Any news on Indy?

Update on Phil

This is Lori. I am so glad you spent some time with Phil last night at the hospital. Chip and I will not be at the hospital Friday with Mom, but we will be there on Saturday all day. If you've got time, we would love you to stop by again on Saturday, we'd love to meet you. We can definitely feel the love from everyone on this website and you have no idea how much it's touched both of us, me especially (woman thing ya know, lol!) I pray for Phil each and every day, several times a day and I know in my heart he will be ok. It's going to be a long recovery, but he's a tough cookie. Thank you and everyone again for the support.

Thanks, Kevan, for the update and for being a good friend. We're all still praying for you, Phil!
Kevan thats great news, thanks for the update bro. You are the epitome of what this place is all about. :rock:
yes hope he's able to get home soon and has a full recovery, we are all pulling for him

keep up this good work man. Thank you.

Laptop shoudl'nt be a problem, if you have wireless you could probably tap into their wireless network, and log on to the forum there.

Those inflatable "socks" are to stop blood clots from forming 'DVTs'. Its a precautionary measure for everybody that is going to be immoble for a while. And you're extactly right on the bed, its to stop bedsores from occuring. If you have any questions about whats going on feel free to call me, that goes for his any of his family members as well. I have a little experience with it all ;).
scubachip said:
This is Lori. I am so glad you spent some time with Phil last night at the hospital. Chip and I will not be at the hospital Friday with Mom, but we will be there on Saturday all day. If you've got time, we would love you to stop by again on Saturday, we'd love to meet you. We can definitely feel the love from everyone on this website and you have no idea how much it's touched both of us, me especially (woman thing ya know, lol!) I pray for Phil each and every day, several times a day and I know in my heart he will be ok. It's going to be a long recovery, but he's a tough cookie. Thank you and everyone again for the support.


How is the family doing? Hope everyone is keeping good spirits. If you ever need to talk Mikey and I are available 24/7. It is always nice to have someone, anyone to talk to you in times like these. We are praying for Phil daily and I even have prayer requests in with the Chaplain here at the hopsital. Hopefully your questions are being answered by the staff and they are treating you well. God Bless you and I pray for a speedy recovery.:p Marne
Kevan said:
I'm back from visiting with Phil at the hospital. I think things went very well.

I arrived a little after 8PM as the nurses were doing their 'check-up' on Phil. It was kind of good timing, because I could see/hear what was going on. Of course, when they start with their lingo...."medial distal" and all that, I'm totally lost.

There were good, solid reactions in his feet when they checked them. He's in "booties" so his feet won't droop down as he's in the bed. There are also mini-g-force suits on his legs, to keep the blood flowing to the right areas. And, he's still got those sweet hospital PJ's on. :D High fashion, baby!

The abrasions on his forehead are starting to heal nicely. He might have a few scars to show off later (chicks dig scars). As Phil's brother said in the other thread, the pressure monitor has been removed from his head. This is a good thing. For some reason, I thought his head would be shaved, but they only trimmed a small spot for the pressure monitor. There are a few stitches there now.

He's in a bed that keeps him moving. It rolls him left to right, and inflates and deflates. I guess it's to prevent bed sores and blood from pooling in areas. It's a pretty kickass bed. It has more adjustments than the Patriot's defense.

You want machines? They got machines. Not a lot of horsepower, but there's some seriously tech gear there. Phil's numbers didn't change drastically while we were there, but I did notice some breathing and heart fluctuations while Rachel and I were talking with him. Nothing major, but enough for me to sense Phil was having some type of reaction to my voice or presence. For me, a non-medical person, it was encouraging to see the slight changes on the monitor.

The nurse told me, "Just speak to him as if he's a really good listener."

I told him a few of the basics of what went on at the Nats, and the latest from the forum, and that everything was being taken care of so he shouldn't worry at all. Even if I had a laptop (which I don't), I'm not sure they'd allow it in there with all the other machines they have running. It is the ICU after all. I'm going to re-read some of the threads tonight and refresh my memory for tomorrow.

Visiting hours were over, so we told Phil that I'd be back tomorrow afternoon and let him rest. On our way past the desk, I asked the nurse if she could turn on the TV for a little while. She said she'd watch a little with him. That made me feel a little better as we left.

Expect an update tomorrow PM.

NBT- feel free to call me anytime.

Kevan-You are an AWESOME man. Thank you for letting us all know how things are going. It has to be hard on you as well to see Phil this way. Thank You very much for all you are doing. God Bless you!:p
Thanks everyone. Visiting with Phil is a little tough, but I'm getting better at it.


I spent some time with Phil this afternoon. He's looking much better. The abrasions on the side of his face are now gone (only a little redness remains). The tubes have been removed from his mouth, which helps him look better as well.
He's still on a machine to help him breathe. Hopefully that will get removed soon.
I'm pretty sure he can hear me. His blood pressure fluctuated as I told different stories. Nothing major, but there were slight changes. He definitely likes hearing about the goings-on here on the forum.

-I told him about the pic of Boomer and Doneo under Doneo's truck, and how Bone took it as a photo op for a BlueBoy centerfold shot and posed "mounted" behind Boomer.
-I told him about Stinker's attempt to videotape any female chest or buttock area all weekend long.
-I told him about all the burnouts on Brice Rd. and in Heath. In detail. :)
-I said that Boomer had consented to a BBQ at his shop and that we hoped Phil could make the trip.
-I talked about how this thread has only been up for 2 days and it's already at 8 pages; post after post of people praying for him and wishing him well.

The nurses were cool and let me stay a little after 5PM, but I didn't want to press my luck (again). I told him that I'd be back either tomorrow or on Saturday, and that his mom would be there either tonight or on Friday. I went down the elevator, popped outside, and dialed Mrs. Smith. She said she was about 30 min. away from Columbus! Bonus night for Phil! I explained that I'd try to meet with her and the family on Friday or Saturday.

I'm hoping that they're pleasantly surprised to see Phil without all the abrasions on his face, the tubes out of his mouth, and that he's got the brain pressure monitor out. I think it's small stuff like that that will give folks hope and keep them going. As I said to Mrs. Smith, ANYTHING the family needs, ANYTIME, they can just call and consider it done.

I'll try and score Rachel's work laptop this weekend and cruise in there. Reading direct, with everyone's accent (LOL), should make for some good giggles. If I can organize it in time, I might set up a VTCOA chat for Sat. or Sunday when I'm at the hospital.

More updates over the weekend!
IndyCoder Update

Hey all,
Chip just got off the phone with Mom in Columbus with Phil. She said when the nurses woke him up late this afternoon, the nurse pinched Phil's arm and he turned his head towards the nurse and opened his eyes, like it made him mad and he looked up at her. A co-worker of Phil's was there visiting when the nurse was doing her assesment on Phil and when she spoke, Phil turned his head the other direction towards his co-worker. Very encouraging news, sounds like he is coming out of it more and realizing more when they wake him up. Mom said they did get the tracea and feeding tube put in him today, so that should help irritate him less when they do wake him up. Chip and I are going over there Saturday all day to visit and hope to come home with more good news, hopefully about when he can come back to Indy. Will keep all posted and THANK YOU Kevan for visiting with Phil and keeping us updated about your visits.

Chip and Lori thanks your the eyes and ears of the forum family....tell him we all miss him.....and thanks for all your effort..:)

Chip and Lori...thank you the information about your brother....we pray he will get better....positive thoughts only......please keep letting us know how he is doing and if you need anything just ask..

Kevan, thank you for keeping us updated on Phil's condition, you are a very kind and considerate person.

Tell Phil and his family my prayers are with them.
AWESOME NEWS Chip!!! Sounds like he is on his way out of this tragedy.
Kevan, Thank you for your updates and for going to see Phil and 'catch him up on us wierdos'. This is such great news I had to go and tell my wife and kids all about it.

You rock man...... I'm too old to say, "Yew rawk, dude......"

The updates are so reassuring to us all..... Keep it up...with all our thanks....

That's AWESOME news Lori & Chip!
I didn't see any physical reactions when I was there, but then again, I wasn't proding him. :)
I think once he gets off all the pain medication, he'll show us all more and more improvement.

Silent D said:
You rock man...... I'm too old to say, "Yew rawk, dude......"
The updates are so reassuring to us all..... Keep it up...with all our thanks....
From one fellow guitarist to another, thanks. Very few here know the difference between an EL-34 and a 6550. :D
All I can say is: :congrats:
Kevan you are doing an excellent job on keeping everyone informed. I wish I was alittle closer to be able to help out alittle. It must be a great feeling to see his BP respond to your stories..... Keep strong....
Lori and Chip:
I am only about an hour from I am MORE than happy to stop by and help with anything you need. Don't hesitate to call......bikertat
( At this point Kevan....after reading the thread aloud.......give him a big mooch on the lips from me....with or without tounge .... your choice)
This is just great news! I know everyone on here seems to be so close! I say prayers for him tonight! Get well soon friend

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