What did you get for Christmas??



friggin snow:mad:
It was my B-day yesterday. I got myself two pairs of shoes, a cap, and I plan on installing my new coils/wires on the '10 this weekend.
The wife did a great job, SRT-10 keychain, Viper flag for hanging in the garage (when I get a garage) and a new helmet for racing. It was a truck themed Christmas for me. :D
A care package from my wife that was sent before she decided she wanted to divorce me, so it was bittersweet, along with a "thank you for the Christmas presents you bought me" on the phone on Christmas Eve. First time we've talked on the phone in a few days, but then when I asked if I could call her again on Christmas Day, she replied "I'll be pretty busy with the family". :( Guess I'm no longer part of the family.

On the brite side, I've had my eye on some speakers and a sub for my home theater on Ebay, so I bought them for myself and had them shipped to my dad's so the wife doesn't hold them hostage at her mom's house like she is currently doing with the shit I bought on Black Friday. I'll be glad to get back to my apartment so I can ship things to myself.

Sorry for the depressing "my wife hates me and wants a divorce FML" Christmas story haha
1000 rnds .40 S&W
At least you don't have any kids NSDQ, it could always be worse. My dad passed away in February after being in the hospital for 5 months because of a brain annurism, he was 56, and I'm pretty sure it's over with the girlfriend of 4 years. On top of that, me and my brothers are sueing my dads wife because she thinks everything he had is 100% hers. She has already falsified documents and sold two $100k+ semi trucks he had. I'm hoping 2013 will be better. It's part of life and you have to keep on keepin' on.