CAI on SRT10's must be made of gold

have you ever even been down the track in your truck???

have you ever sprayed the n20 in your truck???

have you ever done anything in your truck?????

are you ever gonna race your truck?????

have you ever pushed the accelerator down all the way in your truck????

have you ever done 160 mph in your truck????

have you ever pulled the wheels of the ground in your truck????

The ce in in 9 days so yes.
no reason to do 160.
no reason for that either.
Would you also like my weight, height and the color of my eyes.
That's the difference between you and I. I race for the fun of it, not to show i'm a man.
no... johnny walker black and crown royal black...

i really like crown black... i think it's my favorite at the moment... which is ironic since i don't like crown
By the way, sorry to the guy that made this thread because we F***** it up on you.
F that black ****. Its all about Johnny Walker Blue.

walker blue is a tricky liquor to judge, every year it is different. they will blend different notes, so year to year it will change. I have a bottle of 2010 here. you can try if you want to.