I have an ok job, I am juggling home commitments, and working on starting a business..doing what I want..Its not a perfect life but its mine..Im happy, and my spirit is still with me..
Dale said something about priorities..This will teach you both about yours..thats for sure..It will teach you about love, friends, acceptance, patience, and any number of other things, which while you may not thiink you need teaching, you will benefit non the less..You will need to have a sense of humor about things too..These are weighty issues and humor will be needed to offset that weight..Dianne and I laughed about alot of things in the hospital during those long hours..people will look at you like you have 2 heads, but whatever..The time we spent together in the hospital cemented our love and admiration, and respect for each other even more than before..
You will need to wear many hats..caregiver, confidante, and be a rock for Lynette. She will need to be as strong as she can possibly be to do battle with the monster. Having your unflinching support will be a huge relief for her..Just dont forget to ask others for help when you need it..People want to help..Its in their nature..Its not you and Lynette against the world, although it may seem that way..You are carrying the love and support of your friends with you wherever you go, so its ok to use it when you need it..
I appologize for rambling here..I know what I want to say, Im just not eloquent about it..lol..
Hang in there my friend..Please call me if you want..any time..
Much love to you both,
Riff62 said:
I read the posts here and cant add anything profound that would help much.

I think of you and Lynette and know what you are going through..

I can tell you that when I was diagnosed, I was bewildered..It was hard to wrap my head around the fact that I was in deep doo doo in some ways.. Luckily, my tumor was more of an inconvenience than anything..

The hardest part for me personally was the waiting..Waiting for appts, waiting for news, waiting for surgery, waiting to recover..Waiting to live..
You go through a process, and it makes you stronger, scared, angry, happy, whatever..I cant explain it..I am right now at the best I think I have ever been in my head, because I am able to do whatever I want with whatever I have..

Before the tumor, I was ok..just getting through..Now? Im living my friend..I am a full time student, I have an ok job, I am juggling home commitments, and working on starting a business..doing what I want..Its not a perfect life but its mine..Im happy, and my spirit is still with me..

Dale said something about priorities..This will teach you both about yours..thats for sure..It will teach you about love, friends, acceptance, patience, and any number of other things, which while you may not thiink you need teaching, you will benefit non the less..You will need to have a sense of humor about things too..These are weighty issues and humor will be needed to offset that weight..Dianne and I laughed about alot of things in the hospital during those long hours..people will look at you like you have 2 heads, but whatever..The time we spent together in the hospital cemented our love and admiration, and respect for each other even more than before..

You will need to wear many hats..caregiver, confidante, and be a rock for Lynette. She will need to be as strong as she can possibly be to do battle with the monster. Having your unflinching support will be a huge relief for her..Just dont forget to ask others for help when you need it..

People want to help..Its in their nature..Its not you and Lynette against the world, although it may seem that way..You are carrying the love and support of your friends with you wherever you go, so its ok to use it when you need it..

I appologize for rambling here..I know what I want to say, Im just not eloquent about it..lol..
Hang in there my friend..Please call me if you want..any time..
Much love to you both,

Eloquence is over rated- friendship is not... Thanks, Matt.

I'm doing everything I can to wear all the major hats, here....

All of the uncertainty is the hard part.... the going from office to office and test to test without anyone really nailing it down until now.... We're getting ready for Lynette's treatment and that's a relief....

On the humorous side, I did manange a trip to the urologists office today and (low and behold) he treated me to a fist up the old azzole.... That made to 30 minute drive to his office well worthwhile. Then I flew over to my dermatologist who cut a coupla spots off my face with a scapel... She's gonna have one of 'em tested for cancer...... Wooo hooo......!

What a gas, eh?

Oh, yeah.....!!! Life is just a laugh f***ing riot.:rock:

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How come I could never find a female urologist? My theory was good, but I just could not find one...
Prof said:
How come I could never find a female urologist? My theory was good, but I just could not find one...

Similar to going to a sperm bank with your hands all wrapped up like you burned them.. Uhhh, you think I can get a nurse to help me out here... ;)

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