What should the Stall be set at for FI?

This truck is my daily driver and I only go to the track about once a year for fun. I don't think I can build boost by power braking. My turbo is rear mounted and it is hard to build boost when not moving.

I think I will shoot for around 2500 or so. I want to be comfortable driving around every day.
An easy way to explain the stall and how its going to react is think of taking off with a standard transmission,if you want 2400stall ,then rev up the rpm to 2400rpm and let the clutch out real slow,and so on for what ever stall you want to launch at,then you should have an idea of what your after if you have access to a RC somewhere??
I have been told 1400 by a transmission shop, but have not verified that fact yet. If not, it is real close.
I called and talked with my converter builder today , and talked a bit aobut the stall, and honestly going over say 2600 +- 100rpms is a waste of time on a street truck, plus it takes longer for the converter to lock up, if you go to say a 3000 plus converter and will eventually damage the converter and maybe even the tranny.
now if its mainly for the strip or track its a different ball game, but for all around staying around 2400 is the best deal to keep heat down, longevity for the tranny, and drivability
I am by no means an expert but I ran no less than 4 different converters in my old street/strip vehicle (not a 10) and I would not consider a 3000 converter very streetable, yes you can do it but converters up near that range are gonna slip and thats means they get hot and they are gonna kill transmissions in daily driving conditions. I worked for a Transmission shop for about 4 years and basically most street applications they recommend 800-1000RPM over stock which varies on vehicle but if you can footbrake your truck to lets say 1200RPM then a converter that would give you 2200RPM generally would be considered a streetable replacement and still not shorten trans life. Just my opinion.