Who has the most speeding tickets

Ive had 15+ tickets since ive been driving. I cant say ive got out of any on the spot but i always took care of them at the courthouse with either court supervision, defensive driving school, infraction deferrment, lawyers, something to get it dropped but that only works so many times in each county/state. I have had 2 suspensions. The first time u get 2 ticket with 24 months apart in illinois under 21 they suspended my license for 3 months. Then after that u have to get 2 more tickets to be suspended again. I did and the second time it was for 1 year! Which delayed me getting a SRT-10 for a year then the day i went to reinstate them. I got my license then went two blocks down and picked up my SRT-10 and drove it home. Those are just speeding ive had several others but not for that. Im doing a lot better now no speeding tickets, i have THE truck to have and obeying the law. YEAH RIGHT!!!
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You want me to prattle on about my tickets..........? Rof....

How much time you got bustah..........?

Silent D said:
You want me to prattle on about my tickets..........? Rof....

How much time you got bustah..........?


Didn't you get your first ticket racing Fred Flintstone???:dontknow: ;) :D :star:
I've had 4 total in my whole life but since I got this truck in September, I've had 2. One for 60 in a 45, 8 hours after I bought it and the most recent one was 58 in a 25 on Base. That one bought me a one year suspension of base driving priviledges and the opportunity to save some miles on my truck!!!:D
ive talked my way out of everything so far.....radar went off last night tho and couldnt see camera!!hopefully got slowed in time!!
we get 3 points per ticket, they stay 3 years, 12 points=12 month ban and redo the driving test!
By the time I turned 21, I had 21 moving violations. That didn't could the excessive noise, and other BS tickets. Oh, one of those 21 tickets was for "Conducting a speed contest".

I got my license on a Friday, and went out on Saturday. As we were sitting down to dinner on Sunday a State Cop came to the door. Had me for "Reckless driving and eluding a police officer".

I was a real bad boy when I was young.:eek:

What's funny is I never lost my license.:burnout: :D
I have 2 tickets before with my first piece of crap car for speeding and failed to stop at red light so I asked my mother if she could pay it for me because I have bills to pay and she complete understand and said will pay it for me....until my third trouble for take left turn at no left turn sign....so cop told me that he have to arrest me I'm like whoa whoa! what's going on?? he said I didn't pay tickets....uh hmm....so I explained him that I gave it to my mother blah blah, he let me go but took my license away and said I have to pay tickets to have my license back. so I got home and asked mother....she FORGOT to pay tickets! so I paid my tickets and got license back! but right now with my ram srt10 I didn't get any ticket yet which is good haha
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A topic I can relate to !!!!Let's see,12 pts in 12 mths=1 month suspension.18 pts within 24 mths = 3 mth suspension,and 24pts within 24 mts = 1yr susp.So let's see,I've had the 1 month,3 month and 1 year, and another set of 1 mth,3 mth, and another year !!! LOTS of friggin points to say the least !!! Then when I got my SRT,100mph in a 45,60 in a 45,I think that's about it !!! Trying to behave,but it dmned sure ain't easy with these beasts !!!:dontknow:
Only one ticket ever, 145 in a 65, while racing, and they "pursude" me for 24 miles. I was in my Rumble bee about a year ago on my way to austin at about 2 in the morning.I was doing about 80 and a chevy ss rolled up next to me and I started messing with me. I was on 71, two lanes but not a car in sight! so we hit it as I went over a hill he clocked me(Ihad been spaying it all the way up the hill) the ss was only 4-5 lenghts behind. we continued to fly for a while till way ahead of us I saw flashing lights, I slowed down and whith in seconds a f-150 trooper truck came up behind me and I pulled over. Lets just say he kindly asked me so get out and walk to him. They searched my truck and found nothing, the he came back and asked me if i knew why he pulled me over, I said yes thats i knew i was flying. Then he asked who was in the other truck, I said i have no idea. Then he said that the lights i saw was a road block and the SS had ran it, and ditched his truck up the road and ran into the woods. Then he asked if i knew he was behind us at all I, I said no. He then explained how his truck was a crappy ford and wouldn't catch pinto and the love the truck but i was going to kill myself if i wasn't more careful. He left me in the back of the car and made a phone call and then came back. He said that he was not going to take me to jail because I didn't lie to him, and he had to go help look for the other driver. He wrote me a ticket for 100+ in a 70, but noted on the bottom that my actual speed was over 140 and the speedlimit had just changed from 70 to 65.

that one cost me 490$ plus defensive driving, plus defered. I have never got another moving violation, and never will.

I do want to buy a sr7...
wow thats a speeding story!

ive only had 1 in my 4 years of driving. written for 95 in a 65 (on a highway). i got on the highway, and gunned it cause noone was there, then got off within 30sec. well, the cop was there for that 30 sec and bagged me.

the best thing you can do when you get pulled over after coming to a complete stop is put your registration & insurance in one hand and your license in the other hand and put both hands out your drivers window. this shows both hands to the cop and eliminates any fear he has walking up to your truck thinking you may be hididng something or pulling out a weapon. try it next time and notice how pleasant the officer is.
Rice Eater said:
the best thing you can do when you get pulled over after coming to a complete stop is put your registration & insurance in one hand and your license in the other hand and put both hands out your drivers window. this shows both hands to the cop and eliminates any fear he has walking up to your truck thinking you may be hididng something or pulling out a weapon. try it next time and notice how pleasant the officer is.

done that and it seems work well
i currently have 32 points and 8 pending. when i was 16 i got 3 bs careless tickets then took a driving course and waited a year to lose all 6 points. then about 3 years ago i got bagged doin 153 on rt 78. i got off the exit 2 miles up never realizing i passed a cop in the median. he said i tried to outrun him. he then cuffed me, took me to the county jail, charged me with 2nd degree felony eluding, 3rd degree endangering the life a police officer, kidnapping (my friend was with me and that was the only way to keep him outta jail also), and endangering public lives. he also issued 24 moving violations for everything from speeding to unsafe lane change. i posted bail and went straight to my lawyers. i'd still be in jail if it wasn't for a paperwork error. the cop stated on the report that he was doin 132 to try to catch up and i was pulling away extremely fast. the law in jersey is that they cannot pursue over 99 mph if there is not a felony warrant issued for the driver. the jury found me not guilty of everything but eluding, which was dropped to a 3rd degree misdeminor and the officer was suspended without pay for a week then removed from the force after he went before the board. i was on pti (pre trial intervention) which i completed 1 month ago. after i completed i was found NOT GUILTY of all charges and they were removed from my record making it squeeky clean. the judge dropped all tickets except 6 giving me 24 points total but the state police issued me 3 tickets because i was in their jurisdiction for a mile lol. so now i have 32 points. it sucks but whatever. stupid thing to do and i learned my lesson.
stanimal, wow that was a crazy and amazing story! i love it and i couldnt believe it that you went through all these shit, well im happy you are alright now and not in any trouble at all, well 32 points but its not bad anyways, right?

enough to loose them twice in 15 years, even one for eluding the man:D

since I got the rig tho, I been a good little Dr. Stank:D
i made out ok the judge was awsome. part of the pti was to have my license suspended for 9 months. the judge told me he would not send the info to dmv so that the point suspension would be over by the end of the 9 months. what sucked is that dmv screwed up and gave me my license back after 3 months so i had to sit there knowing i had a license but couldnt drive. what sucked even more was 2 months before all this shit happened i ordered a rc black srt. my job at the time was driving so i couldnt buy the srt and lost my down payment. its ok thou when the 9 months was up i went and bought the one i have now. saved a little $ too :D