
I've done crossfit and have a lot of friends who do it. Some of the workouts are useful and transcend all styles of workouts (squat, deadlift, pullups, pushpress, etc) but mostly the workouts don't make a lot of sense, like they are all about high volume/stress. If you do any type of workout with no rest in between for 20 minutes straight, yeah you're going to get tired. That to me is what crossfit is, pick like 4 random ass lifts/exercises, make up a number of rounds and some arbitrary time limit, and then do it as fast as you can and then brag about your time after. I do think some crossfit gyms are good and are worth going to, but each one has its own personality depending on the people who go there. The one by my apartment is one of the good ones and I will be working out there prepping for Ranger school this summer. But I definitely get why a lot of people hate crossfit. Really, I think it's the people we don't like, not the crossfit itself.

Exactly! People who do crossfit just seem really snotty and bitchy. Not ALL of them, but a lot. When crossfit first came out into the mainstream, I liked it. The Army even picked up on it for a short while. But then it evolved into this cult like movement where you pay a LOT of money for a membership to a gym that is only open at certain times and you just do a bunch of pull ups and olympic style lifts. Whole thing is just stupid to me.
Exactly! People who do crossfit just seem really snotty and bitchy. Not ALL of them, but a lot. When crossfit first came out into the mainstream, I liked it. The Army even picked up on it for a short while. But then it evolved into this cult like movement where you pay a LOT of money for a membership to a gym that is only open at certain times and you just do a bunch of pull ups and olympic style lifts. Whole thing is just stupid to me.

Yep. In 2007 when I was assessing for a Special Ops unit, the only PT we did in the mornings was CrossFit. I didn't know it was CrossFit, just thought it was special ops PT lol. After 5 weeks, I was in the best shape of my life. But the kicker is that the workouts were supplemented with lots of PT that we didn't even notice, like rucking through the woods doing land nav, buddy carries during medical training, and team building exercises such as running around a half mile loop with a partner alternating carrying water jugs or ammo cans, etc. So I can't say with certainty that the crossfit got me in the best shape ever, it was just a combo of a lot of things. Honestly, I think we did the CrossFit so that we didn't spend the whole morning doing typical Army workouts like run 5 miles and do pushup situp improvement. the workouts would only last like 20 minutes, we'd eat, then have all day to train. The other downside of CrossFit is not enough running. If you don't make yourself run, you won't really ever run during CrossFit workouts.
How many reps are we doing? I haven't tried flat benching dumbbells in forever. I'm still pretty sore from my chest workout on Thursday, so I'll try it early next week.


with the 200 lbs i can do about 6-8 of them but i can get a full set of 10 with the 95lb dumb bells , im 5'10'' and 168lbs so when i sit down by my self with 95's on my lap i get people looking and asking if I need help lol I guess i got the retarded strength with very little retarded :dontknow:
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Anyone flat bench dumb bells? Im at the 100lbs if i have a spotter set them for me but I can get the 95lb bells set on my own

I only weigh in at 168lbs

100 pounders for 30 reps... all the way down and all the way up to lockout! None of that half rep pussy shit!!!
100 pounders for 30 reps... all the way down and all the way up to lockout! None of that half rep pussy shit!!!

I do 25-35 reps as a first set for a couple of my lifts, in order to prep the connective tissue and pre-fatigue the muscle. (I don't do it with 100's! :D) Is that why you utilize that many reps in your training?
100 pounders for 30 reps... all the way down and all the way up to lockout! None of that half rep pussy shit!!!

haha idk about 30 reps maybe with the 75's but i go down as far as my shoulder will let me since it got ripped out in Iraq by an IED
I do 25-35 reps as a first set for a couple of my lifts, in order to prep the connective tissue and pre-fatigue the muscle. (I don't do it with 100's! :D) Is that why you utilize that many reps in your training?

I just like to shock my system week to week. I always do light weight high rep warm up sets every week. When it comes to working sets is where the muscle "shock" comes into play. Always stagger light and heavy weeks but always keep your intensity high! Light week does not mean half ass workout! I do this for all major compound groups. My arm training is my only exception, bi's and tri's are always trained in a medium to high rep range... generally no lower than 8-10 reps, mostly between 10-15. This will keep you from getting inflammation in your elbows!!!
haha idk about 30 reps maybe with the 75's but i go down as far as my shoulder will let me since it got ripped out in Iraq by an IED

Damn bro that's still awesome, and thankyou for your service!!!
Used to do Crossfit for about 6 months with my buddy, but am just lifting heavy now. Crossfit is good for getting tone but thats not what im looking for now. However, for you NC guys that think Crossfit is for pussies, go up to Fort Brag and visit my buddy's older brother Dan Skidmore who is a owner in their gym. I think he'll change your mind, considering he is one of the top competitors in the world.
Has anyone here done p90x? or p90x2?
I've been back lifting again for the past 3 months. 6 days a week on my total gym. I do 30 reps but I don't move mountains like you guys.
I'm 6'3, 230 lbs., streamlined, bad mother phucker! :)
Used to do Crossfit for about 6 months with my buddy, but am just lifting heavy now. Crossfit is good for getting tone but thats not what im looking for now. However, for you NC guys that think Crossfit is for pussies, go up to Fort Brag and visit my buddy's older brother Dan Skidmore who is a owner in their gym. I think he'll change your mind, considering he is one of the top competitors in the world.

Not sure if you read some of the earlier comments but we kindve agreed that the problem wasnt crossfit itself, but more the type of snotty little brats it attracts. I know not ALL crossfit members are like that, but around here they act like their shit doesnt stink.
I've been back lifting again for the past 3 months. 6 days a week on my total gym. I do 30 reps but I don't move mountains like you guys.
I'm 6'3, 230 lbs., streamlined, bad mother phucker! :)
after we race we can roll im 6'2" 240...a fkn Beast for real!!!!!!!!!
you know what???? "what Dom?"
LOL cant wait getting a massive boner thinking about it!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, since I jacked my shoulder up trying to be a bad ass on the bench, I decided to focus on my squats. I got 535 yesterday 6 times! I felt like I could have gone more but I didnt wanna push my luck. I think Im finally over this plateau that Ive been in for a while now. Caveman told me to take my iPad and video it to check my form so I'll try and get that uploaded over the weekend. Also, I just wanna point out that this thread wasnt to try to say "hey look at me, im strong and shit" its just a place for people who lift to talk about it. Common ground, thats all.
535 6x..holy cow...I lifted a beer out of the fridge and almost strained my shoulder last night. Tonight might go for a six-pack and set a new personal record...:beer: