Viper Truck "Club" of America - Looking for Regional Reps


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May 19, 2006
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We are working on being here and having fun for going on 7 years now. Thinking about putting "Club" into the mix and seeing how that goes.

I was talking to SRTBrad and he mentioned that Ralph Gilles of SRT really didn't even know who we were and thats not good. I'm thinking that maybe we change that. I know that I put a test out there building the Europe, Texas and SoCal Regions, I went ahead and added the rest. Figured we would see how that goes. While people are letting everyone know what region there in... Start thinking of what we can do to be more like a "Club" and gain a little bit more formal recognition out in the SRT / Viper Powered community.

Tell me what you think :eek:

Outstanding idea, make sure the SRT group knows these trucks are still around and strong!!!!!!!!!
Well many need to DRIVE their trucks!! Show up at a car show or track outing. Make your presence known. Go to your local hot spot and educate the younger ones that have no idea our trucks exist! :)
Well many need to DRIVE their trucks!! Show up at a car show or track outing. Make your presence known. Go to your local hot spot and educate the younger ones that have no idea our trucks exist! :)

Great idea,drive mine all the time.
I love the idea, maybe have more gtg at different locations Dallas would be another good spot our similar spots around.
Sounds like a good idea to me! Mine is a daily driver / racer! always fun when regular SLT rams try to race me hah :rock::burnout::chain:
damn....been that long? LOL:D anything to get the attention of SRT and gilles would be awesome!:rock:
I was thinking the site should advertise to the users with window decals for members at a fee of course i def would rock one hell I'm buying shirts bc i love the decal
I wish a Decal guy would raise his hand
"Club" t-shirts. There's nothing like wearing a t-shirt to an automotive event that shows what club you belong to. I think it needs to be some "official" design that is sold through this web site.
I thought it was already "club"... oh well yes i agree our trucks do need to be out more imo only ppl who know about them are some dodge truck enthusiasts and viper ppl. In my town only ppl who know i exist is co-workers and some diesels :D
I thought it was already "club"... oh well yes i agree our trucks do need to be out more imo only ppl who know about them are some dodge truck enthusiasts and viper ppl. In my town only ppl who know i exist is co-workers and some diesels :D

Yes, we are a club. We just have no organization to what we do.

So I thinking that we add a little organization to what we do and make ourselves just a little better known. We need to be a presence, so lets do it....:beer:
DOH! One suggestion. You need a sticky post if this is the official club shirt.

Ok, time to go order some.
It is the offical Club Shirt, I work on the sticky here in a bit
How bout having vtcoa state reps who can organize state meetings, something along that line, i say we turn this in to SONS OF ANARCHY VIPER TRUCK STYLE LOL
I am leaning that direction....
How bout having vtcoa state reps who can organize state meetings, something along that line, i say we turn this in to SONS OF ANARCHY VIPER TRUCK STYLE LOL

I'm currently part of the VTCOA Nomads in Kentucky. Far less concentration here than in warmer climates.:burnout:

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