We Are So Small...

Very cool Roy.
I cant wait for the new one to go up, they think they will be able to see "technically" past the big bang. What will they see? pitch black or something else.
I think they will see a world where 2000 rwhp is routine!:eek: :D
great vid.
so then if one believes in infinite biggness. one would also believe in infinite smallness?
but that sort shoots the shit out of, if there is a beginin, there is an end:dontknow: :dontknow:
:rock: :rock:
You know FatJack...in statistical terms the chance of that being true...is not zero! With huge numbers of solar systems with millions of stars each and an infinite number of planets...the change of a place where Chrysler is doing better, where they are doing worse, and about a dozen where they are doing exactly the same is a significant number.
Thanks for sharing Roy. :)

For those who think other life forms or "Aliens" are false really need to open thy minds more. I will say it again and don't mind stepping on toes but if you think our small spec of a planet is the only place in the universe to house life forms then it's almost arrogant in a way to think that. Some quick fire facts. There are more solar systems and stars (suns) than there are grains of sand on this earth - yes, you heard right. In the average sized living room, if a spec of dust is our solar system, the rest of the room is space. The human brain was not built to comprehend these staggering numbers. This topic is very interesting, good to talk about over an open fire in the bush (forest) with a few mates, cold beers and a clear night. This topic and videos like this are great fuel for those who live everyday like it's their last. Why worry what others think, say or do? Go hard, life really is short and our planet small and insignificant.

Enjoy life. :rock:
Thanks a bunch for that Roy. I am a cosmos nut (I still have the original framed Cosmos promotional poster from the mid 1980's, the complete box set AND the paperback book).. Carl Sagan will always be my favorite scientist.
Like Carl I believe there are other earthlike planets...maybe even life forms that are opposite in nature to ours...big place out there..:marchmellow:
If life as different to what we are used to exists in such an inhospitable environment like on the earth's ocean floors, imagine what the possibilities are elsewhere..
I guess it all really comes down to,WHO THE HELL DO WE THINK WE ARE THAT WE'RE THE ONLY LIVING BEINGS ??? :dontknow: I for one believe that somewhere out there that there are others thinking the same damn thing !!!:rock:
We're not the only ones. What cracks me up is how people think Aliens are similiar in size or shape to us. I believe aliens are among us and they are just so small that we don't take notice. I beleive natural evolution leads to smaller size. All of the largest creatures on earth have become extinct and the smallest creatures have been around longer than any.
And just think its still expanding! The real question though is whats on the edge of the expansion?
6pakattack said:
I guess it all really comes down to,WHO THE HELL DO WE THINK WE ARE THAT WE'RE THE ONLY LIVING BEINGS ??? :dontknow: I for one believe that somewhere out there that there are others thinking the same damn thing !!!:rock:

I'll put it to you in a way I was explained about it a couple decades ago....

Let's say I want to have a lobster dinner. I get dressed up, fix the table with elegant candles and silverware, open my front door and sit as I wait for a lobster to come into my home and rest on my plate. After hours and hours of waiting I decide that there will be no lobster visting me, so by 3:30 am I shut my door and blow out the candles to go to sleep. So what was learned here? The lobster isn't going to come when I feel like waiting for it. It will not leave its habitat to come at all. The lobster has other lobster business to be concerned with and it is not to come to my home to fulfill my will.

Same goes for technically advanced extraterrestrial beings. They have other business occupying them. Perhaps they visited here millions, or tens to hundreds of millions of years before man and discovered non intelligent living organisms lacking technical advances to communicate. Furthermore, our atmosphere could very well be poisonous to alien beings, our elements existing on our planet, possibly worthless. So they move on searching elsewhere for resources and life worth studying (or fighting). Even we would be considered primitive to such beings. Space is way too vast for alien beings to just come straight here any time soon, unless they were given good reason to investigate. Our still traveling past broadcasts of the Honeymooners are probably on a fequency they aren't monitoring, or maybe they picked up the signals and began heading this way. So many factors come into play that this conversation could be endless.
My fear is that other beings are monitoring the Sickness and have decided to wait another century or two...
That was very cool Roy!!! :rock:

The Hubble is AMAZING!!! I remember when everyone poo poo'd it because it was screwed up when it first went up. (I was very anxiously awaiting a chance to see the first images.) I was very glad that they were able to fix it!! That thing is incredible!!!!!
The images are both beautiful and mind boggling at the same time! Looking at images from the Hubble always makes me think about how small we are, this video REALLY drove that home!!!!

Thanks Roy!!:rock:
Just makes me think just how small my penis really is!