Who has the most speeding tickets

BigRed460 said:
If it is not dangerous then why was the speed limit 65?
Federal mandated Speed limits came into existance in the 70's. The highest posted limit anywhere in the country was 65. Back in the mid 90's the federal gov't dropped these mandated speed limits but cut back states federal highway grant money if a certain % of the highways had a posted limit above 65. States like Montana went away with speed limits altogether for a short time then went with speed limits at night then speed limits in certain area's and now I don't know what the hell they are doing anymore!! We'll in CT, we receive a larger amount of grant money then most states so I believe they kept all the speed limits 65 and under due to this. The roads are so heavily traveled here because the only way to get anywhere in the NE is to go through I-95 or I-84 so the federal money is very important to this state. Listen BigRed, I cut allot of breaks so long as the driver isn't a) a drunk, b) an asshole or c) a drunken asshole. Here's the god damn truth on how to severly decrease your chances of getting a ticket; BE HONEST!!!!!!!!! You got stopped for a reason and both the cop and you know it. I cut a drunk free several months back because I got him outta the car and asked him how much he had to drink. He looked me dead in the face and said, "about 12 or 13 beer sir". I just had him phone up a friend to remove his car then cut him loose with not so much as a ticket once two of his buddies came to take the car.
154 in a 55. This was in I-564. Didn't get arrested nor was my license was suspended. Only paid a $250.00 fine and $550 for my lawyer.

I could have lost my job. So I don't speed anymore.

What the guy before me said is completely true. When the cop ask me why I was going that fast, I told him because I was a dumbass.:eek:
Honesty always works. Granted not every law enforcement officer will cut a break for it but it will certainly set you free. Once you lie you will have to come up with more lies to back up the first. Couple that with feeling a bit nervous (for being at the receiving end of a traffic stop) and one can sound like a darn fool, so out comes the pen and the citation is issued. These days I tend to observe traffic laws as best I can. If I am stopped for a moving violation I simply have all required documents readily available, the vehicle turned off, the keys out of the ignition, hands on the steering wheel and speak only when addressed with yes sir and no sir. These little things show tremendous respect and also places both you and the officer at safe ease (well at least it SHOULD). I just tell them plain and simple, "I have no explaination for my actions sir except that I was wrong." But for me the conversation always ends up about my past career and the next thing I know I'm on my way with nothing more than a warning (if that).
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Venom Power said:
If I am stopped for a moving violation I simply have all required documents readily available, the vehicle turned off, the keys out of the ignition, hands on the steering wheel and speak only when addressed with yes sir and no sir.
Read it.
Learn it.
Live it.

Good advice, VP! Though I'm not an officer of the law, this method has worked for me each time. I may not get a warning each time, but the officer has always cut me a little slack.
..just say I don't know but it looked like you had trouble keeping up...
400hp AWD car that weighs 1/2 as much as the truck and is 11x more aerodynamic? Ummm...yeah...probably had a tough time keeping up.

I have the same problem when I race Hayabusas in the truck. :D
Kevan said:
400hp AWD car that weighs 1/2 as much as the truck and is 11x more aerodynamic? Ummm...yeah...probably had a tough time keeping up.

I have the same problem when I race Hayabusas in the truck. :D

scoobies have a major flaw when accelerating. they try to move the power to the wheels with traction and back off the horsepower everytime a tire starts to spin. if you don't have a override system on them they suck at drags. they are a dirt drifting car. made for rally's and not for drags.
That race was fun, it woke me up after bumper to bumper traffic. Now my hubby's getting a Paxton SC, NOS, CAI, new exhaust system, 170 T stat and reprogramming of chip by DC Performance. Who has this setup on their QC? I cant wait. I support my hubby's need for speed and American Muscle!

SrtBradsBoss said:
That race was fun, it woke me up after bumper to bumper traffic. Now my hubby's getting a Paxton SC, NOS, CAI, new exhaust system, 170 T stat and reprogramming of chip by DC Performance. Who has this setup on their QC? I cant wait. I support my hubby's need for speed and American Muscle!


Bump TTT.

Got the Nos but didn't install. Didn't get the SC but got everything else. Got a ticket in the mid west moving a friend. I even got a few more mods before the engine went south. AwdIsuzu is babysitting the spun rod and I can't wait for the truck to be back on the road.

What say you?
1) 54 in a 45
2) 59 in a 45
3) 64 in a 45
4) 64 in a 55
5) 69 in a 55
6) 84 in a 55
7) 104 in a 45
8) careless and wreckless
9) careless and wreckless (again)
10) wreckless endangerment
11) Failure to stop at an intersection
12) Impersonating a police officer (funny story)
13) Expired tags
14) Expired inspection
15) Expired registration
16) Window tint
17) Nitrous on street vehicle
18) Noise ordinance
19) seat belt
20) seat belt
21) seat belt repeat offender
22) Emissions (no cats or A.I.R. pump)
23) Exhibition of speed WTF is that!
24) some ticket in a 35 dont remember
25) 140 something in a 65 (tornado chasing, lost my license 6 months)

I have only 1 ticket on my record and my full coverage insurance with a $500 dollar deductible and 24 years old is $90 something bucks a month
5 years of driving and no tickets yet. I don't know how... my first car was a 65 mustang with a 289. Then a 72 ranchero with a built 351w. Just sold my srt10 QC. Maybe I can finally get a ticket when Kennys truck gets here:dontknow:
LoveThisTruck said:
5 years of driving and no tickets yet. I don't know how... my first car was a 65 mustang with a 289. Then a 72 ranchero with a built 351w. Just sold my srt10 QC. Maybe I can finally get a ticket when Kennys truck gets here:dontknow:
Don't wish for a ticket. It might happen on grand scale. It sucks to lose your license for tickets. It real expensive after that to get it back and keep it.
Welp, since my last post on this thead I've been cited once, but I will take care of that wen I get back tot he states. I was on my way to meet up with Faslane505 one night when I get pulled over for failure to signal a turn. Actually I DID signal, but since I had to manuver from hitting road debris in the middle of the turn, the signal shut off before the turn was executed. My luck... a female Constable was behind me and flipped on her wig-wags. Okay so she's being a bitch at first with the 20 questions about what I do for a living and what does my lic plate mean and the regular 9 yards. She wrote the ticket then found out I used to be in law enforcement. Then she turned nice and felt disappointed for citing me asking if I still had my connections to get me off. :dontknow:No biggie it's not like I get these everyday, but up to now the citation hadn't been turned in. That stop was in March. Hmmmm..
17 points in 11 months .....7 points at once and I havent gotten one in he truck yet.... Knock on wood
I have 18 tickets, license taking away 4 X. I have just want to do fast and it always is a EFN state trooper. I have talked out of 5 and i got a 92 in a 65 before I came to Japan, but he told me that I had some wheel hope , and let me go, we have mutual friends, that work on our cars and my buddies sticker saved me. But he knew who i was, that highest ticket was 378.00 85 in a 55,
I know this thread is old but I've been reading and thinking I got everybody beat!!
I haven't had a ticket in a long time (knock on wood) but i got six speeding tickets in 1day NO BULLSHIT!!!!!
here's how I got them, I was going to seaford DL from Atl (a close friend mom
#1. I was talking to him on the phone crossing into SC from GA and BAM
85mph in a 65mph

#2. I was coming out of Sc into Nc and bam i get it again 80 n a 70

#3. I made half thru Nc into charlotte and I got again 85 na 65(almost went to jail that time!!!!

#4. Made it almost to 75 miles up I-85 & yep you guessed it ( hit baby 1 more time lol!!)

#5. I made it all the way to suffolk Va. ( you'd think id slow down by now )

#6. Last one on the trip up somewhere in northeast MD.

The tickets all together cost right at $1500
the good thing was the only ticket that went against me was the 1 i got in Sc
" that happen back in 1994"

I've only got 2 tickets since then

My worst ticket was in 1992 had a Chevy Beretta GTZ with the quad four motor .Was bored one night and passed this S-10 pickup doing 20 in a 30 mph zone. double yellow line, as I went by him I proceed to excide the posted speed limit by allot, needless to say back in the distance was a city police officer that watched me pass the pickup truck, and tried to catch up to me, when I did pull over he was a bit excited he stated he was doing over 100mph and I was still pulling away from him, I guess I was lucky I only received a wreckless from that. Later that year I wrecked the car and had one more ticket, the full coverage insurance on the car was only $340 a month for three years.
In the Srt-10 65 in a 40 mph got dropped.
Speed racing ticket lost traction in the rain 45% degree angle @ 35 mph officer thought I was out of control ,I Have to go Defensive driving school (lucky) will be dropped 8 hour class 40 dollars.
NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I drive with caution:D but haul A$$ every were I go.